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Now I KNOW the lab is working maintenance around PST 4:30 PM, but I wanted you to know that when I opened the Tequilia CoH launcher app, it did a quick download of "something", then my Norton 360 SONAR utility detected a virus in the download, deleted the download to quarantine status, then asked me to restart to completely remove two files - homecoming.exe and opengl.txt.

According to Norton, homecoming,.exe contains a threat named "SONAR.ProcHijack!g45, and its origin is http://nsa.tools/hc/homecoming/20190723Homecoming.exe

Now, I know you're doing maintenance, but why did THIS download occur???? Did somebody hijack your patch downloader?? Or did you forget to close the barn door while you were fiddling with the code??

Let me know, plz.


  • City Council

This is a false positive and has happened nearly every time we've pushed an update to the client; nothing has been compromised or is infected.


We hope to resolve this in the near future by signing all of our binaries.

If you need help, please submit a support request here or use /petition in-game.


Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!


Gotcha. Thanks, Cipher, for the prompt reply. I'll go ahead and tell Norton SONAR to allow the files.

When I first read the second sentence, I swear I saw "….by signing all of our lives away." Whew. Don't do that. ;-) I know the bureaucracy is crap, and it's easy to forget that stupid signature code while you're still doing maintenance, but.....


A VERY appreciative customer

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