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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Ooo, people who remember me and/or look familiar but with different names. I do enjoy a good puzzle. I do not recognize the word Oubliette but I do recognize that Kanta-Kun avatar and it used to belong to a Red Valkyja (Valkyria?). Heya Red Val. **/me waves back** Hello! Okay I do not recognize that name from CoH but something in the way you speak of both my art and computer building makes me think you are one of the people from the 606 art forums for whom I built a custom computer and that brings the list under a dozen. Your wording suggests female so I am going to go ahead and call it... Heya Temerous Nox. If that is you, I still remember those cute Chibis you did of (among others) Xllusya. Indeed we definitely need an art section for our creative outlets and a Fun and Games section for bad puns and "caption the pic" type games would be great too! *grumble* Mutters something about how an art section should be one of the FIRST sections to go up on any forum where a half way decent costume creator is a thing and should never be an afterthought. *grumble* Oh very well, I suppose I will try and get the game downloaded and set up and patiently hope for something... Soon™
  2. I... really should've seen that coming.
  3. Any idea when that will be? I'm new here and may have missed any announcements.
  4. I was not personally but I know someone who was, let me see if he is around yet or not and give him a poke. Edit: Or I could read every post and realize that he is here already just using a different name. Heya Caemgen.
  5. ... an art section. Something like "Art and Multimedia Creations." Seriously the old forums had a thriving one with lots of great stuff happening. https://web.archive.org/web/20110312075303/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=606 I know cuz I was like all over it n stuff. Bonus points if you can assign it 606 as it's URL designation (like roleplaying is 41.0) for nostalgia's sake. We need a place to talk about game related art/costumes/contests/videos/cosplay/collabs etc etc etc Like this birthday gift artz I just made of a friends new hero.
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