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Some of you who were on Live around 2007-2009 may recall a series of audio comedy skits I did on YouTube called Stan and Lou, featuring two low-level mooks trying to get by in Paragon City. You'll also recall that I stopped making them (and stopped playing COH) due to a number of colliding life events: marriage, school, moving, buying a house, and many other things.


Now that COH: Homecoming is out, in the words of John Wick, yeah: I'm thinking I'm back.


For those of you who never heard of Stan and Lou, here's a link to Episode 1: Outbreak. If there is enough interest, we can post one new video link a week, or something similar. Or you can just watch them all at once. Or not at all. You got options, is what I'm saying.



And for those of you who have been waiting patiently for new content, here it is: Stan and Lou #32: Sharkhead Isle. If you've never listened to these tracks before, you may feel like you're missing something, so I recommend starting at the beginning.



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The original @Hertz, creator of the Stan and Lou audio series on YouTube. Player of City of Heroes for yonks.1


1A yonk is a very long time.

  • 7 months later

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