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Savage Leap possible bug


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I'll be honest I don't know if this is a bug or WAI. I took my Stone/Savage melee tank into a x8 carnie mish and noticed something which may have been the case before this issue went live and I have just never noticed it: When I used Savage Leap against a Master Illusionist that had just phased nothing happened. The timer started on the power as if it had gone off but no leap occurred. As they were in the middle of a crowd I didn't notice straight away they had phased but once I did I tried it again and the same thing happened. I then tried going into melee range and firing it off, the same, no leap and no damage to any of the non phased enemies surrounding the MI and my tank.


What I would have expected to happen was the leap to occur but no damage to the MI, just to the non phased mobs around them, however I don't know if that is actually what is meant to happen or not. Logically you would think that's how it should work, but as we all know not all the powers do work logically!


Another odd thing that happened, same mission, was once I remembered I still had to change IOs on my tank, as I had only done it to the copied version on test when I went to test out the stone/* changes, I left the mission and bought a few IOs from the /AH, then went to my base to pick up a few others, when I came back to the mission it had reset. I hadn't logged off, switched alt or anything like that, so I was rather confused. Normally a missions progress is only lost when you log off as far as I was aware. Or at least as far as I have noticed before. Is there a mission reset timer when you are out of the mission or something?

Bopper: "resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs"

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A mission is also reset if u switch to a different mission (at least u didnt say something like that), i remembering somewhat of live that they will reset after a certain time outside but its high like around 30 minutes, but with evrything u doing u could have met that treshhold.

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23 minutes ago, SuggestorK said:

A mission is also reset if u switch to a different mission (at least u didnt say something like that), i remembering somewhat of live that they will reset after a certain time outside but its high like around 30 minutes, but with evrything u doing u could have met that treshhold.

You are right that selecting another mission would reset it, but that definitely wasn't what happened in this case as that alt only has the one mission available to pick from.

Bopper: "resistance resists resistible resistance debuffs"

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