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Step by step alpha slot guide?

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Guest JackRooks

Is there a step by step by step guide to making the enhancements for the alpha slot? All of the Incarnate guides I can find are either general overviews of the whole system, so filled with Jargon and assumptions of knowledge that they're unreadable by the average person, or so old they don't apply these days.


What components do I need and where do I get them?


Where do I go to craft them? A regular enhancement crafting table or..?


If I slot something but want to change it, how do I do that?





I’m really sorry about this, but i’m Sure you’ll get some actually useful advice before long. Until then...


Back on Live, I did an experiment to see how long it would take me to get a fresh 50 tanker to T4 through PUG Incarnate Trials. It took me seven days, and being a bit of a weirdo for rewriting song lyrics, it inspired this:


(With apologies to Rocky Horror fans)


In Just Seven Days


A Tanker, with just Alpha unlocked

Will get egg on his face

When kicked to the Hosp…

But soon in the BAF

With a determined taunt

He’ll learn about chokes

As he works for his dro-o-ops

And if he listens..

And then a sLAM and a Keyes

And repeat, as he sees

He’ll get threads, iXP

He’ll be a strong toon

Oh honey!



But the wrong toon

He’s un-shifted for MoM

And Marked by Maelstrom

Can’t do UG without crying

Repeatedly dying

Such an effort

If he only knew of my plan


In just seven days

I can make you IN-CA-AA-AR-NATE!


He’ll craft cantrips and gluons

Learn to macro for cut-scene bombs

Thinks rewards prove trials

Must be hard work

Such epic protesting

Those trials left me bored


When in just seven days

Oh, baby

I can make you T-FO-O-O-OURED!




But a Lore Pet or a Rebirth

A hot Judgement on some warworks

Makes me – Ooh – shake

Makes me wanna take root in

Freedom Pocket D




In just seven days

Oh baby

I can make you PLUS THREE-EE-EE-EE!


I don’t want no dissension

Just take me to that Praetorian dimension

For all the whistles and bells




In just seven days

I can make you OWN THE WE-E-E-ELL!!!

Dig it if you can




In just seven days

I can make you THE MAN!







  On 6/2/2019 at 2:43 PM, JackRooks said:

Is there a step by step by step guide to making the enhancements for the alpha slot? All of the Incarnate guides I can find are either general overviews of the whole system, so filled with Jargon and assumptions of knowledge that they're unreadable by the average person, or so old they don't apply these days.


What components do I need and where do I get them?


Where do I go to craft them? A regular enhancement crafting table or..?


If I slot something but want to change it, how do I do that?




The precise components you need depends on what you want to craft.


For Alpha there are two flavors you can go for crafting: Shard flavored and Thread flavored. Thread is easier, but you'll still get Shards and can only really use those for your alpha slot. I go to Tier 3 with threads, then slow roll up with shards to get T4 usually. YMMV.


When you select any Alpha you wish to build, it will show you what components you need to make it with Shards, and then you can scroll down and it will show you Threads ingredients instead.


Incarnate Threads and Incarnate Shards, both of which can be used to craft the components you need to make your Alpha power drop randomly once you're level 50. You also gain 120 Incarnate threads at Veteran Levels 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, and 11.


If you are going with the Thread method:

Common Incarnate salvage costs 20 threads to make

Uncommon takes 60

Rare and Very rare, you are better off converting from Empyrean merits or getting from Incarnate content.

You can craft a Rare incarnate component with, IIRC, 1 of each type of Uncommon incarnate salvage OR 8 Empyrean Merits.

I do not recall the numbers for Very Rare off the top of my head, I think it's like 20 Empyrean merits though.


From Incarnate trials and arcs (in Dark Astoria) you can get Rare and Very Rare incarnate salvage drops.


It's also worth mentioning aat every 3rd Veteran Level up to 99 you get a Empyrean merits 3-24 each grant 20, 27 grants 15. I don't recall the other cutoff points, but it eventually drops off to 5. It is worth noting that without ANY other Incarnate components, not even random thread drops, you can get all 6 Incarnate powers to T4 by Veteran Level 50.


For the Shard method:

Commons and Uncommons are pretty easy to craft. Commons require 4 Shards, Uncommons require 8 shards and a Common.

Rares require 6 shards and one of each uncommon.

Very rares require 32 shards and 2 rares.


Commons can also be picked up as an end reward for certain high level TFs if you're level 50 (I don't recall all the TFs off the top, unfortunately)

Rares are also awarded once a week, per character, for completely the weekly Strike Target if you're level 50.


As for actually crafting, it works the same whether you go Thread or Shard.

Open your Incarnate window, and select the Create tab. Click the Alpha drop down and go to your Alpha of choice. Click the Alpha you want to craft, and see what components you need for it. Remember, the first half of the recipes all show for Shards, you have to scroll down if you're using threads. Either way, remember what you need to craft- like regular crafting recipes, if the ingredient is in white you already have it, red you need it.


Now, click the 'convert' tab. Click the drop down for Threads or Shards, depending on which you're doing, go to the rarity of salvage you need. T1 Alpha is all commons, T2 Alpha is 1 uncommon and 2 commons and your T1 Alpha, T3 is 1 rare, 2 uncommons and your T2 alpha. T4 is a little different depending on if you're using threads or shards, but by the time you get there you will have made 6 total T1-3s so you'll have the hang of it.


Click the salvage you need, and, if you have enough shards/threads it will give you the option to create it. Do that two more times.


Go back to the Create tab and to the Alpha you wanted to craft, click that alpha and now you should see your recipe as craftable. Again, if you're using threads, you'll need to scroll down a bit. Craft it!


Next, go back to the Equip page, click your Alpha slot, you'll see a list pop up with all the Alpha's you've crafted (just one at this point), double click it to equip. If you change your mind and want a different one later, repeat the above steps, and just double click the new one. Best part is, the old one sticks around, so you can switch back if you need to.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

Guest JackRooks




Also, whay is the weekly Strike Target or how do I find out what it is?


  On 6/2/2019 at 4:34 PM, JackRooks said:
Also, whay is the weekly Strike Target or how do I find out what it is?

The WST is a task force that will once a week give bonus rewards. All characters get double merits and additionally incarnates get a Notice of the Well while non incarnates get a large chunk of bonus XP (about half a level).


There are two ways to find it out. First if you check the guides forum Leandro has put up a list of the WSTs for each week. Secondly if you go to the LFG tab in game the current WST will be highlighted in purple.

Defender Smash!

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