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  1. Ok, time for the old school old fart to jump in, get your stunned looks ready for your "how can you say that" reactions. Best hero- Thor, even with all the stupid things they have done to him in the movies, Thor will always be the Superman of Marvel to me. (crazy enough to own a 14 pound metal replica of Mjlolnir) Worst hero - Ms. Marvel (Captain Marvel is the big red cheese), Binary, Warbird, whatever the hell name she is using now. The most powerful hero in the MCU, you can kiss my ass on that one. Favorite villain - Loki. He was always interesting. The Thanos stories were utter garbage so he's out, and Loki just out-appears everything else. You never know what you will get with Loki, I enjoy that. Worst Villain - No blame to Josh Brolin but Thanos was crap. Stripped of most of his powers. Having to use an army, when he has the gauntlet? Thor lust lopes his head off. Stupid from start to finish. Favorite Actor - None. I don't give a shit who plays the role as long as it's done well. I have been through 7 Supermans now (not counting animated) and it just doesn't make enough difference to matter. RDJ doesn't want to play anymore, no problem, get another actor. I went to the Marvel movies to see the character, the actors meant nothing to me. Least favorite actor - None, all have done a decent enough job so far. Aside from their fear of costumes, I have no complaints. Favorite Movie - This was quite tough, I liked most of them until recently. I will go with the original Avengers for providing so many thrills that could only be duplicated after that. Worst Movie - Finally an easy one. With no competition even close, Endgame sits atop the stinker pile. Now I know most of you never read the comics, I did and they were brilliant, just awe-inspiring. The movies took about 10% of the story and just bullshitted their way through the rest. The main heroes were not in the movie (The Avengers defeat Thanos alone, what a complete joke, in the comics Thanos fought and defeated the "Cosmic brigade" featuring Galactus, The Stranger, Sentinel, Lord order, Master Hate, etc, etc,. The star of the whole story was Adam Warlock and you didn't see him once. There there's all the crying at the end of the movie while I was sitting there furious. Someday I hope they have the courage to do the actual story so I can forget about the hallmark card they created.
  2. Well my little human only PB is running around with a while. My best suggestion. Scratch and scrape your way to 20, then do as many MSRs as you can. You'd be amazed how quick you'll make it and a fair ton of loot. It will take you to 40 quite quickly and by then you should have slotted up Quantum shield and you just snicker at those silly buggers then At worst you can use hasten and light form to give you pretty high defense permanently (just a few slotting tricks and you can make the power a toggle). The first 20 levels are pure hell, and if you don't do group work til 40, it will take a while. But avoid DFBs, no self respecting PB would want to smell like that and the dry cleaning costs are prohibitive.
  3. Red Banner at the top
  4. I am 60, it is quite impossible for me to be cool. Can I negotiate it down to being Canadian, we are renowned for our politeness after all.
  5. Got in for the first time too, well worth it.
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