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"No FX" for Leadership power pool

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I see a thread was shutdown about "No FX" for all powers.


I can't agree with "No FX" for all powers


But the post did land on something that I can agree with "No FX" for Leadership power pool should be an option.


The only reason to have the VFX would be for PvP and from another thread ....



If looking like something you aren't isn't an impact on PVP then I think that the Leadership pool not having a "No FX" option wouldn't impact PvP either.


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Strongly in charge of this one, if for nothing else because the gfx have always been a bit broken.  Although I think it is specifically for any tohit or defense buff on a character, because I see it happen with inspirations too.  You end up with little floating white rectangles inside a character model when you have such buffs and you are also stealthed (translucent).  It almost looks like missing textures or something.


At least, that's what I always see, and have always found it minorly annoying.  


Edited by Riverdusk
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