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I suspect this might be because of the EM rework last issue... but the most fearsome critter in all of AE seems to be a boss with glowing pom pom fists. I've been on a couple missions now where a boss or an EB has this pants-wetting opening one-shot-kill attack that kind of sours my desire to finish the story, no matter how well written it is. If this is because of the EM rework, I wonder if folks who have them in their missions might want to tweak them to scale the bosses back just a smidge.
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Semantics. Saying that you don't have to take the T1 power means letting players skip it to take something else. Effectively the same thing. It's a reasonable limitation, IMO. Sometimes it's an annoying one that makes some sets not very attractive (at least to me and probably you). Though entangling arrow was not a great example to give because of the debuff attached to it. My bugaboo is with being forced to take a power that only does immobilize with minor to moderate dmg and no real useful utility along with it, like Fire. The knockbacks are MUCH better. Or when the power works into the mechanics of the set like with Time, that makes it work. Just slowing a single Lt or Minion down is next to worthless. If the power had better synergy with a higher level secondary, that could be interesting (again, like with Time Manipulatiion). TBH I always end up skipping the AOE immobilize, too, unless it has a secondary attached to it. Ranged Immobilize alone is just not very useful (at least to me, without something along with it).
One quibble I've had since beta is that all of the boots are too high. Even when they started coming out with better customized legs, all of the boots came over the calf unless your toon wore long pants or the sneakers/slippers with no socks. The way combat boots look under the camo pants... that's how high most boots come up on people. Can we get some of those options?
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I like how we have alt animations in Martial Arts, so it's not just kicks. Street Justice could use the same. Most notably, Sweeping Cross would be awesome with the Storm Kick animation (it might need a crank back stance before the spin due to the activation time probably). I am not a fan of the flailing fist move it has now.
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
That's kind of the thing... I do no think that increased speed was intended to be a drawback. The added benefit in the pool puts it more in line with Leaping. For most, the added speed made it even nicer. When I saw other people complain about the speed during focused feedback threads, I was disappointed that wasn't addressed. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It's a bit more clumsy having a third toggle to activate, but it makes sense, too. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
So... many powers have tradeoffs. And all of those other tradeoffs are pretty reasonable. Granite Armor is probably the most extreme example, yeah. That's not apples to apples, though. And it's been that way since (practically) day 1 for well thought-out reasons. Somebody else in the thread tried to compare this to the snipe mechanic change. But moving your toon around is a bit more fundamental than having to adjust your attack string for one AT. Not a fair comparison at all. The extra speed is just too fast to the point of being jarring IMHO, and not a fair tradeoff for the benefit you get. I thought of a way this could work, though. Kind of like the synergy between the fighting pool and brawl, where simply having a power augments another without it being "on." Maybe make it so that simply having EM adds the -fly -immobilize and -kb to Hover. Then actually toggling it ON adds the speed buff and flight control. Simple, doesn't require Null, strikes me as a win-win. Thank you to the handful of sane people who chimed in and at least understood where I'm coming from. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
BTW I've said forget about Null a bunch of times. I changed the subject line and everything. In an ideal world, Evasive Maneuvers speed boost would not apply to Hover. It's not needed and it forces an (in many cases) unwanted speed boost on us in exchange for the useful resist protects. Turning it off is not a reasonable option because then you lose the protections. If there is any way at all to fix this, I pray that the GMs can consider one. Please don't mistake the lack of any more replies as some kind of agreement or concession with the condescending elitists who dominate this toxic forum. I'm just done with them. If you have anything constructive to say, feel free to DM me. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
But then you lose the benefits of having the power in the first place. That's NOT a valid choice. Skip it or cope does not address the problem. It's not a fair tradeoff for the resist bonuses. You people are the ones not comprehending what should be a very simple suggestion. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Those are not "choices" when the only way around the problem is to turn it off or skip the power. It's about the tradeoff. Screw Null. It's a problem that IMHO deserves some kind of fix. Saying "skip the power or cope" in so many words is not a fix. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Actually no they aren't. For as smart as you think you people are, the short sighted attempt at logic you keep trying to dazzle me with is obtuse. Those are not "choices" when the only way around the problem is to turn it off or skip the power. The speed boost is not a fair tradeoff for those bonuses. IMHO the speed buff should never have applied to Hover. The resists ere awesome and very welcome. But the speed aspect of it was never needed (on Hover). Everyone moved more than fast enough indoors. Everyone got to the elevator or the next cave room at pretty much the same time regardless of how. Hover + Swift = the moron bouncing off cave walls running ahead like a coked up toddler. But now the people who do like the speed for reasons I will never understand expect it, and you can't take it away from them. Those of us who don't have to just cope because the 7337 gods have spoken. That's not a choice. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
So the choices... 1. Keep the power for the very useful resists the devs have added for us, but at the cost of having to fly at a speed that is so fast it is dizzying and aggravating in close quarters. 2. Turn it off during combat or skip the power entirely, denying myself the very useful resists and defeating the whole purpose. 3. Learn to play in a completely different manner than I've been doing since 2004 getting dozens of toons to 50 because I'm clearly doing it wrong. Nah, that's not insulting or condescending at all. Yeah that's some choice. Thanks. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Wow. So the concession of the 7337 player base is shut up and cope and learn to play better. As I said...so don't use Null to fix it. Maybe there is another way. Though none of these arguments is very compelling as to why you can't use Null. Every response could have been equally applied to players having to deal with speed boost buff from Kins or not wanting to have to click accept on mystic fortune all the time. You keep forgetting where you are in the portal jockey badge? Use a spreadsheet. Don't like group fly working as designed? Cope and learn to play better. Everything has a workaround. Everything is a "choice." That is not a solution to the problem. Evasive maneuvers on hover is NOT negligible to everyone. It's worth repeating that I was NOT the only idiot who complained about this during beta. It is an annoying side effect of an otherwise very useful power and not an unreasonable request of the GMs to consider. Hopefully they have. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I don't have sprint on during combat either for the same reason. I actually told Kins to NOT drop speed boost on my melee toons before Null back in the day. It's not impossible to control but it's aggravating in a lot of situations. So call it a quality of life suggestion. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Which causes me to lose point in taking taking the power in the first place. Yeah that's an awesome workaround. Thanks. Again... I am NOT the only weirdo who raised this as a concern during focused feedback. A lot of people do not like the speed boost. Fine, don't use Null to fix it. It still seems ideal to me, and I can't help but question your assumption about it's purpose and dev motivation for wanting to use him or not, but whatever. In the blind hope that this suggestion is actually making it to the GMs and I'm not wasting my time... I'd like to be able to keep this power toggled on for the benefits without having the very aggravating speed boost along with it. I am hoping there is some way to address it. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It's always bizarre what people argue against as "not a problem" and then you give unreasonable workarounds that don't solve the complaint. Do the devs actually read this forum, or am I only talking to people who don't give a crap about their fellow players concerns? Replies like those above are why most people probably don't even bother with their feedback. The Evasive Maneuvers has a very useful -fly and -immobilize protect now. I want to keep it toggled on for that reason. But the downside is that it makes hover way to flipping fast. No, it's not game breaking, but it's extremely aggravating. I know I wasn't the only one who raised this concern in the focused feedback thread at the time. But some people like going that fast indoors (for reasons I will never understand, but God love you). So it should be an option. Null seems the ideal solution. I would definitely describe it as "persistently annoying" to the same level as most of the other things that Null resolves. -
Evasive Maneuvers speed suppression on Hover
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I have no idea what you just said. I'm guessing that you like the speed, so cool. That's why I'm suggesting it as an option in Null for those who don't. The original devs put speed suppression Null the Gull for a reason. When you move too fast it is hard for a lot of people to navigate. They overshoot targets. The motion is jerky and frustrating. That much speed is just not needed between mobs. -
I'm one of these guys who goes to Pocket D first thing to turn off speed buffs. So I have a love-hate relationship with the new flight pool. I'd love to keep Evasive Maneuvers on my flyers during a mission for the -fly resist without the constant stop-go-stop-go trying to navigate tight corners at 40-freakin MPH like I'm on a roller coaster. Hover+Swift was more than fine. Any IO set bonsues I got were small enough to be no big deal. But as it is now, I keep Swift unslotted because every little bit that can slow me down helps. Ideally I'd want to ask Null to make it so that the EM speed buff applies only to FLY, not Hover. Sidebar: I feel the same way about Incarnate/Musculature tbh. I'd prefer going the Radial branch for the other bonuses beyond dmg, but the run speed buff that I can't shut off drives me insane. Why is that even in there?
Multiple paths to Accolade Badge Powers
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
It cracks me up what people feel compelled to argue against. Heaven forbid we have more paths to choose from. -
Multiple paths to Accolade Badge Powers
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
While technically true, for me, Atlas Medallion is a must have for all of my toons, as is Portal Jockey really. Not an absolute game-breaking necessity, but it gets aggravating running out of endo. I only feel the "need" to get TFC for my scraps and sents really. I would like to get FPR more often, but the hunting Fake Nems part gets tedious. I'd rather stab myself in the throat with a better knife than repeat one of those outdoor maps over and over like I've discovered a lot of people do. It'd just be nice to have variety for levelling. -
Multiple paths to Accolade Badge Powers
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Simply to save us the hassle of running to a zone for no other reason than to read a plaque. -
Probably the biggest thing that can make alting feel repetitive is the fact that in order to get the 4 ever-important Accolade buffs to HP and End, you have to check off the same list. Save the mystic again, go to these markers, don't forget Echo: Galaxy, read these plaques, run a Moonfire. Then go to these markers, read these other plaques, farm Fake Nems... etc. Or you could take the Redside options, some of which are kind of obnoxious. (take 1 mil dmg and pay off 200k debt? Really?) But even putting that aside, that's only 2 choices. It can get a little stale. Could we come up with some comparable steps to unlock the accolade? Maybe make them separate badges, but the buffs would not stack of course. Like hunting Paragon Protectors or Devoured instead of Fake Nems? Ancestor spirits and Sorcerers instead of Warwolves and Vampires? Or do the signature arcs instead of TFs? Or get credit for rescuing Percy instead of the Mystic. Just spitballing possibilities. And while you're at it, is there any chance you can move all of the exploration and history markers out of the Echo zones and put them somewhere else?
Can flashbacks be done w/o "Task Force" mode?
RogueWolf replied to RogueWolf's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I get the reasoning at the time. All those make sense. But if there's a way to uncouple flashback from taskforce mode, I would love that. I really wish there was a way to exemp down to story content level without having to get locked in this mode where you can't leave to do something else and come back to it.