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Hello there!

I used to play this game back during live, but quit just about when Cimerora was released. I returned about a month ago and are levelling my first 50. While I've mostly remembered or re-learned stuff from the live days, I wasn't very good at thinking about builds back then. Now, I'm trying to do better, and Mids helps a lot in that regard, but I was wondering if the people of this forum could help me with my build. IO's were pretty new when I quit on live, and Incarnate content just launched, so I don't have a good grasp on the different sets yet and for Incarnate abilities I feel pretty lost on what to take.

I've attached my rough build plan to the post. The power pools are locked in, and as the title of the file should tell you, I'm doing a theme here. I'd like to include both Laser Beam Eyes and Energy Torrent, as I feel the lack of Ranged Attacks and AoE's. I've used Cross Punch during levelling, but I feel it's not really doing anything for me, so I opted to ditch it. I also get the sense that Taunt isn't really that needed on a Brute, not the least since Brutes seldom seem to be the primary taunters in a group.

The build is at it's core a hodge podge of various builds I found here, not the least Icesphere's fantastic builds, but when combined into this particular build it seems to overload Resistances, and I don't really know what IO's/slot distribution to use instead.

Any critique to make me understand all this better is very welcome. The build is primarily for solo play, but it doesn't hurt if it's not completely useless in team play.

Supergirl - Brute (Super Strength - Invulnerability) Energy Mastery.mbd


Here's my current Tanker Inv/SS/EnergyM build.  Should be able to flip it, but it'll need some work as the base Defenses and Resists for a Brute will be lower.


Tanker Inv-SS.20241111.EnergyM CJ Stealth Fly Cross-Punch [i28p1] @Jacke - Jacke Smash.mbd



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