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Here's the basic facts:


A new level 50, slotted with the regular version of both ATO sets (Defender in this case) joined an Ice Mistral, malefactoring to level 40.

Early, it occurred to me that I had not upgraded those IOs so I made a quick base run to collect catalysts to upgrade my 2 sets of 6 Defender ATOs.

I took 6 catalysts out of storage, went through the upgrade process and noticed I was no longer able to upgrade after 3 pieces.

I took out another bunch of catalysts (didn't really count, let's say 10) and kept track of each upgrade.  I noticed that the catalyst count went down by 2 every time I upgraded.

I put all the catalysts back into storage and retrieved one.  I went to the upgrade screen, which then did not give me the option to upgrade, just to reset and exit.  When I exited that screen, I had lost that catalyst.

I did try this another time just to verify and indeed, a catalyst was simply lost if I had one.

I thought maybe the problem was that I was malefactored, so I waited until the SF was completed and my level returned to 50  The same thing happened again.

I logged onto another account and the same thing happened.

Then I exited the game, closed Tequila then restarted Tequila and the game.  The issue no longer manifested itself and one catalyst upgrade one ATO, as expected.


I don't know what caused what, but to summarize, when Exemplared/Malefactored, I would lose 1 catalyst on each upgrade attempt.  If I had 2 (or more) catalysts the IO would become superior and I would have 2 fewer catalysts.  If I only had one, I would simply lose it.  This behavior persisted even after attaining combat level 50 again.  The behavior stopped after I restarted the game and the launcher.






I noticed a while back that if I pulled Catalysts from the SG Base Storage, and upgraded while in the base, that every upgrade seemed to consume 2 catalysts, but the extra catalyst ended up back in the salvage storage bin.  So you're not losing anything, but it is a nuisance.


That seems reasonable.  Though I didn't check specifically the number of catalysts in storage, I do remember thinking that I was expecting fewer to be stored when I went back.  

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