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Posts posted by WanderingAries

  1. On 10/21/2022 at 11:55 PM, Astralock said:

    1. Are you on the correct shard?  Check all five shards.


    2. Are you on the correct account?


    3. If you answered "Yes" to both questions, then delete the playerslot.txt file in your game's account folder.


    This is normally what happens. You Should be able to simply backup the file or move it out of the folder and relaunch the game. The game will generate a new file as needed, but I'd try replacing what it makes (after closing the game) and relaunch again. If the character list goes back the way it is now, then just open the file and make sure that multiple characters don't have the same number at the end (on the same server).

  2. 14 hours ago, Zep said:

    On another thought given the age of the client, except perhaps/maybe for the physics, I expect the code is a single thread and everything is running on a single core, Or perhaps it has multiple threads, I've seen it cross 6%  cpu and 1/32 = 3.1%


    OH, this one I know. It Was single thread (I think) early on, but was upgraded to multi-threaded when CPUs started putting more than 1 core on them. There's a thread somewhere, but there's a World thread, GFX thread, etc. If you click on the arrow next to it in that screen, then you'll see what I mean.


    On 10/22/2022 at 2:45 PM, Zep said:

    I did have a near miss yesterday, perhaps related, I loaded the game and selected Indomitable and the game hung, completely non-responsive, after about a minute I got a couldn't load db server type message and everything was working again. This make me wonder if the other hangs are also db server issues except the client didnt stop waiting for a response.


    This makes me think Networking actually, but I wouldn't put it past the changes in 22H2.

  3. I'm not entirely sure how that function really works in Task Manager (beyond what it says), but I've never found changing the priority to benefit, no matter what app I tinker with it for. In fact, I've seen it lockup a system when I put something too high of a priority (usually Realtime).


    As for the game itself, I'd suggest putting the following under "Extra Launch Parameters" for at least the live version. This will make the instance you're Not using lower its current FPS to 5 (I guess you could put it to 0?) so that it's not taxing the GPU. Now granted, I doubt your GPU is necessarily going to have an issue handling multiple instances, but this helps the workload a bit (or so it did back on live).


    -maxinactivefps 5

  4. 16 hours ago, PotsFam said:

    Ok, so i am a Veteran COH fan and trying to install this for my son. I have followed the directions above, and when the installer says ready (after i log in) and i hit play, i get the city of heroes banner but then nothing?




    Most AV software seem to like to block the first time launch of the game. Often there's a prompt in the background somewhere, but you can try adding the game folder to the whitelist for your AV and relaunch it.

  5. On 10/11/2022 at 1:46 AM, Troo said:

    Now, with that out of the way, how does this relate to City of Heroes? Well, through some miracle of life, I managed to get through college and graduated with a degree.


    In Computer Information Systems.


    Immediately after Y2K, when thousands of developers were laid off since their work was no longer necessary.


    In a tri-college town where dozens of students were graduating each year with degrees in my same field.


    I had also screwed myself by not specializing, instead taking a little bit of networking, a little bit of programming, a little bit of electronic engineering. I had made myself a “jack of all trades, master of none”, and had screwed myself to every job because there was always someone else that was more of an expert in that area than I was. So, I delivered pizzas and worked in the Geek Squad in a Best Buy (with a BACHELOR’S in CIS). It went this way for over a year with no hope in sight of jumping into the tech career that I wanted. A life with no meaning. I got depressed. I got bored and lonely, as I was no longer surrounded by fellow students that were forced to interact with me. I got dark and considered ending my failure of a life.


    Who told you to out my bio?  *cries in corner*


    As for the topic, yeah, PK's always been one to try to help and take ideas we threw out as wish lists and put them into workable tools.

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  6. 18 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    No.  Don't make it any worse than it already is.
    The widest I've seen thus far is 3.65 slots.

    But, realistically, anything over 3.0 slots is 4 slots.


    I mean, you kinda have to do slots +1 because of airflow, so there's that.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dakota Whitemane said:

    Trying to install the HC launcher so I can do the beta test of the Mastermind changes since Tequila can no longer access the beta. I'm getting a "The Launcher was unable to download the install configuration. Please check your internet connection." when I try to use the hcinstall.exe. Tried fiddling with my firewall and connection. Note I have to tether via cellphone to get internet that isn't stupidly limited where I live so I can't do shit about the ISP if they are blocking something on their end.




    I'm pretty sure that they said Tequila could no longer handle the other servers, but, like the devs, I left that launcher long ago in my mind.

  8. 11 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

    See what all the alt-coin mining gets them?


    Well so long as they put the GPU on its own PSU (and breaker), separate from their CPU, then they're golden. 😛

  9. Finished trophy hunting on the remaster of TLoU1. It's a bit prettier of a game and the accessibility controls are awesome. It's nice being able to pause / adjust gamma, etc / unpause. I stumbled back into Fallout 4 and it's already a different game-ish since I originally played before the DLC was out.

  10. 9 hours ago, Xiddo said:

    Have finally gotten round to doing this so I can try out the beta server proper.
    Just realised am on Monterey 12.5.1 so things might be different I guess?



    Hopefully. Aside from the initial testing, I've yet to really hit the issues that some get. The only thing I can think of is that I really don't customize the OS by installing lots of other things that may interfere with apps. Sure, I have my tech tools, but they don't put anything extra on the system besides their core app.

  11. 4 hours ago, GM Impervium said:

    Belongs in the Mids section, but, for some reason, I can't move threads into a "club" subforum, so, the tools and utilities forum will have to do!


    Weird, maybe you should file a support ticket. 😉 😛 

    • Haha 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Player2 said:

    What about an additional filter on the select screen?  We have options for name, AT, and powerset now.  Could we get some kind of filter for days remaining --either by putting in a specific number to search or just terms like "Safe," "Close," "Over," and "Lost"?


    Safe would be anything that is within the normal time permitted, obviously.
    Close could be set at like 10 or 15 days before your time has expired.
    Over is after your time has passed and your name is now up for grabs but hasn't yet been claimed by anyone else.

    Lost or Taken would be characters whose names were claimed by someone else after the allotted time passed and someone else took it.




    I'm pretty sure that'd be covered in the "Tech Reasons" as they said they couldn't even sort characters in different ways, let alone use the meta data you're talking about. Basically, until someone de-spaghettifies the code or goes ham and rewrites the code, then I don't see any of the above (including the other thread) from happening any time soon. 😕

  13. 5 hours ago, Oklahoman said:


    If we're getting a group together to buy Zip disks in bulk, count me in.


    I had fun explaining to a group the other day that the predecessor to the internet was SneakerNet.


    Heh, sadly, I sold what I had ages ago. The USB 2.0 add-on card works for me IF I ever need to move data.

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