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Rachael Storm

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Everything posted by Rachael Storm

  1. It didn't make ENOUGH money.
  2. You can take travel power sooner.
  3. Are there regular Incarnate Trial runs? If so when & where do chars meet up?
  4. What about wanting to contribute story content? (Other than AE)
  5. When I finally hit level 40 last night, I went to check it out. I loved that Fusionette is the trainer there. However, with no one and no mobs, it felt so sad to see it and think what could have been.
  6. I never said "Split the playerbase". 1. There is so much we are trying to learn about this software that is slowly being documented. In short adding knowledge to the wiki is my suggestion. 2. NC$hit will come knocking sooner or later and will demand the server be taken down because they are evil and want to destroy happiness. I don't want to be without this game. I think this is an excellent opportunity to be READY to respond should Torchbearer/Excelsior get forced down.
  7. First up - obligatory thanks and offer of money... Now, I was thinking.... There are so many of us willing to volunteer time and expertise - more than are probably needed. If we each grab our own copy (all avail on BT) and start playing/learning while servers are down - that might be best. In short, we may not be able to help directly with Torchbearer/Excelsior, but there is no reason we can't each become a SME on running City of Heroes. I know I've grabbed code/binaries/vm and when I get back home (on vacation right now), I'm going to start tearing into this and learning.... Worst case, "MyGroovyServer" will have one hero running around until we throw a lan party...
  8. I was never an official member. But I'm glad to see you guys are there cuz you were a hell of a lot of fun to run with!
  9. I remember you! You used to do Rachel's Dawn Patrol (I'm formerly @darque. @wyldchyld and @modge2k also participated at times) Yeah, Whatever DID happen to Rachael?
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