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Welcome to farming!  Well, that greeting right there is about as exciting as farming will ever be.  Let's face it, we don’t farm because it's fun or stimulating.  The purpose of this guide is to get into the details that I wasn’t able to find on the forums about farming itself.  After two months of delving into this part of the game, I wanted to write something from the perspective of a returning player and those who are fresh into farming.  So I'm going to try to lead you step by step on your way.  The reason I got into farming was to fund the builds for characters I had wanted to remake from when the game was running a decade ago. You quickly find out that you need the proper resources to do that, or if you want to experiment and try something out.


First thing's first: I am going to assume you know about IO sets and how they work. If you do not, then check out this guide on those.  It’s a good read, but very informative if you are looking for ideas on some of the most used sets and their combinations. 


Now, you really really really really should get Mid’s Reborn.  This program lets you view other builds online while also allowing you to easily go and buy, or craft, those sets for yourself with which to make your character.  I don’t know why people resist getting this so much.  I will ask people if they have it and the majority of casual players will answer in the negative, giving some excuse like “I am super good at math and do all my calculation on paper.”  Ask them later for help with a good health slotting combo using a specific franken-mish mash of +regen +recover procs and they say “I didn’t even know that was a possible combination”.  Using Mid’s you can quickly switch between the two and see on a bar graph what pros and cons there are… instantly.


Okay, let the walk-through begin!

Step 1.  What Build Is Good for Farming? 

Step 2: Deciding on A Character Type

Step 3: Getting Started with Leveling

Step 4: Setting Up the Power Trays

Step 5: Slotting Your Enhancements

Step 6: Prepping to farm for the first time. (You can skip this step)

Step 7: To Macro or Not to Macro? (optional)

Step 8: Choosing the Farming Mission

Step 9: Your First Farming Run

Step 10: Your Next Farming Run

Step 11: Recipes and Crafting

Step 12: Graduating to the Cheap Set build off the Forums

Step 13: The Incarnate System

Step 14: Macro Time!


Step 1.  What Build Is Good for Farming? 

Right back to the forums we go!  This link here takes you to the most viewed topic on it.  To top it off it likewise is a guide, and I am going to be honest here - this went right over my head.


The info is good to know, but I only managed to understand it now that I have been farming for a month straight.  I can not tell you what kind of farmer to pick. I can just tell you that your secondary is going to be /fire, and it will be a Brute.  I went with Rad/Fire for two reasons.  1) It was listed as the highest earner in the stack; and 2) I like Radiation in general (though Spines seems to be the most popular). Speaking from experience though, I get nowhere near those numbers when it comes to Influence per hour nor those times listed.  Also, the guy that made that post was running in Hard Core Mode in order to prove a point.  That point is that you don’t normally go into your farm procedure pedal to the metal, for it is rather monotonous.  Consequently, I have a second monitor up with something running in the background, like YouTube, with my third monitor having Discord up so that I can chat with my friends while I farm.  Truly, a well-built Farming character could be run by a monkey… as long as that monkey knows where to stand on a map. Still, it is important to think about how you want to use this farmer.   Not only are these characters used to get recipe drops and influence, but they can PL others rather quickly.

Now this is where my guide gets specific.  I shall be using my Rad/Fire Brute, the one that comes off the Farming Fresh guide, as the example for this walk-through:

If you have no plans on making an Alt and power leveling that Alt, then it is a no-brainer to keep your Farmer on the same account. But if you decide you want an Alt so that you can use it to make new characters, in order to build them up, then you will want to make a second account.  There are rules on Homecoming for running multiple accounts.  You can have a maximum of three online, and then only during times that the shard you are playing on doesn’t go over 1000.  It is your responsibility to know the population at all times.  If you get caught with more than one account online while the population is over that limit you end up with a warning. But if you get caught again, then you will end up getting banned.


Step 2: Deciding on A Character Type

People use tanks, people use scrappers. But, by far, the most used and most effective Fire Farmers are Brutes.  They have great staying power and good damage, which is a decent balance for what we want to do.  For our purposes we really want a specialized build, even if it may be tempting to create a generalized character that can do anything. There may be those unicorns out there that are pretty decent at it, but I’m not trying to prove a point here. I want influence so I can go build the other characters that I do like playing!  Based on the numbers Radiation/Fire is the best, but grab something on that list that looks fun to you if you don't agree.

On the forum post for the build you want, you can download the Mid’s builds so you know how to build this thing. Farmers and Brutes were new to me for I didn’t play City of Villains when that side first came out, so I was poking around in the dark as to how I needed to build a Fire Farmer.  There are two builds you can get listed on that farming guide link for a rad/fire.  The super-optimized one, or the old one.  I went with the old one.  When I opened that sucker up I almost had a heart attack when I saw how much Influence that thing was going to need.  Consequently, I found a cheaper build of it listed further down in that same thread.  It's made by Giocondi and you can get it here.


This cost me just shy of 300 million on the market to slot up. So, it is either that or the one for 1.4 billion – the choice is yours. I mean, sure, you can get this cheaper by putting your bids in for cheaper and then waiting days or a week to land an IO.  Good luck with that. I chose this cheaper build because it does not require me to re-spec into the more expensive build.  All I would need to do is slot in the new enhancements into the powers as I got them.



Step 3: Getting Started with Leveling

Okay so you have built a Rad/Fire Brute and he is level 1 or 2 sitting on whatever faction you prefer.  I stick to the Hero side (blue), but you may want to stick to the Villain side (red) for this as it needs the villain patron powers for this build.  How you ultimately wish to go about leveling the character is up to you. I built a farmer to make money, so I grabbed some random Power-Level (PL) advertisement in the Looking For Group (LFG) channel after picking up the double XP booster for free from the P2W vendor. If you wish to run content and enjoy the storylines then you're doing it the long way. See you in a few weeks or a month...

My Personal Experience


After three hours on a farm run I was fat and happy at level 50, having been leveled up straight from Level 1.  Now for the next problem. Leveling this character up at the trainer.

You see, the brilliant jack hats decided that if you wanted the Villain side epic pool powers, you were going to have to run a mission arc to get them on the Red side.  So, if you are Blue side, we need to talk to Null the Gull in Pocket D to become a villain.  If you started Red side, great, you are good to go.  For those on the Blue side… if you don’t know how to get around as a villain, I feel your pain.  Here I am, only able to level to 40 because I need to get my patron arc out of the way so I can slot the next power in, and I have no way to kill junk on my own. I didn't even have the influence to buy 10 normal IOs.  I had only 2 million in the bank (which was a lot for me back then), and to make things worse I didn't know how to get around as a Villain for I didn't have a Supergroup base set up yet with portals.

I ask around for help in the Looking for Help channel and get directions to where to start the mission.  Yay!  I get my sorry butt to the Mission giver and follow the arrows to read the plaques. Then am told to go talk to the patron that I have chosen.  That took me two hours to find where these jack hats were hidden.  I want the Mu Powers, so I decide on Scirocco and I’m off to fight that battle.  Yeah, no, I’m not.  I fight the first group and I’m face planted.  I then adjust my difficulty to -1x1 and reset the mission. Face planted again off the first group.  Time to ask for help from someone who is willing to help me out.  Took me about two hours to find someone to do it for me while I’m door sitting while the kind soul is doing the missions for me.

With that story arc out of the way (which was about an hour long) I went back to the Blue side and continued my leveling.  I leveled my character using the cheap build as a guide for what powers are needed and what slotting counts are needed.  Now I need to start working on getting enhancements that will carry me through until I can get built with the proper IO sets.  A day goes by and I see an advertisement for a farm mission and I jump onto that with this new character and I door sit.  3 hours later, I am 25 mil richer.  That is the fastest I have ever seen money roll in up to that point.  Now I spend every last dime of that just getting set up with basic IO’s, not the sets.

TLDR Version

1: Once level 50, level your character to level 40 at the trainer.  You can’t go higher as you need to unlock the patron powers from the Villain side.

2: Go to Pocket D, if you are not already there and are a hero. 

3: Talk with Null the Gull, which is a seagull on top of a truck on the red side of Pocket D, and ask him what he can do.  Then ask him to change your alignment.  Ask to be a Villain.

4: Now that you're on the Villain side you can go and do one of the patron arcs. I can’t tell you which one is easiest, because I couldn’t even do it myself. I had to have someone do it for me while I door sat.  I hear Scorpion is the easiest to do, as it is Cray and Malta opponents.

5: You need about 25 million in the bank if you plan to buy the basic level IOs. Time to find a farm team to sit in on if you can, otherwise hope that your main character can run content.  If you must, you can start with SO’s which will be around 4 million to get started.


Step 4: Setting Up the Power Trays

(You can skip this step if you want)

This is a very personal thing that people will fight over.  I will walk you through how I set up mine.

First, you will see one power tray showing that will be full. This will be showing the Number 1.  Press the right alt button twice.  This will give you two more rows.  On the second row, click on the arrow to the right of 1 to make it say 2.  On the third row, click on the arrow right of 1 to make it say 3.  I put all nine of my defensive toggles on to tray three and also put Vengeance here on the right.  When you are going into a mission all 9 of those toggles will be on anyways.  Personally, I do not care for a cluttered HUD so I will press right alt two more times to only show tray one and two.  If I need access to Number 3, I press left control and then select what I need.  I know what you are thinking, “There is so much empty space in Tray 1 and 2.” You are correct. This will be used for when we go the Incarnate level stuff.  In due time we will get there, just not right now.

On Tray 1 you will have the primary attack powers and then travel stuff.  The must-haves are 1 2 3 4 and 5.  We have a four-attack rotation.  In the fifth slot I put Haste.  So your attack rotation should be in this order.

1 Ball Lightning,

2 Burn,

3 Electrified Fence,

4 Atom Smash, repeat. 

If you are not a Rad/Fire then refer back to the link given for the Fire Farm Guide and go to the “Work those hips!” Spoiler section for other build rotations.


Step 5: Slotting Your Enhancements

Not the best option, but if you are just starting out with no financial support this is the only option you have.  Running the mission with no Enhancements is a very bad idea, you have been warned.

You are going to want to slot your Defensive powers with Resist, depending on the power.  I would say 3 Defense/3 Endurance Reduction.

For your attack powers I would recommend generally 2 Damage/2 Accuracy/1 Recharge/1 Endurance Reduction.  Until you get your Incarnate stuff slotted, this is going to be an Endurance-intensive build.

Do not worry about slotting Fusion and Proton Sweep with basic Enhancements, they are not a part of the attack rotation and are here for set mules with the cheap and expensive build.  That saves you about 3.5 million influences off the 25 million to get started if you insist on going the Invention Origin Route.  What I recommend instead is to go Single Origin level 50s.  If you know what attuning is, don’t do it with your IO’s since this is a specialized build and it will not be doing lower-level content.  If you do not know what attuning is, GREAT, we will get to that much later down the road.

Total Price using SO’s = 4,252,836

Total Price using IO’s = 25,000,000

Damage = 14 840,000

Accuracy = 18 1,057,536

Recharge Reduction = 15 837,000

Endurance Reduction = 12 669,900

Resist Damage = 9 356,400

Endurance Modification = 4 192,000

Healing/Absorb =5 300,000

There will be some stuff open still, as I didn’t slot Fusion- or Proton Sweep and others that are not needed to farm.


Step 6: Prepping to farm for the first time. (You can skip this step)

Okay, the hard part is out of the way.  You are now slotted full of enhancements and we are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to get started.

First, let us go to the P2W vendor.  The two I use are: the one in Pocket D, or the one in Atlas Park under the big guy.  Select Inspiration drops, select disable, and now buy Reject Protection Inspirations.  Also buy Reject Resurrect Inspirations.  We are doing specialized fire farms; the enemies will not have mez attacks.  And if you do die, you just go back to the hospital and start over.  You only ever die for two reasons: 1)You are just starting out; or 2) You forgot to check the endurance meter.

Next up, if you feel like it for convenience's sake, let us put our Influence on screen in the HUD so we can track it.  Click on Powers -> Combat Attributes.  This will open a window up.  In that window click on +base, in that drop down scroll down to Influence.  Right click it and check the Monitor Influence option.  You can turn this off if you wish as well.  Poke around this screen and add whatever you want.  I add Damage Bonus and Fire Resistance for my own tracking reasons.  You can move this new window around to wherever you want it.

Now lets set our mission difficulty.  You can go to one of the Field Agents to do this, or you can do it the faster way.  Using your mouse, look at your chat box, on the bottom right-hand part there is a chat bubble icon.  Left click that, hover over “Set Notoriety” and then Select Adjust Level to -1.  Now set the team size to x8.  This will spawn in groups intended for a team of eight, even when you are solo.  The mobs will also be one level below you.  With this Rad/Fire Brute, we need groups around us in order for us to feed off Endurance and Health.  Don’t let your pride get in the way here.  We are still learning how to do this remember?

Step 7: To Macro or Not to Macro? (optional)

Macroing can be used for many things, but for being a farmer your Macro settings are used regarding your Inspirations being converted into damage boosters. They are then used without you having to do addition key strokes or using the mouse.  As to using it, this is a decision you will want to make for yourself. There are arguments on both sides of the house here.  Do I macro? Yes, I do. I just wouldn’t do it this early in your learning stage.  When I first started farming, macroing was just another thing I just wasn’t ready for, so I skipped it.  Once I got to my limits when I was fully incarnated, and using the cheap IO set build, I went to using the macros. If you look at my times, it ended up changing the game in regards for farming for me.  Here is an admission from me, as I am writing this guide now - I created a clone for my Fire Farmer, because I switched to a whole new build instead of what is on the forums.  To save money on making a chaser I created the clone so I could just transfer the IO’s to that character.  In essence a free-farming chaser. 

What I was quickly reminded of, and had forgotten about because the Ageless Incarnate ability fixes all those issues, is that this Rad/Fire Brute is lacking in the ability to maintain Endurance and Health.  I needed the green and blue candy to keep up during the mission.  The bind eats the Inspiration slots up so fast that when you are ready to pop a blue or green candy it isn’t there, and you spend a lot of time going back to the hospital.  I could have modified the Macro, but I wanted to keep the numbers here as close as what to can be expected as possible.

We will come back to the Macro in a later step though.


Step 8: Choosing The Farming Mission

We are going to be using AE for our farming.  I will assume you know how to work AE.  As for the mission you want, choose what you want.  What I did though was use Cultivated Darkness’ mission maps.  He has four of them, and doing a search for   Cult’s    will list four missions. Big City, Tunnel, cave, cave with roamers.  Each map has its uses and I will explain them here.

Big City: This is a large map that takes me about 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete on my fully outfitted cheapo build, but with all T4 Incarnate stuff when solo.  You use this map primarily if you have multiple farmers working together.  You would normally put two farmers together helping each other, or you can go your separate ways.  Works really well when you have a team full of farmers.  Also used for Power-leveling if you have enough farmers.

Cave (no roamers): Used for Power-leveling players who are door sitting.  The large size allows the door sitter to be AFK (as they usually tend to do).  That way you can have a good amount of time farming while getting them the levels they want, and not having to worry about jumping into a new mission and them being AFK and not coming in to the next mission.

Cave with Roamers: You AFK farm.  Go to a cave cross-section, then you go shopping.  Come home and most roamers should be dead.

Tunnel: A short mission that's about 8 to 15 minutes long.  Best pay-out for your time, especially when done back-to-back.  Excellent for solo farming. This is three missions long; nice and short.  I would say an average of about 30 minutes long.  Once you are rocking, +4x8 you will see 5.5 million per run.  So 16.5 million in 30 minutes.  The timer on the mission is only there for you to gauge your progress in time, but it's an hour in length. If you run out of time it will be a considered a failure, but there is more than enough time to do it so this should not happen.

I had used other missions before this set for a while and they were all ho-hum.  I met Cultivated Darkness by chance and he took me under his wing.  His missions are specifically designed to pay out the most in the shortest amount of time.  The enemies are made small so the hit boxes are smaller, which allows more baddies to get closer to you.  This in turn allows you to AoE them faster.  They have super-far perception, making it so they come to you instead of you having you to go to them.  As a farmer you want as many baddies on you as you can, all the time.  The damage his mobs do are pure fire, so no other resistances or defenses are needed which works out perfectly for a Fire Brute.  They do one ranged attack and then are forced into melee, guaranteeing their quick demise as they get close.

The mission I choose since I am solo most of the times is the tunnel, and all times given after this point are using my Rad/Fire on this mission.  The times are an average of three missions run.  As I wanted to be about as real as it gets.  This would include answering questions in chat, looking to the other monitor on what YouTube is doing.  Stuff like that.  This is not a lazy run, but it is not a hyper focused run either.  It’s a good attempt though.

13 1.3 million -1x8  1 Hour average 6 million.  SO used.

10 1.8 million +0x8   1 hour average 10.8 million IO’s Used.

15 2.4 million +1x8   1 hour average 12.8 million IO’s used.


8 1.8 million +0x8   1 hour average 13.5 million Cheap Set Build Used.

8.5 2.4 million +1x8   1 hour average 17 million Cheap Set Build Used.

9 3.2 million +2x8   1 hour average 21.3 million Cheap Set Build Used.

10.5 4.2 million +3x8   1 hour average 24 million Cheap Set Build Used.

13.5 5.5 million +4x8   1 hour average  24.4 million Cheap Set Build Used.


11 5.5 million +4x8 1 hour average 30 million Cheap Set Build+Incarnate Used.

9 5.5 million +4x8 1 hour average 36.7 million Cheap Set Build+Incarnate+macro Used.



Step 9: Your First Farming Run

We are finally ready for our first farming run!  Your difficulty is set to -1x8 and we have the Tunnel farm loaded.  Let’s do this!  Well… you may want some strategies to try out instead of just running right in there.  Unlike my sorry butt, I had to do it the hard way with no advice whatsoever. For this first run you shouldn't expect much.  I face planted a number of times here until I learned the rhythm of the build.

For this first run do what you can to only aggro one group at a time.  This isn’t the best farming idea, but it will allow you to get a feel for the pace of using your powers.  Do a full run using this strategy only pulling one group at a time.  The mobs here have a far-seeing range, so there is a possibility that you can  get more than one group sometimes.  Your Absorb Health and Absorb Stamina powers will take forever and a day to recharge, so do one group then immediately rest to get your stamina back up.  Don’t turn off Rest until you are ready to move again. Trust me, your 9 toggles will end up bleeding you dry of Endurance within thirty seconds of just standing there.

Now let’s get the attention of the first group.  While they run up to you, and start to surround you, fire off both of your build up powers and then hit Hasten.  Follow this up by spamming that cany jar.  Don’t worry about picking anything, just use the stuff up.  Now do your attack combo of 1-2-3-4.  Remember to keep using the candy, for as you kill the enemies they will drop Inspirations.  You get about 8 of the things per group you kill, so don’t be in the habit of hoarding stuff.  Just know that you will be sucking blues and greens out of it manually as your absorption powers take way too long to recharge to keep you alive.  You will want to watch your Health and Stamina, too!  I normally would let it get down to ¼ before using one of the absorb powers.  Don’t use the absorb unless you have a lot of enemies around you!  The more enemies you got, the more you heal or get endurance.  It is a one-time shot thing.  I normally would hit one group, then run to the next, hit the absorb power when surrounded, and then start my attack chain all over again.


Step 10: Your Next Farming Run

Okay, you should now have had enough time to figure out the pace at which you will be operating.  Let’s not stick with that as it will teach you bad habits.  We are going to switch to the strategy you will be using for the rest of your farming cycles now.  As you continue farming, the key is to get as many critters around you as possible.  This mission is excellent for that.  You will see that the groups are mostly bunched up in squares, so aim for the center of four groups.  You will only pull about 10 critters onto you out of the 40 around you, but that is okay.  As one dies, another one will run in.  This is what we want.  Using the same attack rotation as before, do your attack, get your health and stamina, and just keep mowing through them.  If you need to rest then do so, but once you have done this a couple of times you won’t need to stop to rest at all. 

After you have farmed this mission a good number of times, you ought to be sitting on about 25 million.  Go get yourself those Basic Level 50 IO’s now. You can go out and buy them, or craft them as you pick them up during your farming runs.  This in turn will allow us to push the difficulty level up.  I was able to do +1x8 before it became too challenging for me.  The issue is that it took too much time at this point. Consequently, I found +0x8 to be the sweet spot for now.  I would then bump up to +3x8 with a fully slotted cheap IO Set build used off the forums.  You are going to be doing this a good number of times, and - just so you know - this is the peak of your skill.  Once you graduate to Incarnate, this becomes a gravy train in ease.  Remember, the times I gave earlier are all specific to the rad/fire brute I am using as it is specialized to do this kind of farm.  There are recommendations in the Farm Fresh thread for difficulties for good reason there.


Step 11: Recipes and Crafting

Okay at this point you should be standing there bursting at the seams with recipes and salvage.  You could farm a bazillion times to save up the money of about 300 million to buy your cheap set.  OR you could start crafting what you need now.  Crafting is a whole different animal, but it is now time for you to look into it.  If you have been doing this step by step, you should have had a few days of farming in by now and have a handhold of what you are doing.  Time to learn something new! I will not go too much into detail of how this system works, as there are guides for it.  But I will say that you should be selling all the white level stuff.  I would even say sell the yellow stuff, until you get more experience using the market and seeing prices on what sells for what.  What I use as a rule of thumb is this:  If I can’t sell it for 2 million then it is not worth my time, because it will cost me about a million to buy the ingredients for the recipe if I don't already have them.  Keep in mind that you can convert stuff. Learn how to do this!  Buy your converters off the market.  The average price is about 75,000 each.  So, using rough numbers, about a million for 10.  Don’t use more then 12 converters to get your enhancements converted, as at that point you spend 1 million for conversion, and 1 million for the recipe.  If you are selling something for 2 million there is no profit there.  What you will want to craft though are things like Luck of the Gambler.  Craft them, convert stuff to what you need, and there you go, you just saved five to eight million right there per enhancement for that set.

I highly recommend you get your LotG sets slotted in first.  This will get your powers to recharge faster, which is the key point of this build.

A link to a crafting and converting guide.



Step 12: Graduating to the Cheap Set build off the Forums

At this point, we should now be fully decked out with our IO set build.  You will notice that you are still having Endurance issues with Health only being an issue if you let your Endurance run out.  You will have your groove at this point and will know the timing of your character's powers.  This is it! Depending on how fast you did this, you may be around vet level 25ish now.  This will lead us right into the Incarnate system.  During this grind we are saving our influence to buy the expensive build while also crafting the enhancements to be sold or used for our expensive build. 



Step 13: The Incarnate System

Okay we have done enough grinding. We have now become comfortable with what we are doing. Time to learn something new!  This next step though is a big one, for once we are fully slotted with Incarnate stuff we are on easy street.  No more Health or Endurance issues again.  You should be able to finish everything by Veteran Level 75, but can start much sooner then this.

In this order, we will make the following Incarnate levels:

Alpha t3 Left Side, right side; Musculature Partial Core Revamp. (It was explained to me that the t4 stuff is bugged so don’t bother with it since we want the debuff)

Destiny t4 Left side; Ageless Core Epiphany (this fixes your endurance and health issues)

Lore t4 Right side; Banished Pantheon Radial Superior Ally (This gives you a pet that wont die for 5 minutes, which buffs you and debuffs the enemy while doing a very small amount of DoT as well.)  This one requires a bit more micro-management as you move to the next group, as you want to set it to heal so it comes right up to you.  Then you can set it to attack again.  What this does is bring more critters up on you, and stuff dies faster.

Hydrid t4 Right Side; Assault Radial Embodiment. (You have a high chance to do double damage to a critter)

Interface t4 Left Side; Reactive Core Flawless Interface. (This will debuff the damage resistance of the critters around you, having them die much faster)

Judgment t4 Left side; Ion Core Final Judgment. (Use it on a group once they get all up, close & personal on you, because you can hit up to 40 targets for really good damage)


Step 14: Macro Time!

There are a number of Macros on the forums to use.  I will tell you which one I use but I can’t make this choice for you.  There is also a Macro posted on Cult’s city map in the clue section that he swears by.  I used the one off the Fresh Farming for Fires guide that I linked to earlier in this guide.  Once again that link is here.


What this bind does, is take all the candy you get and turns them into reds, and then uses them so that your damage output stays capped at 600%.  More damage means you do the missions faster.  Faster missions mean more money faster.  Time is always important.  Do a mission in 15 minutes, and make 5 million, do it four times so it takes an hour and that is 20 million in your pocket.  Do the same mission in 10 minutes, so now you can do it 6 times in an hour and that is 30 million in your pocket.

Edited by Synyen
  • Thanks 3
  • Confused 1
  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

Synyen, just want to say thank for posting this. Everyone had been saying just read rhe forums and the fresh farmer one was a big read.


Having come back in a similar way to you, I left about a year after cov, I figured I would need a former fortunately I'd chosen a spines fire brute because I liked the combo so thumbs up it was going to work 


This guide gets straight to the point which I my style of guide 🙂


I'll be buying my cheap build today I hope some very kind people have given me inf so I'm hoping I'll get to put things into action .


One question, I didnt switch to villain at 40 I'm assuming I can do this at 50 then respec? 


Thanks again! 

Edited by cravgar

Villain isn't needed if you do not have the the patron power sets that can only be obtained villain side, needed for your build.  I wrote this up as if using the recommended rad/fire posted on the fresh farming forum topic.  You can do a respec at 50 if you need to, if you don't need the villain powers, don't waste your time with them.  Basically all you are doing is unlocking them if you run those mission villain side.

  • 2 weeks later
On 12/2/2021 at 2:25 AM, Synyen said:

Alpha t3 Left Side, right side; Musculature Partial Core Revamp. (It was explained to me that the t4 stuff is bugged so don’t bother with it since we want the debuff)


Can you please clarify which bug you are referring to? I'm not aware of any bug with t4 alpha, and after testing, t4 musc core and radial both appear to be working as expected. 

  • 1 month later

The bug as explained to me is that any any power that has a 25% as a secondary effect, according to number cruncher actually only does 6%.  So it is advised for any power that has such to be avoided.

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