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Everything posted by TopherSG

  1. I thought I remembered reading, back in the day, that mission maps *aren't* actually procedurally generated, Any given mission might be on a number of randomly selected maps, but those maps are preconstructed. It just *looks* procedurally generated because they're made from such a limited selection of modules. Am I misremembering?
  2. Just made a second attempt with the same result. Got a GM to help in-game and they said the mission is broken after the most recent update, and completed it for me. I'll try again after the next patch. 🙂
  3. I'm having the same issue at this very moment. (Dr Pierce's info says "Keep Dr Pierce alive while she guesses the password" but all the enemies are long dead and there were no ambushes or anything)
  4. It still exists, and doing it is required to get one particular badge.
  5. I'm just laughing at all the people who think their puns are working because they don't know how "tsoo" is actually pronounced in Hmong.
  6. So the Team-Up Teleporter is still deliberately broken? Can we get a clarification on when it will be repaired so the team-matching function works as it should?
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