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Echo Night

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Everything posted by Echo Night

  1. Is there a way to reset this in game or out? I tried to do it at the log in screen with the settings but it did not work. There really isn't an option for it but I unclicked then clicked the automatic resize option and that did nothing. This screwup only applies to one character.
  2. Raker X - Reconnaissance. Aquire. Kill Enemies. Return target (X) - Beam/Devices Blaster. 1. Desert Raker 2. Boba Raker 3. Stealth Raker
  3. More Gaia Splash. 4. Of the Earth 5. Splash Dance
  4. Gaia Splash. Nature/Water Defender. 1. Diplomat 2. Gíinos Polemistís Neroú 3. Royalty
  5. Silk Lightning. Elec/MC Blaster. Product of The Carrington Event. Edit: Silk recently went rogue. Somebody save him!
  6. Ramsden Leviticus. DP/Inv Sent. 1. Dead to Rights. 2. The Outlaw Assassin.
  7. Ryan Mallory. Water/Poison Corr. According to in game lore, Ryan is the only "surviving" crewmember of the Ghost Ship Moraine.
  8. Ultimate Ol Frosty. Ski Slopes Brawler Ol Frosty.
  9. Ol Frosty. Ice/Ice Scrapper. 1. Original Ol Frosty 2. Armored Ol Frosty 3. Ol Frosty Proper
  10. Defense Act. SD/SJ Tank. He's actually the alter ego of the serial killer, Shem the Bleeder.
  11. October Rust. Dark/Savage Dom. My Petrus Thomas Ratajczyk (Peter Steele of Type O Negative) homage.
  12. Neu? Clockwork. Staff/Rad Scrapper. Prior to TCWK's defeat, Neu? was a wip as the neuest version of clockwork. Half man, half machine. The 2nd costume is the upgrade version which Neu?, himself completed.
  13. Shadow Watch. BS/DA Stalker. I was young when I was selected. From our village, 12 young boys were chosen to test our mettle against the elements and the wild of Eden; and each other. 25 days of hunt or be eaten, fight or run, survive or die. At the end of the 25th day, those that were left standing and whole, were pitted immediately against one another in the "Ring of Victory." The victor ascends to the Eternal Guard of the "Shadow Watchers." Three selectees emerged from The Serpentine Forest. In this spot, less than 500 meters North East of The Hive spiral, we began our end. Our clothes stripped so that we may see each other for the young boys that we were and inevitably, one man that will ascend; the battle commenced. We were all even matched. None stronger nor weaker than the other. The scrum lasted over 3 hours until finally, it was I that thrust the killing blow of a broken sword under the chin of the last of my assailers. The victory was short lived however; for the sounds of battle had awoken something we had not encountered in our 25 day long ritual. You know them now as Devouring Earth. The forest had awoken...
  14. Semiaza. SD/KM Tanker. The leader of the Watchers after the fall from heaven. Now, the song of The Fall of Semiaza. The Eye of Mourn As I fall, I come to you. A messenger from above. The Heavens are not home to me, for I have sinned, but I am no sinner. I have forever to offer you. But Death shall not be defeated. I am the Eye of Mourn. I see all there is to be. None shall live alone. As I am ere the Throne. You fled upon first sight. My heart bled the sorrow. Of a million deaths that night. And on till tomorrow. Too much pain has crossed this land. When the tears left your eyes, it was I that held your hand. I lifted you up, on Time's precious sand. And when the dark grows cold, I will cover you and light the lamp. All I ask in return, is the heart of your wife. I am the Eye of Mourn I see all there is to be. None shall live alone. As I am ere the Throne. You fled upon first sight. My heart bled the sorrow. Of a million deaths that night. And on till tomorrow. My Heir's shall see the ending twilight. Live on till 'nothing' absorbs their might. You will have long passed my friend. But I've no regrets in this End. Something tells me, you'll have your turn, when we begin again. I am the Eye of Mourn. I see all there is to be. None shall live alone. As I am ere the Throne. You fled upon first sight. My heart bled the sorrow. Of a million deaths that night. And on till tomorrow...
  15. Here's my homage to the greatest slasher killer ever. BS/Bio Brute. When my mom lost her head in a fight and later, I found it, I went into hiding in the woods for a while. One, fine summer day, I saw some good lookin kids at my camp and I thought to myself, "Why don't I go and introduce myself to them and try to be friends?" Then my mom told me I had to kill them because they reminded her of the kids who let me play under water too long and then one of them made her head fall off. Moms can be such a drag sometimes. I wish I could move out or something. Be free. Be my own man. Heck, be a man. But mom won't let me leave and for some reason, I can't leave. Mom needs me I guess. It sucks though. All she wants me to do is kill. And I can't say no to mom right? Gotta do what mom says. I wish dad was still around. Would like to play catch with him.
  16. Hollows the Darkborn. Dark/Dark Corr. The first one I dub, "The Hunter" as he actually finds the victim's to possess (modeled after Man with Fire on His Face from "Insidious"). The 2nd one is, "The Ritualist". He performs the possession ritual on the victim. Hollows has possessed an enumerable amount of humans in his immortal life ranging from barbarians to pilgrims, socialites to delinquents and warlords to gunslingers. His hunger for a permanent host is eternal. Hollows Darkborn descends from the line of Darkborns. "Halloween Demons" they call them. Hollows however, is the first of the line to forego the long standing traditions and supernatural laws that govern the interaction between the dead, the never lived and the humans. As history has unfolded across a thousand millennia, the supernatural rule of law has remained constant. No non-living being may interact with the humans on All-Saints day lest they be banished to the gloaming for all time. Hollows has discovered a loop hole to this law. In the nano second between the 31st day of October and the 1st day of November, there is the "glimmering," which, up until now, only the Ancient Ones ever knew about, or used. They are all gone now. Hollows saw to that. The "glimmering" is a brief, bright spark of nether dust that allows a demon to forcibly possess a human. The reign of Hollows the Darkborn begins.
  17. Evanora Stormbru. Mind/Storm Troller. Croatoa. Home. 1627. I was born on the East Winds of New Connaught and spent my childhood flitting between the Oak Trees of the Grim Vale marveling as two massive giants waged war against the other. My teen years began my "ensorcelling" as I rode the Lightning of the Divine to the moon and back. "Be tru to the magic and the magic will be tru to you," chanted my Great Omni Aunt Tilda during my lessons. I've held her mantra tru and as an adult, with the training of both my aunt and the famed War Witch, I still respect the great power that I wield. This new power came with ancient and secret knowledge, passed down from my kin and even some of the denizens of Croatoa. This new enlightenment opened my eyes to the wonders of this great and mystical land. From walking pumpkins to hairy beasts. Ethereal ghosts and wicked witches. Wisps and gnomes. Yes. I call this home.
  18. Epic Titan. Elec/TW tank. First one is his celestial costume and the 2nd is his diplomat costume. Cardev Raspen fell to Earth. Literally. The Titan known as Epic Titan, held off the Listhbanes for as long as he could. In the end, his home planet of Gitania-5, lost it's strongest warrior against the onslaught of the Listhbane Death Fleet. During the battle to save the capital city, Truca Titan, the ground forces of the Listhbanes outnumbered Cardev and the Truca Elite Guard Force, 400-1. Suction teleporters, (the Listhbanes go to weapon against Titans) were thrown without care as to where and who were ripped through the portals to space unknown. Titans can normally withstand many of these evil weapons, if there are other objects in the area, which there were few. Cardev was pulled into one of the portals and all seemed lost. Cardev thrust his Px-17N Supernova, Titan Class energy sword downward into the Truca City Hall flooring, just as he faded from sight. He began to claw back into his realm. Then another suction portal was thrown at him. And another. Too many. Cardev was lost. Hurtling through time and space, Cardev vowed revenge on the Listhbanes at all cost. Darkness took him. Time passed. Cardev's armour began to fall apart as he bounced off of comets and boomed through gas clouds, end over end. He began to burn up as his unconscious body entered Earth's atmosphere. Aflame, Cardev Raspen, seemed doomed to die and wouldn't even know it. Fortunately for him, Earth is comprised of 71% water. Cardev landed in the North Pacific Ocean, just East of Siuslaw National Forest in Oregon. Cardev careened off of the surface of the ocean and skipped shot into the Alsea Bay where finally, mercifully, his unknown journey through the cosmos, was at an end. The impact of Cardev's landing into the Bay flash burned the water into a fine, super heated mist. Cardev hit the bottom and was buried beneath tons of muck and rock. The town was in a panic. Thinking they were the next 911, everyone ran to whatever shelter they could find. Stores were looted. Mass herds formed unintentionally. The Navy and Coast Guard were called in to contain the situation. First Responders reported in. All the ABC's were on route. And, thousands of miles away, in an office tucked inside a state of the art building in Rhode Island, a phone rang. "Speak." "Is this Positron?" Positron - "I said speak." "This is the Director of Fe..." Positron - "I know who you are. You tried to shut us down six months ago." "Something about Heroes not being needed anymore." DoF - "At the time our national budg..." Positron - "We pay our own people and staff." "Your budget has nothing to do with us anymore." "But it seems to me that you have need of Heroes after all?" "Is that a correct assumption Director?" DoF - "Correct..." DoF - "Look, if you expect me to kiss your ass for wanting to save our tax dollars..." Positron - "Synapse, Citadel and Yin are already there." DoF - "Which Yin?" Positron - "Ensure that the local tribes are brought in on this as well as they may want to preform a rain dance ritual to bring back the Bay." *click* eh. eh. eh. eh. eh... DoF -"I really hate that man." Now Earth has a Titan. May she use him wisely.
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