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Weapon graphic only visible to me


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On my Ninja Blade/Dark Stalker, for some reason I'm the only one who can ever see my weapon.


At our group RP night yesterday, fully 7 different people all couldn't see it.  While today testing with not only that but changing up the models to different ones, same issue with lots of random people checking in Pocket D.


I'm not sure what exactly is causing it.  I can still see it.  But no one else sees anything.  Apparently it just looks like I'm standing there holding nothing but in the fighting stance.


It is of note it can be seen VERY briefly as I draw it, but after that is when it disappears.

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No redraw option selected Im guessing?


I don't actually remember, I take it that can cause it?


Pretty sure its the cause, thing is some of the newer sets like ninja training are forced into the no redraw and suffer from it, try it on original.

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I am in no way making fun of the issue or telling you it shouldn't be redressed, but what a potential cool character concept. 


"The Ancestor Blade, it can only be seen by me, but felt by all!!!"

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Well, I removed no-redraw from the weapon skills, because it was in fact set, but even after doing that it still has the same issue.


I then made sure no-redraw was not on my secondary set either, same deal.


So at this point, not a clue.  It's there for me.  Just no one else except in the moments a power is active, they MIGHT see an outline.  Like during Build Up.

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Checked on this some more, Katana, no matter if set to original or no redraw does NOT display weapon EXCEPT for a fraction of a second upon ability firing, the other people can see you holding the weapon but it is visible only to the player.


NOTE -  War Mace does NOT suffer from this problem and is visible to everyone.

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