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I've been playing on Torchbearer and Excelsior since last week, Indomitable this morning.


After the most recent server restart, when I attempt to connect to a Shard (any of the 4), I get this error popup.

Wrong game version, server dev:

2013-03-07 14:57:20, client 2019.04.27


There's this post from Apr 25 that refers to changing the "tequila.xml" file to fix this.



I renamed "tequila.xml" and tequila.exe recreated it exactly the same as before and still had the error.


I compared my "tequila.xml" to the one above, lots of changes.  But most important, there's a change in the "-auth" IP for the command line options.


I'm not going to install that sort of fix without verification it's a safe fix.


I am fairly certain that it is safe.


What you can do to check for yourself is to go to my Install Guide and res fix etc thread and use the tequila.xml there to compare.  See link in my siggy below.


The tequila.xml download in my thread is from my city of heroes folder and the one in from The Fifth Horseman is from his.  They should both look the same.




Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I forgot to update that post when the authserver IP supplied by Tequila has changed.

I've updated the line from the XML and replaced the attached XML with an updated version.


The specific part you need in params is -noversioncheck


Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I forgot to update that post when the authserver IP supplied by Tequila has changed.

I've updated the line from the XML and replaced the attached XML with an updated version.


The specific part you need in params is -noversioncheck


I have added this fix into my guide and gave you credit for it!


Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I forgot to update that post when the authserver IP supplied by Tequila has changed.

I've updated the line from the XML and replaced the attached XML with an updated version.


The specific part you need in params is -noversioncheck

The Tequila.xml generated by Tequila has "-noversioncheck".  I attach it here.


Ran with your Tequila.xml, Fifth Horseman, still getting the same issue.

Wrong game version, server dev:

2013-03-07 14:57:29, client 2019.04.27


Note that the time field has changed.  Previous errors it was "14:57:20".


I'd also downloaded the game again (renamed directories) prior to testing your .xml.  It still didn't work with the .xml created by Tequila itself.


Will have to think this one over for a bit.





I thought about the Windows Registry.  Ran regedit and looked around.  Found the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila > Settings.


Had a "params" string that was empty, "".  Hmmm, if Tequila chose to use the Registery params over the Tequila.xml params, then Tequila would run SCORE without -noversioncheck.....


Deleted the whole HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila key, then reran Tequila.


Tequila asked for the directory to install City in, told it to use the one it was already in, and off it went.  Updated a few .pigg's and started the City client.  Logged in.


And could go on all 4 Shards!!!


I checked afterwards with regedit.  That value HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila > params has not been recreated.  And now I know to check there.


And now I'm very happy I've fixed this issue.

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