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Why... is the Brute version of Total Focus the only melee AT one that doesn't have the Fiery Embrace tag?

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I checked ingame info and City of Data, and then tested ingame.  Brute Total Focus is the only Melee version of Total Focus that doesn't get the Fiery Embrace tag and so doesn't get any damage from Fiery Embrace.  This can't be intended.  Has anyone noticed or has there been an explanation for this anywhere?


Only scrappers have the Fiery Embrace tag. Brutes, tanks and stalkers do not. This has been posted in the Bug Reports section several times, but hasn't been fixed (or explained) to date.





Thank you! 


Clearly my search-fu is weak.  I did search the topic on the forums a couple of times and didn't get hits from searches like "Brute Fiery Embrace".  Also, when I saw Scrappers had it I didn't check to see whether Tanks did--so double weak sauce on my part.


MIDS thinks the tag is there for Brutes, and when I activate it, it sure makes a difference.   Makes me sad I don't have it :..(.


Anywho, thanks again!


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