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  1. I've been playing on the homecoming servers for years now, and frankly, considering the progress made on the other servers, Thun*** and reb*** among others, I wonder why I stay. So, it's true that the “trade” part still works, but what about the rest? I've created an MM on thund*** and, by God, I'll never play an MM on Homecoming again. Why not get players involved in the server's evolution, because right now, frankly, it's not moving. It gets boring after a while!
  2. Very constructive ! translation of this topic : bla blah, blah, blah !
  3. I played on "the other server", and each of my henchmen had his own costume (6 in all). Despite this, my MM had access to 6 costumes, with 4 to unlock in-game. In fact, always having the same henchmen (demons, or undeads or robots, etc.) bores me to no end. I like change, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. So why don't we do what they did on "the other server" and wait for something even better? Because in any case, I like HOMECOMING, but when I want to play MM, I go to... "the other server"!
  4. I think it would be easier, in a first time, to upscale and rework the old faces and some costumes. The problem is that the models (meshes) are quite rustic, with very angular faces and bodies ! If it could be reworked, increasing the number of polygons, that would be great !
  5. I agree, but not only for hairstyles. What about new faces, or reactualized "old" faces. If you compare the steampunk or last dlc faces with the old ones, the differences are huge ! And new clothes, why not. Ah, and for our friends Tigers and Panthers, it would be cool if the stripes and stains were not accessible as clothing but directly as skin color, this would make all clothing accessible !
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