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  • Retired Community Rep

Hello, Builders!!

Happy New Year! Here in CR land, Easter Bunny and I have been busy planning what we’re going to be doing in this coming year. We wanted to give you all a little bit of an idea as to what to expect. We are hoping for a fun year, with more opportunities for base builders to show off what they’ve done, and more chances for people to appreciate their efforts.

We heard a lot of feedback from the first contest, the big Spring one that we did in 2023, and we have listened and tried to improve on what we did. Which, according to many, wouldn’t be difficult, heh. So we hope that this year will bring many pleasant surprises to those that were disappointed last year.

For this year, we thought about what it is that base builders want the most. We consulted with quite a few to make sure we were thinking along the same lines. We believe that:

  • Most base builders want people to see and appreciate their work.

  • Base builders in general hate creating something only to have it sit, unappreciated.

  • Base builders also appreciate recognition. (Which has usually meant gold titles)

This is a bit harder, because gold titles are kind of the standard in recognition, but, only the lead GMs can give those out, and for one, they don’t want to have to do that too often, and for another, handing them out in numbers large enough to make everyone feel recognized will make them not very special. So we wanted to do some things that will help people feel appreciated and recognized for their talents, but we still need to reserve the gold titles for those few that win in contests. But...we’re going to level the playing field a bit so that new builders aren’t competing with all of the experienced builders who’ve been working on their bases for years. More on that, later!

We’d like to find other ways to let builders feel recognized and appreciated. So, we’re going to be trying a few things this year. Yes, we will have one big contest. But we wanted other ways to allow builders who do not relish competition to showcase their bases.

So here are some things we have planned.

  • Base exhibitions, showcases, “Base Con”...still working on the title. This is not a competition. We will be asking for bases, by category, whose builders/owners would like them to be seen and (hopefully) appreciated by the public. (categories: Arcane/fantasy, Nature, Tech/Sci Fi, Reality/modern life, other/mixed)

    • We would have a “hub” base where we’d list the base codes for visitors to go see. (We would of course also list these in other places.)

    • We would like the visitors to send any comments they’d like to make to the builder or owner (exhibitor chooses where/if people send comments, and we CRs won’t see them unless you want us to). This gives the builder feedback, and I’ve seen with one base in particular who demonstrated to me how effective this technique was, asking for feedback generally gives you very positive results, and can be a real boost.

    • CR feedback would be upon request, likewise for critique. We know some do not want to hear critique, and some want to hear it very much.

    • We would be publicizing this very hard, like a contest, without the competition.

  • We would be open to holding a SG Fair, for SuperGroups with bases that are recruiting.

  • We plan on one large base contest, for sure. It will be different than last year’s.

  • We would like to continue with the “challenge” contests, the small specific building challenges, spread throughout the year.

  • We would like a weekly listing of bases based off a set of more specific, smaller categories. These categories are to create a directory that is category based, and people would be encouraged to visit the bases listed each week.

    • You list the code of a base that fits the category of the week, with the understanding that people can (and should) visit your base that week. (Optional: list your base but specify it is closed to the public. Let people know if they can request a tour.)

    • This will help us fill out the categorical directory, which will help people find your base when they are looking for something specific, which means your bases get used (if you want them to be; if you do not, just indicate that on the listing).

    • CRs will select a “base of the week” (if you’re in Dacy’s Discord, you will be given that title as a role) from the bases listed in that category. (This would be probably mid-week, TBD)

    • The “base of the week” will not be the “best” base, this is not a competition! “Base of the Week” may be chosen for any number of reasons, from showcasing a new builder, to something unique about the build, to the overall skill of the build, etc.

    • Bases can and should be entered in any category they match, but any base chosen as “Base of the Week” will only be given that honor once.

    • “Category of the Week” listings and the “Base of the Week” will be suspended during Showcase and Contest times, and will be suspended indefinitely if there is a lack of participation.

    • “Base of the Week” will be listed, with pictures, in the base building section of the forum, and on HC’s Discord, and listed by code on the Base Building channel’s MOTD.

So, that’s a mix of contests and exhibition opportunities. We hope that everyone finds something they would enjoy there, even if you’re not a builder, and just appreciate bases! Now, this is the plan as of now. If you have comments, please give them to us NOW. We promise to listen and consider your input.

One last thing: The success of this program, and really the entire CR presence, depends on you, and on participation. We’re here for you. If the community signals that it isn’t interested in what we are doing, then, we don’t need to do it, right? So here’s the crux of the question we have: do you want to be a community? See what others do, support each other, learn from each other? Do you want organized efforts to let people see your work? Some people won’t, and that’s fine. Some people prefer to be on their own, and we understand that. But we need to know if we’re, well, needed. And if we’re doing what you’d like to see! So here’s your chance to weigh in. Let us know. And join the fun!

Cheers to all the hard working base builders!

Your Community Representatives,

Dacy and Easter Bunny

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