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Pet emotes not working in binds?


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I was trying out some things with pet emotes today, and I ran into a little issue:  I can't get pet emotes to work as part of a bind or bind file.  They work when typed directly into the chat bar (e.g., petsay_all <em dance>), or as part of a macro.  But when I include them in a bind or a bind file, the pet will just say the text of the emote command rather than executing the emote (e.g., for the previous syntax used in a bind, the pet would literally say "<em dance>").


Is this normal behavior for pet emotes, or am I doing something wrong?

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You have encountered the same performance as what happened up to 2012.

The best workaround you can do is to write the pet emotes into a macro and have the bind execute the macro(s).


Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.

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Ok, so "working as intended" then; thanks for the info.


11 hours ago, Redlynne said:

The best workaround you can do is to write the pet emotes into a macro and have the bind execute the macro(s).


Hmm; how exactly do you do this?  Every guide and document I've found on macros tells how to write a macro, but aside from clicking on the button I haven't found any ay of calling a macro.  Is there a slash command for this function I'm missing, or do you just have to set a command to trigger the button from the power tray slot?

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