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Just is a goofy idea I had, and I feel like I need to post it somewhere.    It's still not complete.  A work in progress.   


"You are an important character in somebody's plot line.   So naturally you can't die."




3-  "The bad guys keep missing"      Attack:   Cone, range 60 feet, 90 degree arc.         -25% to hit 1 minute, -500 perception range.   Enemies will not notice this attack.  (Similar to trick arrow flash arrow)


Whoever is writing your story looks out in front of you and defines all the enemies in view as the "bad guys" of the story.   Naturally their bullets will keep missing.  


4-   "Pendant"         The next successful attack against you deals no damage.     Recharge 20 seconds, duration 10 seconds/until activated. 


You had a small metal object in your pocket.   Perhaps a trinket your friend had given you.  Maybe a book.   Maybe just a random slab of steel you picked up off the ground a few moments ago.     The bullet/knife/laser hit that instead you you. 



5-  "Villain Monologue"    Ranged 60 feet, 3.0 magnitude Confuse. 10 seconds.   -20 defense/tohit for 30 seconds.  


Your enemy just can't help it.   They need you to know what their plot is, in all its details.   Just have to let you know how witty their whole plan was, and how easily they have defeated you (or think they are about to). 




8-  "Great Escape"    - Turn aetherial for 30 seconds. 


You're always able to get out of any situation you find yourself in.  No matter the odds.   


9-   "It's just a flesh wound"     Character is revived with 95% health. 


It looked like that last gunshot/explosion/stabbing/ piano falling on your head, should have killed you.   You should be bleeding out on the floor, mere minutes from death.           But no: it was actually just a flesh wound.   You're ok. 

15 hours ago, megaericzero said:

If you need ideas, feel free to take some from this post:

I'd suggest another one, "Idiot Ball", but we have far too many examples of both players and NPCs grabbing it to need it added as an explicit power...

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