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Two Defenders Max Damage attempt


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One Cold/Sonic/Soul Defender, and one Kinetics/Sonic/Soul Defender 

A combination attempting some version of Defender max damage via -
1. The maximum damage buffs and
2. Maximum debuffs to enemy resistance to damage

Doing a Master of ITF, at max notoriety settings - +4 x 8...

UNDER 60 minutes.
Inspirations, temp powers
are disabled, and no deaths are allowed.


Edited by Voltak
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Kin + Cold = LOL! 


Kin caps +damage while cold and sonics floor -resist ~= 9x damage, and since there are two of you, that's ~18x, more than double the 'average' team's offense.  The only way you can push damage higher would be run heavy Proc_Builds and Hybrid_Assault_Radial bypassing the damage caps.  At least one of you should run Degen, if not both, as -res will already be taking a beating.  That might push you into "triple the 'average' team's offense", maybe higher.  The whole idea is just pure "Ouch!".

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AE 801 (link) is a variety of missions for fun and challenge, and is designed for a team of 5+ Incarnates.  Just search '801' in AE.

     801 Difficulty Varies: 801.0 Easy, ..., 801.2 Standard*, ..., 801.5 Moderate**, ..., 801.6 Hard***, ..., 801.7 Four Star****, ... 801.F Death.

I may be AFK IRL, But CoH is my Forever Home.

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24 minutes ago, Linea said:

Kin + Cold = LOL! 


Kin caps +damage while cold and sonics floor -resist ~= 9x damage, and since there are two of you, that's ~18x, more than double the 'average' team's offense.  The only way you can push damage higher would be run heavy Proc_Builds and Hybrid_Assault_Radial bypassing the damage caps.  At least one of you should run Degen, if not both, as -res will already be taking a beating.  That might push you into "triple the 'average' team's offense", maybe higher.  The whole idea is just pure "Ouch!".

You know, we had the option for Assault Radial, for some reason we picked hybrid support for the cushion defense buff (foreseeing the dreaded defense debuffs in the iTF)  and for the TO hit buffs. 
We both ran Degen. 

Assault radial would definitely be an improvement here.  
I should add that immediately. 

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