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I've played tankers before but never either of these sets. Does anyone with experience have an opinion? I'm worried that the combo system in Street Justice will be demanding and make it hard to manage the Biological Armor. Is it really that click-intensive, or do you think it would be possible?


I'd appreciate any feedback. Have not had a chance to play around in Pines with this concept.


Have not done StJ.  Have done several Bios.


Bio is quite manageable on its own - with Spines, I could monitor and best-time my Bio clickies pretty smoothly as I leveled, and quite smoothly at 50 as the character and op4 stabilized.


Bio becomes more challenging with another ‘management’ set - but even with TW, the most management intensive set (momentum, priority attacks, END cost, week long animations) Im finding it -doable-, if sometimes frustrating, into the 30s. 


I anticipate that with faster animations and less (although not insignificant) management, StJ and Bio will be quite workable together, though it wont be as smooth a ride as something like Claws/Willpower, of course.  (Hmm.  Interesting side discussion - whats the least attention-demanding pairing possible?)

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute


My experience with SJ do far is that the combo system is ok. It isn't like Dual Blades (have to hit them in a certain order), it's a rack up and spend system.


Combo points last approximately 5 seconds, so you do have time to fit other powers in between clicks if you need to. It does encourage being aggressive though.

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