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About Kheprera

  • Birthday 11/18/1967

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  1. Base Code: EPOCH-1847 Base Name: Epoch Builder: @Kheprera SG Leader: Paschar Shard: Everlasting Theme: Other Special Considerations: Flight could be handy in places. This is a WIP and many spaces are undone/closed off as they're empty. I'll open them up as they get closer to completion. Links to places are hidden, but the Entrance goes everywhere except 1 place.
  2. Logged in and joined an Instanced MSR on Everlasting (something I do almost daily). Today my League UI was undocked and won't dock at all and my Team UI is showing my Team as Pets. Picture is for Info. I have tried to dock the UI repeatedly. Showing the Team UI because now my Team are my pets, for which I will refer to them for the duration of this MSR for comic reasons, but this is annoying as I like having the League UI up, not the Team, during the raids. I looked under Options but could not find anything there that might cause it. Computer was freshly booted and all updated prior to logging in. I have heard of others having this issue in the past few months and did a search, but found no topics covering undocked UIs.
  3. That if you're on a laptop, you may have to use the FN key with the Function keys to get them to work. I had to go to Google to understand this seemingly minor tidbit.
  4. /e jumps into the pool! Sure. I'm in.
  5. Take a base tour (see pinned topics) and see what people do with bases. Many are truly amazing.
  6. I have so many binds I can barely remember them. 🤣
  7. I need to remember to unbind the doubleleftclick, but I also use it to move quickly from room to room.
  8. At the top of the forum is a list of pinned posts. One of them is The Base Building Guide. Start there. Lots of great information in the links there.
  9. Check to see if you have indoor or outdoor lighting enabled. Indoor will make it darker.
  10. But... I'm still fishing! And have piles and piles to clean for the fish fry! It's pretty amazing what we can do now. Thank you for all the help and I'm certain I'll have more questions now that the Tardis room is mostly done in Epoch. Specifically hiding storage racks because they aren't being nice to me but that's not what this thread is about. The help videos, the base contests, the tours, the showcases... thank you for all the work. Maybe now your bases can be entered into some contests, because it's only fair. ALL HAIL @Dacy and @Easter Bunny!!
  11. BaBs! One of my faves is back! Welcome! Hope life has been good for you.
  12. Totally agree on more long hairstyles for men, and the hats. My husband can sit on his hair. Also more POC hairstyles for men from a Jheri curl to fades with patterns like a peace sign or lightning bolts. Also, glove, shoulder, and back options for tattoos. Snakes, barbed wire, Mom/Mother, anchor, heart, sun, moon, eclipse, Eye of Horus, Ankh, Celtic weave, feather, dragon... some of the Tsoo options have tats, but they don't fit all characters. My Egyptian has many tattoos and though not all mentioned above would fit, one or two could represent. And she's not the only one I have with tats.
  13. Praetorian Seer costume pieces. Costume parts from Maelstrom and Penelope Yin. And Swan's feathered cape. Gloves from Praetorian PPD. Curly hair. Long, medium, and short. More natural styles for POC.
  14. I need different wall sizes so if I want to build a fireplace with a wall above it, I can. Trying to build realistic apartments/houses for players has me pulling out my hair.
  15. I have used the Pocket D tailor to change my Praetorian's costume many times. Not sure if it's strictly a Side issue or dependant on which Icon/Facemaker npc was originally used.
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