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Make Tequila choose default web browser


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Would it be possible to modify the Tequila client in such a way that inadvertently clicking on the big Homecoming logo will stop launching Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge by default, and instead use the browser I have chosen in my Windows settings?


I mean, I already have Firefox open, and the Homecoming sites bookmarked in Firefox. There's no reason to launch a specific, hard-coded browser, especially when I already have another browser open. I've noticed that launching a second web browser takes freaking forever for some reason, so I have to wait a stupid amount of time just to close an application that I didn't want open in the first place.


I occasionally run into other software that forces IE, and I always wonder, "What, is this 1997?"


(I realize you guys aren't the ones who coded Tequila, so maybe this is something to pass on to those responsible).

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I know that they've said they're working on a new launcher, and that will presumably work much better.  I wouldn't expect them to do anything to "fix" Tequila, since the plan is to eventually abandon it in favor of a better option.



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The issue here is that the Homecoming logo is hosted in an embedded IE/Edge browser control. It ignores the default browser because, under the hood, it's already showing in IE and thus past the point of deciding which browser to use.


The solution would be to handle the OnNavigate event of the embedded control by cancelling it and launching a new process to get the Operating System to deal with the URL, which it will do by opening it in your default browser. Tequila already has code for launching a new process, to launch the game, so in theory it would be pretty straightforward. I've only had sight of what seems to be an old version of the source, on my phone, so don't hold me to that. :)


Edit : I've just had a proper look at the Tequila source code. NewWindow is the event that needs to be handled but its and it's more complicated than I thought because of issues with the way that this event had been implemented in the .NET framework. (The URL is not easily available.)

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