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Blaster Secondary - Ninja Training - Weapon Draw


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While drawing and using the sword in Ninja Training appears fine on your screen, to other people however, they cannot see the sword.


To clarify, they can see the sword for a brief moment DURING the attacks animation correctly but they will not see the user holding the sword before or after the attack.


I would suspect its something to do with no draw.

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  • 3 months later

There's another related bug with this now.  While the beam rifle works correctly, the animations for Sting of the Wasp, The Lotus Drops, and Golden Dragonfly all don't consistently fire off.  Although the damage effects are given, your character just stands there with its weapon drawn but not swung.


As shown on a scrapper in the character creator, the katana set shows your toon first drawing the blade, then performing the attack.


However, on blasters, in the Ninja Training secondary only the attack is performed, and the draw animation appears to be missing.


Adding the draw animation back in (at least as an option) would probably resolve the visual glitch that occurs while playing outside the creator.  As often as one swaps back and forth between each weapon, the broken animations become extremely distracting and I'd really appreciate someone looking into the matter.



Edited by LondonRook
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