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Posts posted by Safehouse

  1. I know this is an older thread but I wanted to bump to show my support. Conceptually speaking, a beam rifle type of power set, but with the powers shooting from his hands, would be absolutely perfect for my main. I’ve settled for energy/energy, but if beam rifle were available with a “hand blast” animation, I would happily reroll in a heartbeat no question.

  2. Tonight I was doing some missions that involve fighting a boatload of praetorian clockworks, and I couldn’t help but notice how great some of the power animations looked. Between the rapid fire blasts, the laser beams that vanish in thin puffs of flame, and electrical attacks, watching it I felt like I was really looking at a set of powers that aesthetically better matches my concepts for my main (nrg/nrg blaster).


    I feel like it would be really neat to have a “plasma blast” or “ionized blast” set, in which characters mix shots of hypercharged overheated laser beams from their fingertips with bolts of electricity. I feel like it could be a good mixed set that can provide a combo of energy, fire, and/or smashing damage. It might be cool to even have varying effects depending on the power used, where some powers have a chance to stun, while others have a DoT effect.


    Definitely these thoughts just sprang to mind so it’s undeveloped ideas, but what do folks think? Would anyone else be interested in a mixed blast set like this?

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. Most of what I could want (costume options, graphical updates, more story and incarnate content, more leveling content, among other things) has already been reiterated a solid number of times, but unless I miss this, one thing I would like that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is:


     - Praetoria content. I heard rumors that the devs had ambitions of adding new zones to bring Prae closer in size to Paragon, and that they wanted story content all the way up to level 50+. I feel like absence of that is no small part of why those zones are so dead and underutilized.


    I would have loved to see more of the resistance story come to pass and it would be pretty cool to be able to run all the way up to 50 there with a praetorian character, with visits to Paragon and the Isles as the stories progress.


     - I’d also like to second the request to have more hero content in Rogue Isles, more villain content in Paragon, more vigilante and rogue content. Opening those areas up for different alignments would I think create a whole new set of opportunities and really open up the world. Imagining a burgeoning young hero, born and raised in the Rogue Isles, rising out of the slums of Mercy to try and make things better...


     - Vigilante and Rogue specific stories and content. Possibly even vig/rog specific epic power pools. This ones a bit wild and out there, but i imagine there are folks out there who love the idea of toeing the line between good and evil.

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