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Character or Account item claim failed, another request is pending... still

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Still can't claim items or open Super Packs reliably. It's now been about a month since this became basically unusable.


This has been a chronic issue for well over a year. Until about a month ago, things were manageable. Annoying, but managable. Now, it's been days since I've been able to get anything out of Email -> Character Items. I was hoping the updates for the new Page would clear things up, even unintentionally via a reboot or reindex. But it's still a no go. I wasn't even on for the last few days, and still can't claim items.


Is this just going to be the state of Character Items going forward? Should we avoid Super Packs? How are we supposed to claim items we already have in Character Items or open packs we already have?


If the answer is, "Homecoming is not supporting Super Packs anymore" or "We are going to limit the Super Packs / Character Items in some way", that would be nice to know.


I claimed several character items last night with no problem and never had a problem claiming in the past.  As much detail as possible would help for trying to replicate the issue - how many/what item,  how often,  how many other unclaimed character items,  what server.


My guess is claiming large amounts of items with larger amounts of character items remaining while on excel.  Thats where the problems kept happening while the lower population servers had little or no issue.


Try claiming items on all servers to see if the issue exists everywhere or if it has a 'home'.  The team did do some work on this problem previously but the character item system wasnt originally designed for the volume we are using now.


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