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Praetorian Content?


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Hey, I've never ran any of the Praetorian content and never have made a praetorian character.  I would like to do so but I'm hesitant to do so because I worry I'll make a character and then be stuck running content solo and be stuck there until 20th level.. are there many ppl that play Praetorian side?

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Not many do, Yellow is the third world.


Red is not given a lot of love, but Yellow is some times quite dead.  I have had pairings of 5/16 and the like fairly often when playing there.  People want the company but have difficulty finding similarly leveled players.

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You can run all of the Praetorian content through Ouroboros if you don't want to do it officially - its not quite the same, as you don't get the undercover options, but you can see all of the missions and all of the paths.


And you can group up with other people to do each arc.  (Works like a mini TF - and earns you reward merits)

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  • 4 weeks later

I have two characters started as Praetorians....one MM and one Sentinel...very capable of soloing. My time to play doesn't coincide with other people on a regular basis so I end up soloing because my 'friends' aren't around.  I suggest if you roll a Praetorian, pick one that solos well.  Its pretty fast so far...both mine are 14 or 16 and only played in there a couple hours each.  Also if there is a P2W store get the double XP thingy to speed it up more but you may miss content that way.  Good luck!

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