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  1. A very thought out answer though even if it was lengthy but not going to fault you for that. 🙂
  2. Hey Sable, sorry for just getting back with you now...holidays have been quite busy. Thanks again for the build Idea! So, why is it you dont try to get the def to softcap and instead just try to hit that 32% threshold?
  3. I was thinking of doing a Ice/Time Corr...is this something that would be good solo and on teams?
  4. Hey @Hyperstrike, are you finding you dont have any end issues even without conserve energy?
  5. Not sure what happened...but I got the name Storm Eagle on Excelsior. He's level 5 right now. Did you put in any punctuation or a space or something?
  6. How do you deal with mez's out of curiosity?
  7. I dont suppose you have a bi-form (dwarf) build?
  8. So this "revamp" has been talked about but...have they EVER implemented it (I am guessing no). Do the devs have a ETA on when we might see ANY changes to the WS/PB's?
  9. Actually I dont mind getting rid of those two since it really isnt in theme anyway for the char. They were mostly just mules for the LoTG enhs.
  10. Hahaha, noted!
  11. I see, yeah and to be frank with you the second one WOULD be more in line with the concept (elec mastery vs Psy master) as the bird is a robot in my head... your second one aside from blazing blast not being in there is starting to intrigue me though more and more lol.
  12. Currently its for a Rad/Regen Sent. It meshes well with the Apocalypse set but not having access to it yet had me ask the question of course. I wasnt sure if there was a "weaker" set that would do most of the things as Apocalypse or not. At any rate there were two builds I was looking at for this character but...something is off with mids on the second one and its not calculating the resistances correctly...not sure what is causing it myself but the second one does not have Apocalypse slotted in it. Version 2 though I think would be more my style of play more so than v1 though I think with the power choices and such. I'll link the two builds and maybe someone can offer some advice (or tell me what is going on with the insane v2 resistances being in the negatives) Gamma Hawk v1 - Sentinel (Radiation Blast - Regeneration).mbd Gamma-Hawk v2.mbd
  13. Hey thanks Meknomancer! I see where the Meltdown comes into the play and missed that! Interesting build ideas you have there, I may use some of them in others but I do have a mindset for this character and so blazing blast has to stay (plus I honest like the "no YOU get away from me!" repel) Not to mention flight isnt in yours and the character is a bird soooooo.... 😛 Yours has given me some consideration if I do decide to respec him out of the blazing blast though.
  14. Wow, there are a lot of good answers here and I thank each and every one of you for your input! As I figured there are some differences here and there when it comes to the AT. This is for a Sentinel by the way. Gods I love that AT. 🙂 Thank you all for the thoughts and advice. Now to sift through all of this and decided which one I need to go with with it pertaining to what I am looking for. Again great advice from everyone!
  15. So just as the title says, if you end up putting an Apocalypse IO set into a power at 50, what do you normally put into it before you hit max level? I've got several builds but I never really am sure what to slot into the powerset before purples come into play.
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