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Everything posted by RogueWolf

  1. The tiny little dot under your health? That's not terribly helpful.
  2. I am referring here to Kuji-in Retsu, Unstoppable, Elude, Strength of Will, etc. Often the endo crash sneaks up on you, and you don't realize it happened until you are suddenly dead because you didn't realize your powers had stopped working in the middle of an extra-long fight. The crash itself is an understandable cost for mega-defense, but the lack of a visual cue that you need to pop an insp kinda sucks.
  3. I've had this problem with Flashback mode and AE since their introduction. It is aggravating that I can't just set me level like on Brainstorm, or save my spot in an arc if I want to take a break with that toon to do something else. I never understood why the original devs locked you into TF mode to accomplish the level down. I am assuming there is some code reason. Can it be undone? I'd much rather set my level and have all of my old contacts from that level become active.
  4. This is a really weird problem on Arachnos and Longbow base maps in the prison room. Ally NPC pets get REALLY mad at doors. Even if you leave them there to wail on the doors alone, and you kite aggro into the prison, they may or may not stop attacking the stupid doors. Can you lower the threat level on them or make them invisible to NPCs or something?
  5. SFMA is a new one on me. I'm guessing "Story first Mission Architect"?
  6. It would be helpful for browsing story driven content if we could EXCLUDE keywords like Giant Monster; farm, etc. Does this feature exist?
  7. FWIW, endo got much more manageable by level 45 with a few more end cost set bonuses and the accolade badges. It is just brutal levelling up
  8. This might sound weird, but... will there be a way to suppress the speed buff of Evasive Maneuvers? --As an option for your toon, not on the power. I'm one of these players who goes to Null the Gull first thing to make sure that Speed Boost doesn't make me run so fast I overshoot everything. I was trying it out with the changes. The lower endo cost makes it worlds more playable. But hover speed is too fast now. I don't even have swift slotted. but I'd like to keep it on for the immobilize and -fly protect.
  9. The endo issues are only when solo. I don't notice the drag as much when I'm on a team. Deciding what toggles to not run isn't really a solution, though. The cast times compounded with the higher cost of steamy mist and snow storm makes it an often aggravating challenge to solo. I will have to try that with Tornado as a workaround. Thanks.
  10. Specifically, there have been a bunch of times where my 3 x hydro stacks drop on my almost immediately before I can get the next attack off. If it's not a bug, I think the timer on that should maybe be extended another second or two.
  11. Storm is a crazy fun set. But... For having so few toggles, it is a flipping endurance hog. Even with Performance Shifter, Panacea+Miracle proc+Numina proc on Health, and a few other endo set bonuses elsewhere, it's barely manageable. I can't even imagine how this will work with Evasive Maneuvers tacked on. Besides the casting cost on the instant powers, I think Snow Storm is a bit high for the benefit. Steamy Mist is .05 higher that most others, too. Tornado is often difficult to cast if you lose track of the mouse pointer (which is easy to do on big teams) It will either extend out of range, or give an error if you aren't pointing to the ground. Other mouse-click location powers don't seem to have this problem. Why is O2 single target only when it's the only heal? I get that it adds mez resist, but that'd be much more attractive as a targeted AoE.
  12. When I hover or fly, it's at the waist. When I stand, it's around my shoulders. So weird.
  13. I made a /Storm Corruptor for the first time on HC. I had a Storm Troller back on Live, but I don't remember this toggle blotting out so much of the screen. It's unusable the way it looks now. Not for the stats, but because I can't see anything. Trying to customize the color doesn't help. Didn't it spin around at waist level before at least, not shoulder height? It would help to be more transparent and not so dense.
  14. Wow cool. Another thread started by someone who thinks that the game is too damn easy and thus teams become boring. I like this trend. One funny thing that sticks out is that people keep saying this creates a challenge, or makes the game hard. No... it makes the game not so ridiculously easy to the point where anyone can steamroll any given mission at +4x8. That was fun when we were only here for the nostalgia. But when that wears off, we don't want to see people leaving again like they were in 07. A notoriety setting to better balance the team would set a tone for players who actually want everyone to play the game. It will let everyone feel they are working together instead of following behind while 2-3 of y'all kill everything in front of you. And for those of you who only want to farm for maximum rewards in the minimal effort and time... play on with your OP builds. Knock yourselves out. Personally I would not set this option for ITFs or Incarnate content or AV missions, or probably not even for Malta or Vanguard. IOs still have a purpose. But please do something to make us not get bored with radio missions and TFs so fast for those of us who level up the old school way.
  15. Being able to switch off IO set bonuses for the team as a noteriety options sounds like an elegant solution to a problem. Those who don't think it's a problem can ignore it. Those of us who want everyone on a team to actually feel more involved instead of letting four OP builds plow through the whole thing by themselves can set it. They they have a simple tag their for their LFG callouts to attract like minded players. I think it would create a better environment for the whole community.
  16. I got 2 punny names out of my alts... Amber Blaise - Fire/Fire sentinel (because Ember was taken) Stormy Watters - Water/Storm corrupter (particularly proud of that one 😃)
  17. Holy smokes this topic took off. I was busy irl all evening so I didn't know. Lots to read through when I get a chance. Glad I started a conversation.
  18. We do all that. Themed ITFs are great. Sometimes we have the right mix of folks on to run lowbie stuff. When I do callouts in LFG for my own PUGs, I always specify "kill most" or "for xp and fun" or something along those lines to weed out the toddlers. It's not foolproof, but it helps a lot.
  19. No I did not want an echo chamber. I even said that up front more or less. I was holding out hope that the minority was not so tiny, though. It is annoying that so many of the "suggestions" are nothing but snark that's out of phase with the reality of the game. But I expected that, too. Just maybe not so much of it. Had to try. :) And I agree that "needed" is bad, But balance is so far to the opposite extreme it's kinda sad. But like lots of others are saying, that's how the bulk of players want it. I'll never understand why, but it is what it is. As someone else called out, this was not complaining just for the sake of complaining. It was an observation that I'm glad at least a few people agree with. Some kind of mechanic to make it easier to roll with those kinds of pugs would be nice. I just wish I knew how such a thing could be implemented. Something like a simple switch for whoever has the star like IO set bonuses set off without having to be anchored to a flashback "TF". I know it won't happen. Just spitballing. To this other tangent that it's only about IOs... no it's not. When IOs came out, I don't remember it being this bad. But it was the beginning of the downhill roll. When AE turned the game into City of Farmers, that was a huge step toward the silly state teams are in now.
  20. Yeah the downside to this is that RPers tend to be... uhm... yeah intense is a good word for it.
  21. No it absolutely has not. I get the idea that no AT was "needed" per se. But they all got to fill their purpose and compliment each other. It got to an almost laughable point of imbalance between exemplar and IO sets much later in the game. At which point I had lost interest and quit. There's a lot to offset that since Going Rogue and HC, though. It's not bad enough to make me hate the game or want to quit by any stretch. But IMHO it's still a problem. At least for some of us. But as another poster pointed out before you, the bad would outweigh the good in attempting to fix it because of the mentality of the majority of gamers.
  22. I counted 4 people in the thread who get it. Like I said, I doubted people even want to "fix" what they don't consider broken. Not everyone has the luxury of regular, dedicated times to play that align with their friends. Not everyone wants to lead the group to set the tone every time. Those things definitely help. I tune out any call that includes the word "speed" for example. I stopped doing PI radios ages ago. I'm in an awesome SG. A few folks in there feel as I do about wanting to keep the game somewhat grounded. Others are one of "those four" as y'all put it and only seek maximum rewards in the most efficient time possible. They are all cool in different ways. Yes, banter is a huge plus, though again, not always possible on OP pugs. The problem is not people being un-social or me playing a subpar toon I don't enjoy. The problem is that game balance makes it so that tanks and support toons are no longer really needed on teams with more than 4 people after level 35. I should add... even playing a brute or blaster runs the same risk of not being needed and getting bored quickly because everything dies so quickly with or without you. I wish there was a way to fix that without it ruining solo play. Sadly I don't think there is. And I'm clearly in the minority of thinking it's even a problem. I was hoping there'd be more who share the sense of brokenness on team game balance. The effort to try to nerf exemplar or Incarnate level shift or whatever you'd have to do probably isn't worth it.
  23. I'm often stunned after a TF is over and everyone else says things like "great job" "good run" "great team" and I'm like... it was??? That was boring AF. How do you know the team was good when no one needed each other? Four of you kinda plowed through it by yourselves. We barely said anything to each other the whole time because no one felt the need to communicate. All I did was follow behind the pack as you ran off like toddlers on a sugar high and occasionally dropped a buff to feel like I was doing something. I never hit anything because it was dead before my attack animation was over. But I guess that really is some folks' idea of fun? These things go through my head on a regular basis, but I bite my tongue because I don't want to be "that guy." IO sets are a double edged sword. The whole point of the game is to feel like superheroes. We all get that. It's great being able to solo EBs. But when so many people have figured out these insane min-maxed, soft-capped builds, by the time you're, say, mid-30s... everyone is a brute. Everyone can dish out and defend against so much psycho damage that the only purpose of a tank is to herd critters into nice little clusters to make them even easier to sweep away, and you don't really need support toons anymore. You don't truly appreciate how boring a TF is until you play a controller. The Imperious TF is about the only exception. But not always. Even then someone can probably go AFK for awhile and no one would notice (I speak from experience). IMHO, game balance is fine up through the 30s (when everyone is at most level 35), and even over that level on up when soloing, or until the team gets to like 5 people. Then it all breaks down and nothing is a challenge anymore even at +4x8 except for a tiny handful of enemies like Vanguard or IDF. The thing is... I have no idea how to fix that. I'm sure a lot of people reading this are scoffing and don't even want to. But highly doubt I'm alone in thinking that teams are boring and we wish there was more opportunity for SOME level of challenge in missions from any given random PuG without having to host our own flashback missions with the settings cranked up. Because that's just not an option every time you want to play.
  24. What? Of course no one is telling me to change my build. I was hoping this update was going to present new options for my characters that were worth changing my standard builds. I see the point about it benefiting support toons Lupis called out. That is nice to know. I see from other replies that I am not the only one finding this change to flight odd and underwhelming for combat toons, though. I'm just suggesting something that would make it all this work worth it to more players.
  25. Well yeah... like I said the speed buff IS nice. Just IMHO not nearly nice enough to change my build to waste an extra power slot or even an enh slot on it. Making it also useful in combat, though, would make it an attractive option.
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