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Rise of the Phoenix and Soul Transfer buffs?


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1 hour ago, Rudra said:

You are in error. While Fiery Aura has 0 KB protection, so does Dark Armor, Electric Armor, Invulnerability, Regeneration, and Stone Armor. And while Fiery Aura only has Stun protection as a status protection, Invulnerability and Stone Armor have no status protections. While I agree with your assessment about Fiery Aura's primary, and seemingly only as far as I have personally seen so far, use, your status protection argument fails.

Huh? Electric, Invulnerability, Regeneration and Stone have KB protection (Electric loses it when not near the ground). Fire has status protection to stun, sleep and hold (and immobilize in Burn) and Invulnerability and Stone have status protection to stun, sleep, hold and immobilize.

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Just reporting what the Status Protection and Core Stats tabs of the View Totals window in Mids says. I cycled through all armors (as brute) with every secondary power except the T9 selected and turned on.


Edit: Scratch that. Some toggles turn off when I change the secondary. My apologies. So only Dark Armor and Fiery Aura have no KB protection.

Edited by Rudra
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On 4/7/2022 at 1:36 PM, Rudra said:

Edit: Scratch that. Some toggles turn off when I change the secondary. My apologies. So only Dark Armor and Fiery Aura have no KB protection.


Yeah.  Glad I clicked on page 2 of the thread before responding.  Read that comment about /Invuln and /Stone not having status protection and I'm like "WTF? Minerals has mag 30 protection against confused, and what about Rooted and Unyielding!" 🤣


Also, somewhere there was a comment that because /DA and /FA don't start with -KB that one cannot build effective knockback protection into the toon.  False.  Mag 4, which is available in a variety of single IOs is enough for 90% of situations while leveling.  It is pretty easy to build to Mag 10, which is the standard amount offered by toggles.  My Fire/MC blaster carries mag 10 against KB.


Technically if you really want to be immune to all but the most extreme situations you want to get to 12, iirc.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.

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