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Hey! I've been slowly making my way through tf/sf trying to solo them with my MM just for fun. I'm working on also making a list of ones to not even bother trying. So more on that half, my question is does anyone now how the Weaken Hami works in lady grey? It's the biggest hurdle in that tf I can think of. I assume it's not going to be possible, but I'm having trouble finding info on it online.


Thank you!


If you're asking how its powers function they're viewable here.

If you're asking how to handle Hami?
Take out the Pylons first. Use the Rikti as a diversion. Melee the yellows, Range the blues, Hold the greens.
If you're lacking a means of dealing Melee Damage, Ranged damage and inflicting Mez then you'll struggle a bit.
The Weakened Jolly Jello Fellow deals Toxic damage rather than his regular form's Special damage so you won't need Essense of Earth insps, just regular Oranges.


I guess I was more asking for the break point on the mez you need. I think I can do the range and melee dps with my pets. But I'm not sure how much Control I needed to brake the Greens.


And thank you! I didn't know it was toxic dmg so that saves me some EoE inps.


I don't have a direct answer for you, but if I were seeking the answer I'd copy to test, use QA tools to complete LGTF missions up to the weakened Hami encounter and use a power analyzer to see mez protection of mending mitos.  That's some effort but not a lot and you get an answer you can depend on.  That's not passive aggressive shade thrown to anyone, I just trust numbers I see with my own eyes first and foremost.

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