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The Old Days


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8 hours ago, Skyhawke said:


I miss when a team would finish the Frostfire mission then spend 10 minutes ice surfing in that room like kids. Do one now and it's "gg", "ty", "tc" and everyone splits. The ice slides are still fun, stay and be goofy!

No fun. Only zerg.

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Formerly of Virtue, now on Excelsior:

Ace of Spades Adamant Eve | Arch-Rival The BeBlackbelt Citizen Arcane Core | Ctrl Alt Defeat | Daddy Longlegs Diamant

Drop Dead Gorgeous Cyber-Security Freak Accident Galactrix Great White Shark Heavy Machinery Highway Star The Howl Inter-GalacticaIon Maiden

Knockout Artist Krakatoa Night's Templar The Pact Paroled McDonald Virtual Boy Volcaniac White Widow Yucatan

And my most recent 50, Doctor Roswell (Psychic Blast/Atomic Manipulation blaster, 16 August 2024)

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My first memory is, a few friends and I in Steel City, formed our Super Group Forge Exiles. It lasted for years.


My second favorite memory is, running with a group of people who late became my friends. Overtime, they all left. 


My third favorite memory is, on the beta shared, during the Rikti beta teat.  I was teamed up with the one and only Positron. 

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On 10/22/2023 at 7:56 AM, Crysis said:


You’d have to get rid of IO’s, Enhancement Diversification (allowing you to 6-slot stuff), roll back a ton of nerfs, roll back the Global Defense Nerf, etc etc.


Honestly, as much fun as it was running around with Perma-MOG running on my Regen scrappers and tanking Hamidon, while trying to avoid the packs 9-10 fiery chimps chasing every Fire/Kin controller around while tankers rounded up entire zones at a time…..I can’t say I truly miss that.  It was horrifically, and in some cases, comically broken from a balance perspective back then.  

Yeah I wouldn't want it to be my only option... but man I'd love to experience issue 1 or 2 coh again just for nostalgia. That's the COH of my childhood. It's so different now. 

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  • 2 weeks later

The good old days when the game was live are mostly associated with playing the game with my siblings, in particular my older brother, who was at the time playing primarily with people from Something Awful and approached the game somewhat accordingly - he had at least a couple characters at 50, but my strongest memories of playing with him were him dragging me and the other siblings around to basically just troll people, going into Pocket D on the RP server (Virtue, IIRC) occasionally with characters like Douggy the frat bro or Furry Statesman (a funny one to reflect on, given later revelations about myself) to just mess with people taking it more seriously. During the game's final days, when people were rushing around trying to get characters to 50 before sunset, my brother pulled one final stunt, getting us to help him rope people into a faux-farming AE mission literally about saving a farm's cows from gremlins, all the while we were yelling about having to make sure the farm survived the coming winter and stuff like that. (IIRC, that mission gave no XP at all - maybe a bit too cruel for a game's final day, but the crimes of 2012 need not be dwelled on nowadays.)

I should note that he did play the game perfectly normally otherwise, as did most of the Something Awful crew he played with - he just liked doing that stuff, and he liked bringing us in on it, and those memories happen to be what stick with me the most. I never did get a character to 50 on live myself - that was just my older brother and my little sibling who managed that, but I certainly made plenty of characters and did get a War Mace/Willpower Brute to just a little under 30. I probably would have managed more, but I never did have a consistent subscription myself and my computer circa 2006-2009 was prone to GPU overheating and making tree textures go haywire every so often - even so, I always adored the game, and maybe one day I'll get a character to 50 on Homecoming. I am currently closer than I ever have been before, though that's to the tune of a Broad Sword/Shield Defense Brute being at 33 right now (and playing very on and off over the course of, like, 4 years). One thing hasn't changed: it's just too tempting to make alt after alt after alt after alt after alt...

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Hours long arguments in my SG over whether Fitness was really mandatory and if you had to RP your character as out of shape if you didn't take it.


Making a fresh alt, throwing them into the sewers with some like-minded madmen and not coming up for a good ten levels, struggling through to another zone exit with only your starter powers... I miss this. The trial we have now just isn't the same.


Controllers actually being a useful AT 


I have this one oddly specific memory when AE first came out when a friend of mine built the Secret Cow Level as a farming map, back before the devs realized what a mistake the pre-nerfed xp/inf was. People in our little 15 man SG would log in and just ping chat with "Moo?" to get cycled into the farm team that was almost always running. It became such a consistent thing that it actually carried to other MMOs some of us played together, as sort of a weird in-joke. 

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