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  1. I made a Storm/Elec Sentinel the other day who of course was bird and I knew (and sorry for being TOTALLY unoriginal) I would never be able to name him Storm Eagle. Imagine my surprise to see the green checkmark.
  2. Heh, so I have heard! It's fine if I couldn't get all of the things I wanted but I appreciate the effort and looking forward to seeing what you have here. At work so can't open the file till later. 🙂
  3. Whoops, sorry about that! Sentinal.
  4. I realized what I did...i should take off the one slot from VS and add that slot to Maneuvers while slotting a 5 slot Thunderstrike into VS. How does this look? elec Regen sample.mbd
  5. Hmm, im not seeing where I can add another LOTG anywhere, and what would you recommend slotting Thunderous Blast with? I'm thinking Thunderstrike but maybe something else would be better? elec Regen sample.mbd
  6. Ahh, many many thanks! I will go ahead and implement those changes.
  7. I see you got a lot of builds and honestly im stumped in regard to a build I want. It is a Elec/Regen build but I want to try to take ALL the primary and Secondary powers (I could not have the first primary power though). Some of the other things I want in the build are: Hasten, Hover, Fly, Maneuvers, Kick, Tough and Weave. I am not really going for any Pool/Patron powers. I mostly solo but will join teams here and there especially for Incarnate trials. Think you can hook me up with something?
  8. So, here is a build I got and made some modifications too but....I really want to have Tesla Cages in there and have a set in there...but I dont know where I can pull slots from and still keep the build where it is. If anyone has suggestions as to what powers I may be able to remove slots from and still come out with a great build please let me know! elec Regen sample.mbd
  9. I would rather keep it due to the fact I do use it inside missions and fly can be a bit too fast in cramped quarters while hover offers more control. 🙂
  10. Well, its not elec but I do have a Rad/Regen too! I can certainly use it for him and he was my next one to get kitted out. 😄
  11. Oh yeah, I found out the joys of a Dark/SR Sent not to long ago...as an incarnate and IO'ed out Sent he is a flying BEAST! Damage wise may be a bit low but man...he just does not worry about being hit at all and just can stay there and fire off one attack after another to whittle down the mobs and just not worry. Love him!
  12. So after coming into a bit of Influence through luck, playing the game and some VERY nice people...I think I have enough to REALLY make a good build...so if anyone has a good elec/regen build that has no limit on inf spent...please share. Some caveats though: 1. Hover and Fly will be taken. 2. Can skip Second Wind but if necessary can take it. 3. I would LIKE to take all elec powers (except first) and I really want Tesla Cage. 4. Hasten is available. Any other Pool power is up for grabs except Psion Mastery (doesnt fit the theme). Hopefully someone can work with this and get me an awesome build. 😄
  13. Can Confirm. The damage may be a bit on the lower side but man is this set survivable. Hardly anything hits me and if you take the heal power in dark...you pretty much golden. Love this at 50. 😄
  14. Yeah, that seemed to be my takaway too. I really wanted to like rad but the slowness of it made me ditch the character.
  15. Just wondering, what could I replace flurry with if I really dont think it fits for theme? Or Just keep it for the Hecatomb mule? Is there another power and enh. set that could replace Heca?
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