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  1. A friend gave one of my characters permission to work on her base. However, the game locks up on me whenever I click on pretty much anything after I enter edit mode. We've tried different characters, but no luck. I'm able to edit my own bases, and those of other friends that I do work for. It just seems to be this base. I was wondering if there's a setting somewhere that we missed, or if it has something to do with the new patch. Thanks.
  2. It's not bad, so far.. Some of the sonic attacks are melee, and you have a -res aura, so I'm learning to "joust."
  3. I'm giving the sonic secondary a try.
  4. I have a question. I've done a little looking around but haven't had any luck. Is it possible to set the color of a macro button when you create it? I know we can use icons, but I'd like to change the color while naming them the way it's normally done. Thanks!
  5. I'm in the mood to build another sentinel - it will be #6. Does anyone out there have a Dark/Elec build I can take a look at? Thanks!
  6. Yep... same issue here.
  7. I just started a Dark/Martial blaster and, so far, it's been fun. Does anyone have a build they're will to share? Thanks!
  8. I'm having the same problem. I turned off the cel shader, and it looked like it may have worked, but no.
  9. Character: Mike Spectre Account: sternnsw Battle Cry: Blackout!!!
  10. I played on a few different servers, but Virtue was home. Here are a few of my 50s. Highland Guard (DB/WP scrapper) Mike Spectre (Warshade) Ironsights (AR/Devices blaster) National Pride (DP/Energy blaster) - American Legion Tempest Hart (Elec/Elec dominator) - The Justice Girls
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