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I can get villain names to show always with this command /OptionSet ShowVillainName 1


but can't find a way to do it for allies or NPC hostages does show always option or command exist? Right the game sets it to show ally names when selected or on mouse mouseover, what I want is always.


this is the documentation I could find on the wiki but couldn't find a mention of allies only villain names.

Option Names List - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki


it would make finding hostages way easier if an option like this existed, thanks




also, you can create a macro or bind that shows villains, hostages and civilians.


I made a bind using Esc so I could easily reach it when I was running or flying


/bind Esc "target_custom_next notmypet"

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
10 hours ago, Captain Fabulous said:

There is an entire section for this in the options. Setting "Villain Name" to "show always" will put a name plate above friendly NPCs and hostages.


that does work for ally NPCs who have health bars but if they do not no name is visible at all.


in the screenshot I provided that is with villain name set to "show always" already and as you can see the researchers name is not visible, but council enemies are visible I have none of them selected.

4 hours ago, Mystoc said:

that does work for ally NPCs who have health bars but if they do not no name is visible at all.


in the screenshot I provided that is with villain name set to "show always" already and as you can see the researchers name is not visible, but council enemies are visible I have none of them selected.

The guy in your image isn't an NPC or hostage, he's just a mission objective. There's no way to give them a nameplate.

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