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Build help (Demons/Nature)


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Build looks good in terms of slotting but you aren't taking powers as early as you can. Remember you can take Prince at 22 now, Empowerment at 26 and Overgrowth at 30 (and Entangling at 28 but it's up to you when you take it). So I'd rearrange your powers into something like this order from 22 on


I'd also consider changing the slotting of Overgrowth to just 2 50+5 recharge IOs, move the spare slot to Spore Cloud and 4 slotting with Dark Watchers for more recharge. You want Overgrowth up as much as possible. Your recharge numbers are being skewed by the Forced Feedback being on in Lash. With FF off it's 60 seconds up, 51 seconds down. With recharge maxed out its 60 up & 30 down. 



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Thank you for the input!


I moved some things around, got rid of Entangling Aura, got rid of the FF proc in Lash, etc.  Ended up losing some resistance, but gained a bit of defense.  Lost movement power, I guess I'll make do with Athletic Run and Jet Packs. 😄


Overgrowth is not quite perma (like 3 seconds off), but good enough for now (might pick Ageless if I have Endurance problem, which should fix that; haven't decided yet).

Mastermind (Demon Summoning - Nature Affinity).mbd

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