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achilles heal proc breaking Surveillance?

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just hit level 28 with my huntsman.  took Surveillance and slotted in an achilles heal - res proc I had been saving.  almost all the builds I have seen posted in this forum show doing the same.  but it appears that using it breaks the non-agro of Surveillance which defeats a good portion or its functionality.


are people willing to trade off the additional -resist if it procs for breaking stealth or am I missing something here?


thanks for any feedback

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Achilles' Heel is a debuff proc.

Debuff procs will notify enemies in powers that otherwise wouldn't notify enemies.


You don't get to debuff $Targets "for free" without them knowing about it.

Working As Intended.


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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thanks Redlynne 


that makes sense but any idea why most of the builds I see in the forums, even some in your main thread for pre and post 24 huntsman builds, have the achilles proc in Surveillance?  I haven't seen any comments suggesting that may not be a good choice as it breaks what looks like a major benefit for the power.  possibly in teams it's fine, throw it on the boss after someone else has opened up on him so you don't eat the alpha strike in return?  but I solo a fair amount and would rather tag him with the debuff and then hit him and his friends with the rotation of WAWG, venom and frag.


for now anyway, will unslot it and test it our both ways. 

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Most of the builds you're going to see here on the forums are going to be ones intending to run Incarnate Trials ... which means $Target Rich Environment.  In those situations, no one has time to wait for a sneaky setup with Surveillance.  Instead, it's all about the beatdown, meaning "more dakka" and bigger debuffs to resistance.  VERY difference circumstances than playing solo (and wanting to be sneaky).


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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