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Posts posted by Safehouse

  1. 19 hours ago, Bopper said:

    Also, Energy Aura on a stalker is great. I have a Energy/Energy/Mu stalker and it is a beast

    I'll admit, part of why I've struggled to get "on board" with stalker is that I didn't like how all defensive sets sacrifice a skill for "hide." BUT, in the case of energy aura, "hide" is actually in the set in some form or another regardless of AT (energy cloak), so I feel like I'm not sacrificing a skill to play a set on stalker. That's just my personal preferences speaking. I guess my thing is - for me to choose stalker, I have to have a character whose thematic purpose really matches the AT?


    I'm rambling. BUT I'm inclined to believe you on it being a beast, just based on what I know of the archetype and powerset combo.

  2. As far as secondaries go, I really highly recommend Energy Aura. Safehouse, my Energy/Energy scrapper, is hella fun to play. Plus I like the overall look of EA. I designed the character based on a theme, but the actual powersets feel like they play very nice together.


    Mind you, I'm still very early in leveling Safehouse and that could change. But with my experience with EA on my Kinetic/EA scrapper, combined with my experience so far on Energy/EA, I think the results are very promising.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

     I was actually pondering something like that, having some sort of narrow cone effect on all powers when you reach max stacks of 'laser focus', or perhaps having it chain to multiple targets?


    I love this idea. I think it does give a really unique flavor to the set that would differentiate it from the more single-target focused Beam Rifle and the "disintegrate" effect. Make "laser blast" be more aoe-centric, and the idea of straight-line AOE for the lasers enhances that sense of energy so concentrated it can "punch through" defenses.


    How would you think the balancing would work for this? I would imagine having the sniper do extreme damage to the target AND everything between you and them would be pretty intense. Or maybe not. I don't know. But maybe something where other enemies than the target take reduced damage compared to the primary target? I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. And the buildup to a "chain" effect also sounds really cool.


    I'm already getting ideas for a Laser/Energy blaster... 🙂

    • Like 2
  4. I don't know if anybody else has experienced, but I've noticed a really interesting alternate animation for X-Ray Beam on my Rad/Energy blaster. Sometimes, when I'm in a fight, I use an animation that is not actually available at character creation. When changing the look of your powers, you can choose either the default eye beam, or to shoot the lasers from your hand.


    However, I've seen a lot during missions - especially when I'm fighting a chain of enemies in rapid succession - that I sometimes do this really neat animation in which I take this hard step forward, kind of stomping my foot, and lean into my laser attack from my eyes. I don't know what the cause of it is, but it's a really cool animation to see during fights and gives this impression of "unleashing raw power!!" that looks bada**.


    Has anybody else noticed this animation?

  5. 23 hours ago, Tyrannical said:

    Following on from this thread I decided to take a stab at the idea of making a beam-focused blast set that doesn't use a rifle.


    In order to make it different enough to Beam Rifle, I decided to make this powerset energy/fire damage based, as well as reducing enemy DEF. This powerset has two animation styles; eye-lasers and arm-lasers so it can have a few different concepts to play with.


    I know this means yet another energy damage blast set, but I'm hoping by making it a split between energy/fire we can forgive that and play a little more on the 'heat vision' theme that comes with the whole laser thing. 


    Laser Blast


    BeamRifle SingleShot.png - Laser Bolt: Standard fast attack, dealing low energy/fire damage and reducing defense. Same FX as 'Single Shot', with the animation of 'Psionic Dart'/'Neutrino Bolt'


    BeamRifle ChargedShot.png - Laser Beam: A stronger blast attack, dealing moderate energy/fire damage and reducing defense. Same FX as 'Charged Shot', with the animation of 'Laser Eye Beam'/'Power Blast'


    BeamRifle CuttingBeam.png - Cutting Laser: A cone attack power, dealing moderate energy/fire damage to foes and heavily reducing defense. Same FX as 'Cutting Beam', with the animation of 'Shout'/'Steam Spray'


    BeamRifle Aim.png - Aim: Standard Aim power


    BeamRifle Disintegrate.png - Melting Ray: A debuff power, dealing moderate energy/fire DoT and reducing both defense and resistance. Same FX as 'Disintegrate' with the animation of 'Mental Blast'/'Power Push'


    BeamRifle PenetratingRay.png - Focused Beam: A snipe power, dealing extreme energy/fire damage and reducing defense. Same FX as 'penetrating Ray', with the animation of 'Psionic Lance'/'Sniper Blast'


    BeamRifle LancerShot.png - Power Beam: A heavy blast attack, dealing superior energy/fire damage and reducing defense. Same FX as the P-Clockwork 'Anti Matter Ray', with the animation of 'Terrify'/'Power Burst'


    BeamRifle PiercingBeam.png - Piercing Laser: A narrow cone piercing attack, dealing high energy/fire damage and reducing defense and resistance. Same FX as the P-Clockwork 'Anti Matter Beam', with the animation of 'Scramble Thoughts'/'Cosmic Burst AltFX'


    BeamRifle Overcharge.png - Laser Blast: A massive targeted AoE attack, dealing Extreme energy/fire damage and reducing defense and resistance. Same FX as 'Overcharge', with the animation of 'Liquefy AltFX (old)'/'Thunderous Blast'

    I've loved a lot of the powersets in this thread, but this one is by far my favorite (I've also been posting in that other thread you linked), and I love the idea of an energy/fire set. I don't mind another energy blast set, personally.


    Consider me 200% behind laser blast. Devs, PLEASE make this happen!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Naomi said:

    I think it's a great idea, but taking into account a lot of what has been pointed out, I think in the end it would be best served pitched as a whole new Primary powerset on its own, which I think has been asked for in the past as some kind of power glove set.


    The way powersets are named, designed and customized in CoH makes enabling this level of customization a bit of a challenge without re-designing the powers system from the ground up.


    Currently, if we did it the way you're asking, you would be picking a rifle weapon in the costume screen, and then presumably selecting "Beam Blast" in the power customization screen per power. This animation and FX wouldn't let you customize your glove if there was one (and I'm pretty sure people would ask for that), so you would have each glove style listed as one of the customization options per power, which would be a quirky way of doing it and not really what power customization was intended for.





    Really nice to get dev feedback on this idea, even if it seems like it would be more of a lift than I thought it would be. Out of curiosity, would the inverse be more feasible or would we come up with the same hurdles? That is to say, for example: what if I wanted to use radiation blast, but wanted to turn the existing blasts that I currently shoot from my hands/eyes into the beams from beam rifle instead? In this case, I'd still be shooting the blasts from the existing emanation points (hands, eyes, so forth), but the blast itself would look like beams.


    Also count my vote in favor of a "beam blast" powerset 🙂

  7. On 2/22/2021 at 8:08 PM, RunoKnows said:

    Hey all!


    I have a suggestion/request that should be simple enough to incorporate. ... Well, maybe simple, at least, as I don't know the first thing about game development and the very idea might make the devs want to tear their hair out instead... but I digress!


    I'd absolutely LOVE to see an alternate set of animations for Beam Rifle across all archetypes; I know the idea of removing the "rifle" from "beam rifle" might sound a little odd, but it would open up a lot of possibilities for different character concepts if you simply don't see your character running around with a laser gun, such as power armor pilots, spellcasters, and mutants with... uhh... laser beam hands, I guess, just to name a few possibilities. Simply put, offering the choice to change the point of origin of beam rifle blasts to the hands/palms (ala traditional Blast sets) and removing the rifle entirely from that alternate set would help cater to a lot of different hero themes and fantasies!


    This would also provide an alternative to Energy Blast, Radiation Blast, and the likes for those who do not care to roll one of those sets for whatever reason. I know I'd love to reroll my Energy/Invuln Sentinel as Beam/Invuln so I stop accidentally trolling teams, but a big honkin' pew pew rifle just doesn't look right on that character.


    Anyone else have any interest in seeing this kind of animation set added to beam rifle? I apologize if this has been discussed to death already but I didn't see any recent topics on the matter, so I figured I'd give it a shot!


    ~ @Runo

    I am a huge advocate for this, personally. Currently Blue Bowshock, my Rad/Energy blaster, is just not quite the "thematic" fit I want him to be. I desperately long to be able to shoot laser beams from my hands and eyes. The idea of having cutting beam be an eye attack gives me chills just to contemplate. While Radiation gets closer to the "heat/plasma" power that I'm looking for, it's just not an exact fit. Energy blast, similarly, just isn't what I'm looking for. Aesthetically speaking, the "rifle" part of "beam rifle" isn't workin for me.


    I've created a character called "Alt Bowshock" who is Beam/Energy, in the hopes that maybe one day beam will get a change like this. If we never see it, that's fine, I can stick with my "rad" Bowshock. I'll just hold out hope 🙂


    Would love one of the devs to weigh in on their thoughts on this, but I'm sure they're busy with other priorities right now haha.

    • Like 1
  8. I made a peacebringer whose backstory involves a character merging with a kheldian who has a strong love of the 80's, in particular synthwave/retrowave music. His costume and powers are colored in bright hues of blue, magenta, pink, purple, with a bit of gold and black.


    I went into this thinking "I really want to call him Neonstar, given his neon color scheme and cosmic powers," but I was dead certain that the name would be taken.


    Thankfully, I was dead wrong, and I'm pleasantly shocked to say that Neonstar now roams the streets of Paragon!!

  9. I won't pretend to know the "meta" of what's a powerful combination. BUT, I will say a combo that I haven't seen represented much, if at all, in conversations is Rad/Energy Blaster. Anecdotally (I don't have numbers to back it up tbh), I feel like I hit like an absolute truck and the powerset combination is just incredibly fun. I recommend giving it a shot.

    • Like 1
  10. It all depends on what I'm feeling, but I haven't generally had any "statuesque" types yet, but I haven't really built the backstory for any characters who WOULD be statuesque. My current main Bowshock is about 5'11". Another character, Safehouse, a brash, hotheaded, cocksure young hero with strong powers and a Superman complex, is shorter than average, at 5'5", and it's a bit of a sore spot for him. He hates the thought that anybody would overlook or underestimate him because of the general association of "height" with "power."

  11. On 7/22/2020 at 3:42 PM, tidma said:

    Any comments on Kinetic Melee/EA?


    Seems a good thematic match, it would be nice if there was synergy between the powersets.

    My Kinetic/EA/Mu scrapper is my first - and currently only - level 50. I can confirm it's a lot of fun. I haven't fully kitted out my planned build yet, and I don't generally over worry about min/maxing, instead building my characters more around theme, but I feel really stronk, and like I'm generally pretty hard to hit. Yeah, there's a bit of a psi-hole, but for the most part I've adored it at endgame. Just want KM to get a little love 🙂

  12. For the longest time, my forever character was Astellus, my Kinetic/Energy/Mu scrapper. Then I rolled my newest toon, Bowshock, who is still in the leveling process, although I plan for him to be a Rad/Energy/Flame Blaster. His concept is everything I didn't know I wanted out of a character. I like his backstory, as a guy who moved to Paragon and ended up having an encounter with a "mysterious, extradimensional entity" which in my mind is some sort of Lovecraftian beast. The encounter seemingly imbued him with the enhanced strength, energy manipulation, and strong heat powers. (I kind of preferred to take "radiation blast" as a representation of intense heat, rather than fire.)


    Conceptually, I love the character as somebody who doesn't have a big laundry list of "phenomenal cosmic powers" or who isn't godly. He just... becomes powerful in his own right by training and mastering his heat/energy powers to the degree that he can even shoot from his eyes a la Cyclops!


    I also really like the aesthetic I came up with for him, costume-wise. Even his dark matter aura, combined with changing his energy powers into this deep red-yellow hue, has given him  a nice sense that he is manipulating some kind of "exotic energy" without him looking too dramatic or bizarre. He's just a dude with cool powers.


    Plus, he's been hitting like a TRUCK. I never considered Rad/Energy for this character concept until one day when I randomly decided to roll him. While I wish the blasts looked more like the beams from beam rifle (that would be AMAZING), he just has been unexpectedly powerful. I can't wait to get him to level 50. I haven't wanted to play a single other character since rolling Bowshock.

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Myrmidon said:

    Likely because the set was 💩 when it launched and even after it was fixed, you just never got around to it.😁


    My reason was that I was waiting for it to port over to Tankers (which is a discussion for another thread, so derail over).

    You're probably right, I do have vague recollection of people saying "EA is crap, no touch." Joke's on them, my main was an elec/regen scrapper on live 😛


    Heh, yeah I could do whole threads about EA too!

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Hew said:

    I am going to spin up a scrapper KM and see how it performs again out of curiousity. It has been a long while, and maybe my memory is a bit rusty. 


    What do you guys recommend I use for a secondary?

    I freaking love Energy Aura with Kinetic Melee. It's just a delightful combo. I can't recommend it highly enough.


    I don't know how I slept on EA when the game was live but I always ignored it.

    • Like 2
  15. 32 minutes ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Sure, so for a visual lets look at it this way:

    Fire Sword Circle




    FSC has a wind-up animation before it "Hits" with the big flame burst, and THEN it has some time afterwards with End-Lag as you stand back up, before you are able to act.








    Burst on the other hand is allllll Start-Up before unleashing the attack/hit, but then you can act nearly immediately once it unleashes. 


    If I had to guess (there is a stat for this but I cannot find it at this sec), FSC actually "hits" around the ~1.6 second mark of it's 2.67s animation, while Burst hits well over 2 seconds into it's 2.67s animation. So while they are the same animation/activation, FSC is actually a second faster to strike.





    Okay, cool, thanks for clarifying. The visuals and the numbers in your previous post help too! Always appreciate seeing the data 🙂 I just wasn't sure I had the right understanding of it. So from my persepctive, even if I'm able to perform my next action almost immediately after unleashing burst, that looong start-up before the hit just feels too much. Maybe making it function a little more like whirling mace and fire sword circle is all that would be needed, but right now it really does feel so slow and laggy.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    Just wanna talk about Burst real quick:



    Name Animation Damage Recharge Radius
    Fire Sword Circle 2.67 126.30 20 10
    Typhoon's Edge 2.27 117.70 12 8
    Spin 2.50 113.70 9.2 8
    The Lotus Drops 1.83 94.47 14 8
    Burst 2.67 89.93 15 8
    Whirling Hands 2.50 81.33 14 8
    Whirling Mace 2.67 80.58 14 8
    Eye of the Storm 2.57 76.98 17 10


    This is only a small sample of PBAoE's, but looking at some common ones it seems Burst is right in the middle-ish. It matches animation time with the slower ones, but I think the main issue is that say, Whirling Mace or Fire Sword circle's animations have:


    Wind Up > Hit > End lag


    While Burst has:


    Wind Up > Wind Up > Hit



    This makes it much "Slower" comparatively as the other attacks with the same cast time hit at least half way through and not at the end.

    Sorry, I'm not sure I follow, do you think you could explain what you mean when you're talking about whirling mace/fire sword, vs Burst? Are you saying that the extra "wind up" for burst is making it lag more? Because basically you don't get "hit" until the end of the chain of events, as opposed to fire sword circle having the "hit" at step 2?

  17. So as of this post, my KM/EA scrapper is my first, and only, level 50. I have so much love for Kinetic Melee, and it comes this close (holds up thumb and forefinger) to actually achieving what I want that character to be, thematically. It does, however, fall short.


    What I love:

    • The "twisty" energy. If you look at the way the energy itself moves when you attack, it's like little spirals of power.
    • The combination of melee and ranged attacks. It's exactly the combo I always wanted to create for my "battlemage" style character. It sometimes feels like I am playing on an assault/defense archetype, and that's so cool.
    • Among the melee sets, this truly feels the most unique. It's super fun to play.

    What I feel needs work. Lots of folks have already touched on this but:

    • Animation times. Especially for Concentrated Strike and, to a lesser degree, Focused Burst and Burst. There could be other attacks that need the AT trimmed, but those are the big three that need some love. Nobody wanted to be a "corpse blaster."
    • Animations themselves. I'm sure plenty of people like the animations just fine, but I strongly advocate for alternate animation options. An option for simpler punches, or maybe even a third animation option to have more of the street brawler look a la street justice, would be awesome. For me, personally, alternate animations to be less hand wavy/jazz hands, would actually, thematically, complete my character. I know that's really my unique scenario, but I imagine I'm not alone in feeling this way.
    • Sound design: we've seen "Nascar melee" thrown around and I agree. BUT, more to the point, my main issue is the lack of impact that the sounds design has. When you strike an enemy, it really doesn't FEEL like you've hit them hard.
    • On the less aesthetic side of things: damage. Maybe improving animation time could fix this, but I seriously feel like the set needs a damage pass, even if after seeing how animation time fixes affect damage.
    • Power Siphon. I'd honestly be all for Power Siphon just being replaced with the stalker Build Up, but I could get behind changes that have been suggested elsewhere in this thread.

    At the end of the day, I think lots of my biggest issues with the set (even though I love it!) are more aesthetic than anything else. But, aesthetics has value, and can be an important aspect of WHY people choose not to use the set (or why folks choose TO use the set). I'm a proponent of "more options," and I feel KM is one of those sets that would benefit from such.

    • Like 2
  18. 22 hours ago, Galaxy Brain said:

    @Rathulfr, I dig that idea though it's not 100% what I had in mind! 


    I think I'll take a moment to refine the idea here (may redo the OP too) :



    To streamline Sentinels, I feel it is best to reduce "Decision Fatigue" in order to make them easier to play on top of giving them some boosts overall.



    1) Base Stats:

    Unchanged for the most part, but crank up their Secondary Effects to possibly even Corruptor values! Sentinels already debuff per hit in the current game, and an archetype that is offensive both damage wise and status/debuff wise is a unique mix.



    2) Opportunity - Vulnerability Mark:

    Currently, Sentinels have to get max Meter and hit a target successfully with either their T1 or T2 attack in order to apply a Mark. This is far too particular given what the mark actually does, heck we even have Trick Arrow able to more or less replicate this exact effect every 3 seconds! This should be decoupled from "Opportunity" and instead just be something the Sentinel can do whenever. Specifically, the T1 and T2 blast, as well as the lvl 6 T3 ST blast will now be able to freely apply the Vulnerability Mark when they hit an enemy.


    (List of lvl 6 T3 blasts)

      Hide contents

    (Stunning Shot / Slug / Disintegrate / Abyssal Gaze / Suppressive Fire / Zapping Bolt / Power Burst / Blaze / Chilling Ray / Will Domination / Cosmic Burst / Shout / Dehydrate)


    Sentinels can only mark 1 Target at a time, and the mark cannot stack from multiple Sentinels. These marks last 10 seconds but disappear if another Mark is created (you cannot mark 2 different targets at once by yourself), and new marks replace old ones on the same target. While marked, Vulnerable Enemies face a harsh, unresistable 15% debuff to: Damage Resistance, Mez Resistance, and (Special/Debuff) Resistances, as well as a 7.5% Defense Debuff. This myriad of weaknesses allows any player to benefit in their own unique ways towards a target highlighted by a Sentinel where not only do they take more damage, but longer mezzes and harsher debuffs. Sentinels would enjoy this themselves solo too with each set having a strong Mez attack and increases to their base secondary effect mods!


    With this in place, the "passive" Vulnerability on-hit of 5% -Res and 2.5% -Def would be removed, and replaced by the second change to their inherent.



    3) Opportunity - Overwatch:

    Sentinels will now produce a 60' Radius Aura (Identical range to Mastermind Supremacy) that grants themselves and allies +Perception, as well as +Perception and ToHit resistances (something minor, but flavorful). Allies in Overwatch range will have some interactions that we will touch on in just a moment.


    With every hit Sentinels dish out, they will gain meter towards Opportunity. Hits on Vulnerable Targets will give Bonus Meter, on top of this Allies within Overwatch Range will supply the Sentinel with Bonus Meter (TBD, could be if they are simply in range the Sentinel gets a boost per hit to make it easy). In order to solve some of the Feast/Famine dynamic, I figure giving the Sentinels more ways to stay in "Feast" may just be the most straightforward solution!


    Once at (near full, 80~90%) Meter, the Sentinel will trigger Opportunity automatically! Once active, both effects of Offensive and Defensive that we know now will be active for the Sentinel where they are able to proc damage on foes they strike as well as heal HP and Endurance just the same. On top of this, Overwatch will now grant everyone in range a 10% Damage Buff, 5% ToHit Buff, 30% Regen buff, and 15% Recovery buff for as long as Opportunity is active.


    Better still, allies within Overwatch will be able to use the effects of Offensive/Defensive opportunity (may as well just call it Opportunity) when they strike Marked Targets!



    4) Putting it together:

    Overall the goals of the changes are to streamline Sentinel's Opportunity to be much easier to trigger and be more impactful to themselves and allies than it is now. The ability to mark targets at all times with an unresistable debuff will be stellar and help the Sentinel out greatly in between boosts, and the combination of boosts when you get going will allow them to rise to the occasion each fight especially when they focus fire in a team. Allies benefiting in multiple ways wouldn't hurt either 😉


    Keeping the current opportunity bar and procs doesn't mess with too much IMO and keeps their spirit alive, though I am still a little hesitant on whether the T3 blast should also mark, but it seems like a fair compromise between those who do not like the base abilities and those who want every attack to be able to mark.






    Gimme gimme gimme!!

  19. Not sure how the logistics would work but I think it's an interesting idea.


    Case in point: my current main, Astellus, is a level 50 kinetic/energy/mu scrapper. As a result of a suggestion from the save kinetic melee thread, I'm now trying out a kinetic/energy/mu stalker. I've found the stalker to be really amazing. In this case, it's a matter of the exact same character concept/sets feeling better on another AT. I've more than once thought "gee, I wish I had built out the character this way originally, but now i have all these badges/achievements and I've invested all this time in kitting out Astellus..."


    So I think I would be interested in something like this, even if it's a one-time thing, or a two or three-time thing.

  20. 12 hours ago, BrandX said:

    I got KIN up to 50 back on Paragon Studios.  We didn't have Energy Melee on Scrappers!  Tried it on HC.  I have to say, I don't care for CS not having any crit.  As a Scrapper, I want my Scrappers to Crit!  And CS not getting increased chance to Crit and do what it does on Crit, didn't make me happy either.


    All my Scrapper looked to be in the D-F range on the one test, except for my TW/NIN (Ninja with a Huge Sword!  Come on!  That's just awesome!) so it's not like I was choosing top tier sets.  😛


    So, CS and lastly Focused Burst disappointed me.  I want that range attack to be an awesome part of the attack chain!  Not a "Waste to use it" power 😕  Wasn't to worried about the Cone range power though.

    Agreed totally. Also, the focused burst point actually touches on what I think is a critical shortcoming of the set: the lack of synergy between the melee and ranged skills. I find my approach tends to be one of two things: either I Zapp from afar and then range mobs down, including focused burst/repulsing torrent in that rotation, or; I run up and melee enemies down, adding in ranged skills for spice and flavor when I'm feeling like it. On one hand, it's NICE that I feel like I have attacks available to me for all occasions, but on the other hand I would like to see the melee/ranged skills in the set synergize more.

  21. Just now, Darmian said:

    Yeah, And that's complete BOLL**KS.  If the current devs mine some of that then great, but if they decide to to just blindly implement any of it?  Oh nonsense.

    I'm inclined to doubt they'll do that. I honestly think they're taking a solid approach to introducing new content. I really enjoy the new story arcs - they feel fresh and original, and I find them very entertaining. I'd love to see them take some of that creativity and build up the endgame a bit more too, but it's nice that the lower levels aren't being totally ignored either - they actually added content that falls in levels where I always find myself struggling.

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