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Add movement option that ignores the Y axis (up/down)

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In City of Heroes/Villains, the camera is locked directly behind the player character. Meaning if the player would like to look at something, they need to place the camera such that their character model does not obscure the thing they're looking at. This introduces difficulties for flying players because if you're looking directly at your target, you cannot see them, meaning if you'd like to get closer to them you need to use at least two different keys ("up" and "forward") to do so without losing elevation.


See attached picture for details.


I believe this functionality could be implemented by creating a new keybind which moves the character according to the world-space orientation rather than the player's camera orientation. To be clear, no current functionality should be affected - a new option should be made available for people who would like to build the keybinds for it or otherwise customize their experience with the game.



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I support this, I think it's actually a great idea now that Gabrilend pointed it out.  I think the only thing is that sometimes you really want that camera movement orientation (maneuvering in tight caves with flight I think is one of them) so a quick key-bind to switch between the two would be appreciated.


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Here's a keybind that would work for such behavior. Assuming the new functions are called "move_normalized" and the alternating keybinds are stored in "normalized-movement-1.txt" and "normalized-movement-2.txt"



w "forward"

a "left"

s "back"

d "right"

space "up"

x "down"


CTRL+SPACE "bindloadfile_silent normalized-movement-2.txt"



w "forward_normalized"

a "left_normalized"

s "back_normalized"

d "right_normalized"

space "up_normalized"

x "down_normalized"


CTRL+SPACE "bindloadfile_silent normalized-movement-1.txt"


shouldn't be too difficult to adapt that to your specific situation. I'm on Linux so whatever I say for the file-path and such will probably not apply to you, so I just put the filename - you can figure the rest out teehee check out this page for more details: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Bind_load_file_(Slash_Command)

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