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Bat'Zul and his Imps in smaller teams.

Razor Cure

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I have done the Cap SF quite a few times, in a huge variety of team make ups and sizes.

Usually, a full team will kill Batty in 2 mins or under, with slower DPS teams about 3-4 mins.

Now, even if those 2 min teams, he will spawn his HORDE of fire imps maybe..3 times. My guesstimated average. Even on a slower team, it is still about that much, and the imps seem to die quickly.  I say die..but it seems more like they despawn, because everyone is usually belting Batty himself.

Even in a 3 man team I die, scrapper, ws and..a sentinal I think, which was a bit of a slog, he still summoned his imps a MAX of 5 times, and the spawns never overlapped.

Another anecdote..Duo'd it with my mace/shield scrapper and a friends fire kin corr. Maybe a 4 min fight, imps shower up maybe 3 times.


Now, the imp spawn rate could be influence by -rech on him, or him getting mezzed. Could. In the duo example, or we had was siphon speed (maybe two stacks at most, at that lvl) and my stuns from mace. With AV resistance and purple triangles, NO way was he being mezzed or slowed more than some of the badass full teams were managing. And yet...the imp-rate was pretty much the same.


So they I decided to solo it last night, on my Demon/Dark MM. Infernal died easy, but sloooooooooow (due to the utterly stupid way AVs RUN AWAY every 20 secs unless there is an actual taunt. Why is this? Its like us running away from a -3 boss).

Then Batty. Start fighting. He spawns imps. I stun em with HT, kill them, and start on him.

About 30 secs later..MORE imps. Same thing. Only this time, I cant stun them. So they dont die fast.

About 20 secs later again..MORE imps. The spawn refreshing (maybe adding to also, too many too tell). Barely killing any now, as there are so many targets and they are hitting my pets enough to kill them (which Batty couldnt do, btw. I wasnt dying to him at all). Then more imps. Over and over.

I think I kept fighting for about 5 mins, and would have seen a truly stupid amount of Imp summons.


My question..why is this? Why does it seem like so much more, even compared to a team of two, with minimal -rech? Or big, slow teams. Even when I was slowing him with HT, and the pet ice attacks? In particular HT..I'd use it, just after a imp spawn. ANd he would pile another one on in around 20 secs.


I'd be interested to know what other peoples experience on Imp-Rates are, in big teams, debuff heavy/lite teams and small groups.




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