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Ice Melee - "Greater" Ice Sword

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On 7/7/2021 at 6:08 PM, Riverdusk said:

Which is why I'll only play ice melee on a stalker.   Bye bye GiS, hello assassin strike in its place.


Yes, GiS needs a bit of love.  Frozen fists also being terrible doesn't help either.  

I honestly dislike frozen fists more because for one you can't even skip it on tanks, but also cause you should be able to have a faster attack to fill chains, but hate both. Frozen fists in all version should CLEARLY be .83s frost punch like stone fist, energy punch etc.


As per GIS, I just wish they'd give its old ice sword slash faster animation and that would fix the problem better IMO.

Edited by WindDemon21
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