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Ice/Nin/??? Need some help deciding on a direction to go for my build!


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So I have been reading and reading and reading some more but cannot find any real answers, its old news as updates have changed things or everyone contradicts each other left and right LOL.


 First ice, I have the powers I want and like but am wondering is it worth slotting for slow? Holds? Or just go dps?


Ninjitsu, I have all of the powers, even blinding powder as I LOVE it (enter haters stage left...) and my thought process is cap melee defense with sets first (as I stealth in, blind the group and then nuke away) and then work on recharge?  Is this a good way to go? 


As for my epic pool I really want to use ninja tools for RP reasons (as my character resembles a certain fighting game ninja who uses cold blasts...) but am not adverse to using a diff set or patron pool and color them to fit the theme.


The only thing I do NOT want to do on the character is go haste, max recharge and spam 3 powers as I have done this before and it bores me to tears and I shelve the toon instantly.  I like having a bag of powers to pull from and keep it fresh and entertaining.  Prolly why ninjitsu (esp on sents!) scratches that itch and keeps my altitius in check!


And thoughts or rambling is welcome!



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5 hours ago, Kazyone said:

First ice, I have the powers I want and like but am wondering is it worth slotting for slow? Holds? Or just go dps?


The answer to this question unfortunately involves another question (OK several).  How much value is there for DPS to you?  Would you value the utility or the damage?  What kind of difficultly are you planning to play at because these choices will feel more severe the high up the scale you go.  


5 hours ago, Kazyone said:

Ninjitsu, I have all of the powers, even blinding powder as I LOVE it (enter haters stage left...) and my thought process is cap melee defense with sets first (as I stealth in, blind the group and then nuke away) and then work on recharge?  Is this a good way to go?


Blinding Powder is 'meh'.  It isn't nearly as powerful as you'd hope it was in this description.  I've used it for a bit, and I prefer it for the confuse effect.  This power can hold the purple confusion proc that infects others with confusion.  It's pretty nice for that, and the full 6 slot purple confuse set is actually really strong for its set bonuses.  


6 hours ago, Kazyone said:

As for my epic pool I really want to use ninja tools for RP reasons (as my character resembles a certain fighting game ninja who uses cold blasts...) but am not adverse to using a diff set or patron pool and color them to fit the theme.


Do what makes you feel happy.  Tashibishi can be slotted in a number of ways or not slotted at all (it can still be useful on just the default).  You may want to consider combining Tashibishi, slotted with slow sets or a partial set with some slow enhancement, and your ice AoE powers.  Enemies will try to escape, but they will do so slowly which can let you slash them in the back with the epic AoE.  The range is limited, a bit, but you're bound to catch some enemies.  


In other words, you're epic/patron pool choice does not matter that much given that what you're doing is building to a concept.  You do you.  Ninja Tools isn't terrible.  

The Ice Epic pool may be option. You get an AoE immobilize, to lock in enemies for your Ice Storm/Blizzard and I think it still has Ice Sword?  That should still fit the theme if I'm thinking of the same game with a certain cold ninja.


6 hours ago, Kazyone said:

The only thing I do NOT want to do on the character is go haste, max recharge and spam 3 powers as I have done this before and it bores me to tears and I shelve the toon instantly.  I like having a bag of powers to pull from and keep it fresh and entertaining.  Prolly why ninjitsu (esp on sents!) scratches that itch and keeps my altitius in check!


OK, then don't take Hasten.  No one is going to twist your arm to do that, but no one being honest is going to sit here and lie to you telling you there isn't a reason why Hasten is so valuable.  As long as you are aware and OK with the decision, then by all means do what you like.  

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Thanks for the input it is appriciated!  Of all my toons I counted and by FAR have more sents than any other.  And as I have made hundreds of characters over the years(have played off and on since beta) I really need a concept for a character to "click" with me.  Giving ninja tools an honest try for now but yes I agree epic ice would do justice to the concept as well!  And as for hasten, I have so many characters of all archtypes with it as well as tough and weave.  I wish there was another option for us that didn't require "every" character to pick these up.  But they always end up in my builds as I solo, group and do TFs on all and I find myself needing well rounded builds and not specilized ones like a fire farmer or such.  I will most likely bite the bullet and add hasten again, just want to make ONE character that doesn't have it.

Edited by Kazyone
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  • 1 month later

While the sentinel is one way to go in ur efforts to remake a certain ice ninja from a certain fighting game,..


another way to go is the DOMINATOR.,..ICE/MARTIAL/LEVIATHAN,..you will all the toys and tricks plus some martial arts attack.,,


just a thought.

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