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Posts posted by Neiska

  1. A few thoughts...


    1. Not all ATs/Builds can solo +4/8 difficulty. I consider this a good thing. I try to see as +2/8 as "end difficulty" that's fair to most setups, and anything beyond that as "extra."

    2. Not all can solo AVs/GMs. I consider this a good thing as well. I only wish they would mix it up a little bit, and not make "every" big baddie require -regen. Maybe make some require -damage, or -res, shake it up a little bit so not all AV/GM killers are the same handful of builds.

    3. Turning down the difficulty "is" an option. And so far, every build I have slapped together and put actual thought and effort into can handle +2/8, which leads me to believe every build can handle that. Some builds can even go AFK on max difficulty.

    4. Hardmodes are a relatively new thing and seem to focus on debuff protection. I do sort of wish the different hardmodes posed different obstacles or challenges too, just to shake things up a bit and make people think about new things. And perhaps not leave some ATs so undesired for such content.


    If someone is expecting every build able to do everything at max difficulty, I think most will agree this isn't the game for that. Some builds can do incredible things, but it takes practice, time and money investment, and game knowledge. But not all powersets/ATs will be able to do those things, regardless of time/money/practice.


    And let us not forget, this is also a team game as well. Soloing is fine of course, but also keep group dynamics in mind when critiquing. As an example, if they made an enemy that was truly a threat for a full team, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the same enemy will pose a threat for solo as well. And if they make things "too" easy, well, we get situations where some ATs who focus on things like Control or Debuffs feel unimportant. (which is ironic, as debuffs are often king at the endgame, despite not often being needed on speedy teams.)


    Just my musings on the whole enemy difficulty vs player thing. I think its a bit more complicated than it first appears.

  2. Some secondaries have Status Protection of varying degrees- Forcefield, Sonic Resonance, Electrical Affinity, Empathy, Pain Domination, Thermal Radiation, and Traps.


    Most of these (Sonic, Electrical, Thermal)) are Resistance sets. Empathy is a Healing set, Pain Domination is kind of a hybrid of Healing and Resistance. Traps is a little of everything - (some buffs, some debuffs, some DEF.) This makes Forcefield the only DEF focused set that has Status Protection. Kinetics does have status protection, but it's single target (last I checked anyway.)


    So if you want both DEF buffs and Status protection, this really only leaves Forcefield and Traps.


    Now I will say, that Demons/Electric and Robots/Time can be "extremely" durable. But those don't fit your guidelines.


    But one single power does deserve a special mention. One power that by itself can drastically improve the life of (some) pets, at least where solo play is concerned.


    Group Fly.


    Many enemies don't have full ranged attack chains. A couple do, but most do not. Even fewer have -fly powers. This means right out of the box, flying pets face drastically reduced number of attacks. Now this does depend on the enemies in question - (example, Arachnos tends to have a lot of ranged attacks, between spiderbots, mace abilities, widows, etc) - but also the kind of map in question. Maps such as tunnels, caves, or some office maps have low ceilings, where group fly won't do much for you. But, for those maps where you and your pets can hover just out of reach, no other single power can really match just how effective it is at protecting your pets.


    This only works on ranged pets, meaning Robots and Mercs.


    So a Robot or Merc/FF MM with group fly can end up pretty dang tough. Between Robots and Mercs, I would recommend Mercs, as FF would be more effective with their new Serum, making your flying pets have both good DEF and RES, status protection, and all ranged attacks.


    I don't recommend Group Fly in groups, as most people dislike it. So I personally consider Group Fly a "solo only" tool.


    Hope this breakdown helps!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. Hello SourceField,


    Looked over your build, and I have a few suggestions.


    1. Looking at your level breakdown, at level 14 you only have 3 attacks, at 18 you have 4. Which will leave definite gaps in your attack chain. One power that you can add as early as level 4 and also is a pretty good ST attack is Arcane Bolt. You can add it very early, and when Arcane Power procs it can hit fairly hard. With Arcane Power it hits harder than Longfang, and you can even slot Force Feedback into it for a boost to recharge, so it kind of solves 2 of your issues at once.


    2. As far as Slotting goes, overall you have a decent setup but it could be better slotted. For Frag Grenade, I would suggest slotting Superior Dominion, your AT set. That will add to damage and boost recharge further.


    3. Since you are petless. you may think of changing to Leviathan Epic Pool, because Spirit Shark is better for Single Target than Gloom. How it works is each time you use a power, you can get a stacking buff called Hunger, which boosts Spirit Shark when used. 


    I have cobbled a build together for you, using your own as a base so it would feel similar. It should have a much better ST rotation of Spirit Shark + Longfang + Arcane Bolt, and as a bonus it has both a build-up proc and FF proc in the rotation, making your recharge and damage even better. For AoE you will have Venom Grenade + Frag Grenade + Bile Spray + Artic Spray, which together has heavy Toxic Damage and built in Debuffs. And, as a bonus, it also has Rune of Protection for an additional emergency tool. When used as I have it slotted it will cap all your resists for a full minute.


    Anyway have a look and let me know if you have any questions. Included a snip as well. 



    Build for Sourcefield.mbd

  4. 3 minutes ago, GM_GooglyMoogly said:

    How's endurance without Ageless?  Or without any incarnates?


    Not that bad honestly, I still have to use a blue or serum now and then (mostly when doing Ouro content) but at top-end it isn't as bad. I was debating on dropping Maneuvers as well to see how good the END held up but decided on keeping it. But if you are on a Team, you can toggle just Maneuvers off and I don't have any END issues at all.


    Without incarnates I had to rely on pay2win powers, attacks and Serum mostly, but as a SoA that shouldn't surprise anyone IMO. But after 24 it gets worlds better as normal. Even without Incarnates it worked pretty well for me. 


    It may sound silly, but not using Weave and changing out 1 AoE power for more ST made a lot of difference, as silly as that sounds. The rest was fine-tuning things.

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  5. Hey Forums, 


    With the SoA tweaks, I have blew the dust off mine and started fiddling with it, and this is what I came up with and has worked wonderfully for me.


    Highlights -

    -Much better ST Damage, via Longfang, Arcane Power, and Shatter Armor. Especially with Arcane Power Procs, it isn't actually a half-bad ST power. Even the Buildup Proc in Channelgun can help.

    -A bit better END management - with no Weave toggle, the END use doesn't feel so crippling.

    - 41% Melee DEF, 48% Ranged DEF, 33% AOE DEF

    - Significant Resists - Smashing, Leathal, Fire, Cold, and Toxic are all 70% or higher. Energy, Negative and even Psionic is 57% or higher. Considering you are a flyer, this makes you "very" durable! On some Teams I was the most durable one which is kind of funny.

    - With Rune of Protection, all your resists will be capped at 85% as a Mini-Barrier when needed.

    - Pets - Pets are "near" Perma as a baseline. But with either a FF proc, or Ageless Radial up, they are perma.

    Baseline = No FF proc/Ageless - Spiderlings - 187s/200s, Call Reinforcements - 266s/200s, Summon Blaster - 257s/240s 

    Pet Defense - 0% (Base), + 10% (Pet Auras), + 17.42% (Tactical Training Maneuvers) + 6% (Maneuvers) + 12% (Support Core) = 45.42% DEF for pets (During Support Core)


    Downsides -

    - Sadly no Frag grenade. This was removed due to number of slots available. I choose Suppression because it's my favorite crabby power, even though Frag Grenade is arguably better. But if so inclined you can freely swap these.

    - While your pets are durable, you will still loose them. But with a stronger ST presence, you aren't as reliant on them either.

    -While END is "better" it still isn't entirely free to spam all abilities, at least not without Ageless.

    - If so inclined, someone can drop RoP and take Mental Training, to have perma-pets. I however wanted another defensive power to use with Serum, to have another Panic Button.


    Q. Why Mace Pool and not Leviathan?

    A. Well, honestly I wasn't impressed with the new Spirit Shark. I just had better results with Shatter Armor, plus the Arachnobot fits the theme better. That and as a HoverCrab, I wanted an Immobilize, and you have to be near the ground to use the one from Leviathan. But you could freely swap this with Leviathan or even Soul pools and end up with nearly the same values.


    Incarnate Choices 

    Alpha - Agility Core. This is to improve Endurance Modification, Recharge Rate, and Defense Buffs. All things we focus on.

    Judgement - Many people like Ion, but for my Crabber I actually like Void Radial Final, because it still hits hard, but also gives a 50% Damage Debuff to enemies for 30 seconds, as another way to help your pets with low resistances.

    Interface - With my Crabber, I like Degenerative Radial Flawless. Because its Toxic damage which is boosted by Venom Grenade, but also does a -hitpoint debuff. So with that -40% Toxic resist, this ends being great on Crabbers because we are kind of "Double dipping" the Chip.

    Lore - Dealers Choice here. I have yet to find any lore pet that makes a huge impact, at least for the pets. Banished or Longbow for more ST damage though, but I wish the defensive pets were better. 

    Destiny - I choose Ageless Radial Epiphany, for the +End, Recharge, and Debuff Resistance. Since +DEF is our big strength, its worth protecting it.

    Hybrid - Support Core - The double-effectiveness "does" work on the Crabber-pets, giving them +12% DEF, and other nice buffs. They do very well while it is up, but when it wears off is when your pets start to get beat up.


    As always comments and imput are welcome. Screenies are included, both with and without RoP on.


    Without RoP or any incarnates active -




    With RoP Active - 




    Hope people enjoy!


    PS - Someone pointed out an Error in MIDS. I am unsure "how" it happened, but I actually somehow was able to select 5 Power Pools, and you can't actually do that ingame. No idea how that even happened, but it has been corrected. I had to drop Haste and added Weave as another mule for LoTG Global. So the pets are not perma baseline, but with a FF proc they are. Apologies for the inconvenience, I am not even sure how that happened, or that it was even possible to do. But this is the corrected build and correct Snips.


    DarkTech Hovercrab - Updated (fixed).mbd

  6. One thing I found that help my ranged ATs is flying/hover. Most things (especially at low level) don't have a full ranged attack chain, so even just hovering out of reach drastically reduces the number of attacks they get against you. Not all enemies mind you, but many.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, ZemX said:


    Adaptation is the only one that affects the others directly.  That said, there aren't really any stinkers in the whole set.  They're all pretty desirable.  If I had to skip one, I might skip the damage aura.  Wouldn't particularly want to even if I didn't care for the damage because it also does a bit of -dmg debuff.  But if I felt like my survivability was good and wanted room to take, say, an epic ranged AoE... I'd consider it.


    I would say it also depends on if you have the Brute/Tanker/Scrapper version, the Sentinel Version, or the Stalker version. I have never tried the Sentinel or Stalker version of Bio Armor.

  8. 9 hours ago, Groundworm said:

    I'm leveling up a bio/axe tanker and I'm having trouble deciding which powers to skip. Currently, at level 30, I have all of the powers from bio and all of the powers from battle axe except taunt. Which powers can I afford to pass over? If I don't need all of those attacks from battle axe (which I suspect I don't), which ones are the least beneficial overall?


    Thanks for the advice!


    I can't really speak for axe as I never had one, but you shouldn't skip any powers in Bio because each power you have enhances the others, even if only passively. That's one of the downsides of Bio is you are pretty much locked into taking all of them. For Axe, I think it may depend on your attack chain. If you have excess attack powers you don't find yourself using often in your attack you can likely drop them. But also keep in mind, what powers are skippable and which are not may also depend on your Primary and Recharge levels too.

    • Like 1
  9. Deaf player here, and I never had any great difficulty. The friends closest to me know of my condition and make accommodations when necessary, but that's rare. The only time its posed a problem is trying to find the glowy to click, but that's hardly a deal breaker for me. Other games are far worse. At least this game has chat bubbles and the like for the dialogue scenes and so on.


    I don't claim to speak for all deaf players mind you, only sharing my personal experience. It's never posed a significant problem, and other games are far worse, such as mechanics-heavy fights which are kind of few in CoH, compared to other games where I might have to really research a boss mechanics before engaging. Here? Most fights are tank and spank, debuff, -regen if you can, and avoid the purples. Even Hardmodes are not terribly complicated, but of course YMMV. 

    • Thanks 2
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  10. 4 hours ago, GM Crumpet said:

    Another thread on this topic? It's like playing whack-a-mole. 

    At some point, eventually, in the fullness of time, when the stars align and the Elder Gods rise from their slumber, then the name release will happen. As with anything this important we want to make sure we get it right and it works properly from day 1 so we don't find a cascade error on the database and everyone suddenly logs in to find their entire character screen filled with Generic<number> instead of their awesome and well thought out names. While that would solve a lot of the naming issues and save me a lot of time genericing all the naughty names, it's not the kind of thing that we want to have happen. I'm not really THAT busy 🙂 


    The way it will work is nobody will lose their name unless the time limit passes and someone else tries to use it. So if you have a level 1 called "Awesome Fairy" and someone else wants the name "Awesome Fairy" then if it's past the time limit for a level 1 (which I want to say is 30 days but I may be wrong and numbers are subject to change) then that name will be given to the new player and the original "Awesome Fairy" will be given a generic number. If nobody wants "Awesome Fairy" the name will remain with the original player until they log it in. The system won't automatically wipe the name after the time limit, it will just stop it being reserved and locked so someone else can use it if they wish. The time limit will increase in level ranges, and level 50's will always be exempt.

    Clear as mud? Good 🙂 




    Couldn't resist.


    • Haha 3
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  11. Honestly? I like what some people have made much more than official trademarked characters.


    One that always stuck with me, I'm remembering from a while ago, so details are fuzzy, but the character was named "Scotch Drinking Samauri." But the character wasn't the person at all, but the sword. The story goes is that the sword was a Greater Sky Demon from the 3rd heaven or something (reminded me of Monkey King style of story) and was upset at all the evil going on in the world. But it was forbidden from interfering in mankind "directly." So, instead it took the form of a sword, so that he still might help heroes, having different "wielders" from time to time. The current wielder of the sword, wasn't even Japanese at all, but was something else. (Can't recall precisely.) The current wielder was more or less some homeless guy - flip flops, cargo shorts, wife beater, Hawaiian shirt, and was willing to do what the sword asked of him, so long as he got Scotch in the process. The only reason why he called himself a Samauri, was because the sword was a Katana.


    So the TLDR is that his character was a Sky Demon in the form of a sword, wielded by different people. The current one was some scotch drinking homeless guy.


    I just thought it was just a funny and original story. And the character was pretty funny to interact with. And yes, the player did play both the sky demon, and the homeless guy.

    • Like 2
  12. 6 hours ago, Wolfboy1 said:


    My question is, as you didnt take any of the powers that apply -regen, were you not worried about that aspect or did not figure this would be an AV killer?  Does it hurt the build not including any -regen?


    The build was made before the change to Robot MMs, so it had minimal personal attacks. The change was a bit of a hot issue here on the forums, and I would rather not go digging up old arguments. All I will say was I loved the MM change, but strongly disliked the Robot one. In every circumstance I have tried - AoE, ST, GMs/AVs etc, my robot setup is noticeably worse than before, despite others claims of better damage.


    So I do feel having less -regen does hurt, but that really depends on the activity. If you are solo then yes, it matters. If you are AV/GM hunting with others, it wont matter as much.

  13. 18 hours ago, Snarky said:

    So… took up the weekly challenge and been on a pure Redside toon last couple days.  I chose a Crab, an archetype I played for a couple weeks on live and a few days on HC about two years ago.   It is very different.  

    Coming over from Corruptors and Blasters I have found a new respect for the quirky Crab.  It has one KB AoE which easily takes an Overwhelming Force.  It is not as strong at damage as many ATs.  Shocking I know. But you know what?  If you put it up against volume… Oh My Gawd.


     At 43…with a decidedly slapped together “build” that I am slapping things on as I level and using unslotters because I have little to no plan.  I joined a team assaulting a Longbow base for the Mako arc. This was a real fight, especially since our team split, there were team deaths, and we were in an Arachnos base for some reason.  The terrain sucked.  The Crab?  Performed like a champ.  

    You see, the thing has strengths.  One…huuuuuge AoE.  From webbing grenades to 60 arc to large blasts it does not suffer from “missed you by that much” syndrome.  When the ambush hits eat a med purple.  Guess what? Since you have mediocre native defense and resists…a medium purple insp puts you in a decent neighborhood.


     Back to work.  And what tools do we use? The Ghetto nuke.  Which is not great.  It is slow. It does not have a great range.  But you know what. It tanks!  Thats right. You stealth up and plop that in the middle of LB. Or, if ambushed, drop it into the wave coming at you.  Then you casually pop a can opener into the area.  Can opener?  Thats right. Venom Grenade, and it has a powerful resist debuff. That goes off, then the Nuke, which has been taunting peeps hard, then you follow up with a ton of AoE.  Sure the damage is not mind boggling.  But it will clean spawns. And you have the tools to web large areas, taunt people into the kill zone, and debuff res in the kill zone.  Oh, and the venom does okay damage too, more AoE. It is a systematic playstyle.  It is not sexy.  You are driving one of Capt Makos murder machines.  

    Building it.  So, I have just begun to contemplate what I am slotting at 50. I will use bombardment sets (2 of each in 5 powers) to increase overall range +25%.  This is (for me) a desperately needed must have.  I will not chase big defense or resist numbers. No DDR, so just carry insp and work the terrain (hide behind whoever decides to tank). I will get some global rech.  LotG and whatever else fits naturally. I have noticed I need to watch the End curve. This may be solved with Alpha, but I need to pick one still. I want a +damage Alpha.  Prob Misculature Core or Intuition Radial. (+33% dam, + range).  Odd since no holds but the +range and +taunt (that crazy mini nuke….). Building a Crab looks like it is going to be that…walking sideways to victory! 🦀 


    A new horrible image haunts my nightmares after reading this.



    • Haha 2
  14. I've leveled 3 Crabbys, and found they are best built two general ways -

    1. Recharge focused - this is for the crabbermind setup. Boats meduim resistances and good defense with perma-pets. Often runs both sets of team toggles. Fantastic for teams but kind of slow to solo with. The downsides is it can be fairly END intense, and the pets don't last on higher difficulties, even if you focus on making them as tough as possible.

    2. Durability focused - Crabbys can actually get up to 85% resists, and its fairly easy to cap their defenses. Which means you can make a very durable hover-crabber with lots of AOE and debuffs. You don't "have" to use pets, but it helps. If you go pet-less you have more power picks and many slots to use tough. The downside for a supertough crab is it lacks single target, but often enough I was more durable than the tanker or brute on the team.


    What I found worked best for me, was to have 1 build of each, and swap between them depending on the activity I was doing. If I was teaming, I would go crabbermind. If I was doing solo on harder difficulty, I went Tanky Crab. Other people may have other styles they like of course, but this is just what worked fantastically for me.

  15. IMO, Time, Electric, Dark, FF, and Traps are all great choices.


    Time - Easy to softcap DEF, heal and recharge buffs, pretty good debuffs.

    Electric - Fantastic durability for you and pets, pretty much infinite END, status immunity

    Dark - King of the debuffs. Robot/Dark is kind of a hidden gem as you don't see many of them, but they are fantastic together.

    FF - DEF and status in spades.

    Traps - Robo/Trap still a top contender for soloing, even today.


    I have had the best results with Time, Elec, and Dark personally.

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  16. 6 hours ago, The General said:


    This topic came up when looking for builds for my own merc/FF, did you ever reach this milestone?


    With that build I have not, it got sidetracked about the mid 30s or so and I moved onto other stuff. It remains a side-thing that will likely never get done. 😆

  17. "confused" Meme Templates - Imgflip


    A few thoughts.

    1. Being "happy" doesn't inherently make you a better person. Some very bad people have also been very happy people.

    2. How does liking "snorecraft" or any video game in particular, automatically make someone a "better" person?

    3. Similar to 2, how does disliking any particular video game, make someone inherently a "bad" person?

    4. Far from an expert, but if you get feelings of extreme euphoria from a video game, as in more than actual real things in your life, you might want to look into that as it could be signs of other things going on.

    5. I half suspect this is clickbait. But if it isn't, I worry for humanity. Well, moreso than 10 minutes ago.

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