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Advice for a possible Storm Blast or energy blast Blaster for a new player


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Hi I am wanting to make a blaster throws people around like ragdolls and destroys them at range. Ideally avoiding melee combat if possible


I am thinking Storm Blast or Energy Blast and either electricity or time or electricity manipulation. 


Do any of these synergise well and what do you think would work best?


Many Thanks 

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I was going to suggest an Energy/Martial blaster, but martial likes to be in melee (most blasters operate best as blappers I think).


For a ranged idea wanting to ragdoll everything: A Storm Summoning/Energy Blast Defender (or it's reverse: Energy/Storm Corruptor). The defender I think gets a bit more of a bonus to KB due to defender modifiers (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Since I imagine you'll be soloing a lot with a character like this, the defender gets increased damage for being solo as well.


Storm Blast is a fun blast set, but it's not really a knockback oriented set as it really wants things to stay in the storm cell since cell boosts so many of the other powers in the set.

Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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Yeah, Storm blast has a repel mechanic (similar to Hurricane) and some knockdown against foes not in the Storm Cell but once in the Sotm Cell, its gone and you want your foes in the Storm Cell cause they die quicker.

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Several alts and of course my original from live on Freedom, High Beam Prime (someone else has her non OG name)

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