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Psy/Atom after changes


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Heyo! So I've had White Blanket, my main toon, since 2019, and I have always loved him for his concept, story, and most importantly, gameplay. I also have quite 3 character select pages full of 50s, with 6 or so fully T4 and max slotted, which is to say I play ALOT of tools. I'm ashamed to admit that I have not even begun to rebuild White Blanket since the Psy primary changes that happened like...a year ago? I JUST found out yesterday Psionic Darts is an AoE (it does say max targets: 10 when inspecting the power but the base tool tip and power descriptor says NOTHING about it being AoE, to be fair). So, I could use your help!


I have absolutely zero restrictions for respeccing him. I have all accolades and access to every single enhancement, set, or whatever that could be needed to "re" max him out. I have ran a few 2* and up hard modes with him, and that is where I'd like to start when considering the goals for this build: he is my end game toon (despite the somewhat weaker performing primary the guy still blasts with the best).


A few quick notes: I like to Proc bomb Radioactive Cloud for another useful AoE, and like to fit FF+Rchg procs into anything that can take them. Outside of that, I need a build that allows me to entertain melee range more than most to get the most out of all the goodies melee gives me with the Atomic Secondary. I also have T4 of almost every single incarnate option available.


Build to your wildest abilities and give me a hard mode ready Psy/Atomic Blaster!!!



Thank you all!

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Your post basically hid a build request under discussion a few paragraphs of text.


You're likely to get more traction taking a stab at the build yourself and asking for feedback. Also having 3 pages of 50s, should have given you a reasonable understanding how powers interact and what slotting you've used, so you should have a reasonable understanding of building a character.


I recently leveled up my 2nd /atomic blaster, and I find it useful to add a secondary means to keep mobs within Beta Decay's range so you can keep up that sweet recharge. That said psi blast has the longest unbuffed range in the game, so there's a bit of inverse synergy with the set choices. That said you can absolutely use the ranged attacks in melee as well.

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Oh I will definitely do a couple of my own builds. I just like to have different viewpoints. Also, I've yet, outside of my claws/Bio Scrapper, to really get Into alot of hard modes, which have their own unique build criteria, so getting advice in that specific realm is something I'm interested in. 


As far as the comment on the size of the post. These are forums, and are used for discussion. I wasn't aware I needed to shorthand my posts because, well, you know, I'm discussing things. But hey, you do you.

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I recommend you read up on the post 50 Starred Hardmode content, the typical team compositions looked fo,r and such builds that those teams for those AT's/power sets they generally opt to take(ie not every AT/powerset is well received for such) respectively.


As Seraph also pointed out, presenting a build for others to look at tends to fair better than asking for builds, especially because  there are some variations on builds that people do once you get into trying to be min/max thinking.   Alot also has to do with the -team- you work witth making sure that your build supplements and compliments the team's dynamics.  So again, there's no cookie cutter -this is it- build to speak of.

Edited by Sanguinesun
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On 6/18/2024 at 10:30 AM, Thc3po said:

A few quick notes: I like to Proc bomb Radioactive Cloud for another useful AoE, and like to fit FF+Rchg procs into anything that can take them. Outside of that, I need a build that allows me to entertain melee range more than most to get the most out of all the goodies melee gives me with the Atomic Secondary. I also have T4 of almost every single incarnate option available.


My build suggestions won't be for you, because outside of something like a Dominator needing a little more recharge, or maybe a Trap-layer who is desperate to get one more whatever out, I think the Force Feedback %+Recharge pieces are niche. Mileage varies, but unless the build contains some really long recharging power (Blaster nukes are not that long IMO, I'm thinking something like Unrelenting) that is almost always used when ready (so again, maybe Unrelenting) I think global Slow Resistance is probably more useful across more content than a short-duration  %+Recharge. another hot take: Blasters should probably have enough variety in their attacks to sustain both single-target and AoE (also rang and melee), and swap between them such that %+Recharge isn't required to keep pouring out damage. A little bit of %damage in place of %+recharge may mean that the Blaster has to make fewer attacks, where as %+recharge can at best allow a Blaster to make more attacks in a slightly shorter amount of time.


As for how to best use /Atomic? My suggestion is to invest in Combat Teleport.


Because this combination allows for a nice variety of set choices, I will share my slotting for Radioactive Cloud. It requires IMO more than just dumping every possible %damage piece in it to work best. It has a long enough recharge time that I didn't find investing a 6th slot in it to be contributing significantly to DPS compared to what else I could do with the slot. Since you will have Psi damage in the primary, you may not even want to include the 5th %Psi slot... I find off-brand damage to be a better choice outside of Purple/PVP choices.


Level 28:              Radioactive Cloud           

 (A) Unbreakable Constraint - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5

 (*) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Damage (Smashing): Level 50

 (*) Gladiator's Net - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5

 (*) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage (Lethal)

 (*) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage (Psionic)

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