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Everything posted by wmtyrance

  1. You sir, said almost the same thing as the OP, but did it casually, without malice, and constructively...Thank you! You're welcome I still play him I just have to figure out what's going on with him. But some new games are taking up some of my time now. And sometimes you just need to step back for a bit. I never truly give up on pet classes.
  2. I have a MM and after following advice from the MM board I was happy at first. But as I get higher in level the pets at times seem weaker. I have blown a lot of influence on enhancements. The one thing I always had a problem within this game is that system. I never really liked it and thought I was just too costly. When I do groups my pets die so quickly and I spend more time trying to keep them alive even when doing solo content. I always play pet classes in MMO's if I can. But this one is the weakest I've ever played. I don't log in as much as I used to either because of other games too. It's more of a casual game to me now. I used to go hard when it came back out.
  3. As an old school MMO player I 100% agree about research. Its all we had back in the day. But today's players are always posting on every MMO board "what's the best build". You can find that question on every MMO board.
  4. It always seems like the only real build help being posted are for lvl 50. Where are the builds for low lvl players just getting started? Many have don't have a clue to how to slot their powers. I'M talking about new players to the game. It's sad when I at lvl 36 get a tell from a low lvl player in the game because no one would answer their question in the help chat. And I'm not flagged as a helper.
  5. I really hate timed missions. What is the point of them?
  6. As a new player and a MM, I can agree with going to the AT MM board. The biggest problem for new players or old players that forgot how to play is knowing where to put your slots. I was told I should have 6 slots for all my pets at lvl 36. That didn't make sense to me until you realize in this game your pets are the damage dealers. I was slotting everything evenly. I couldn't solo an elite boss in a mission and got help to kill her. But when I did the respec and followed the advice I got it changed. So far I have soloed two elite bosses and it felt great.
  7. Like everything it's up to you. I tend to 5 or 6 slot my MM's attacks but they are lower priority so they don't get many slots until higher levels. It also depends on how you play and what you want to use the attacks for, I tend to use them to draw aggro (in combination with Provoke) so slotting for extra damage does help. If you just want the debuff then accuracy is probably fine. So much to learn and you guys are great. I put damage accuracy and recharge in them.
  8. you don't say what your secondary is, but in general your henchmen should be six slot immediately. if you have attacks from your primary which is fine to get through the levels until you have your henchmen and both upgrades - it's time to respec out of them and let the pets and your secondary work. My secondary is poison And my pets are 3 wolves two lions and a giant dire wolf. I have swarm and summon hawk and call ravens. it's time to /respec and six slot your henchmen and your level 18 defense/regen power. do not slot your attacks. mm's have higher end costs for their secondaries than other at's and we don't have the end to spam attacks. if you wish to keep one, keep the one that has -fly as that is useful but only put a single accuracy in it. use leftover slots to flesh out poison and your pool powers. Wow so I should only have one slot in my attacks only?
  9. I remember back at launch you couldn't fly until much later. It was a big complaint because champions online gave you a travel power right out of the tutorial and you could fly.
  10. you don't say what your secondary is, but in general your henchmen should be six slot immediately. if you have attacks from your primary which is fine to get through the levels until you have your henchmen and both upgrades - it's time to respec out of them and let the pets and your secondary work. My secondary is poison And my pets are 3 wolves two lions and a giant dire wolf. I have swarm and summon hawk and call ravens.
  11. Wow, six slotted at lvl 35 what about your other powers do you ignore them all in favor of the pets? What about health and stamina too
  12. Hello and thank you for the reply. And yes this is my first character. I could use that influence it would help a lot. Should I pm you with the name.
  13. So for my summon pets I have 3 slots in each and was wonder which S O enhancement I should slot since I can't afford I O's Also which S O enhancements would you recommend for my own attacks? I just hit lvl 35 and standing in the magic shop not knowing what to do. Thanks
  14. Would like to see more of this though. And I never heard or even know where those places are.
  15. While I was finishing up with a team last night I got to thinking about this. That has what's been missing from COH from the start. No real social zones. This huge city doesn't have one nightclub where players could hang out and unwind after team play or even solo. That would be nice to add clubs with music and dancing instead of everyone hanging out in atlas park. It sure would cut down the lag too. There's a game called Otherland that does the city social zone thing amazingly well They have different types of clubs with different types of music. They even have a 70's themed club. Even Anarchy Online had nightclubs where players would hang out. I hope you guys give it some thought.
  16. Thank you so much guys for the replies. My secondary is poison my pets are wolves, lions, and a huge dire wolf. I just got poison trap so I hope that will help.
  17. I also agree with the OP. These guys have been great here and deserve praise.
  18. My MM just hit lvl 35 and I have a mission to rescue a guy but a lvl 35 elite mob called Mantis I think is just killing me and my pets in less than a minute and I can do no damage to her. Will lowering the difficulty setting help with elites or do I just have lvl up more?
  19. When you upgrade your enhancements do you buy unslotters for the old ones or trash them? Don't you buy them with merit rewards which I don't want to do? I wanted to save them up.
  20. Why does it matter? Just asking is being sneaky to me also. Can't you just enjoy the game?
  21. Since I picked a beast master pet class I was hoping to put together a Safari type costume but no luck there. I would have had Safari in the name. P.S. Request for a Safari costume please.
  22. LOL, I was thinking about this and have no clue what server I was on. Maybe if I saw a list of them I would remember. I know I played in the U.S. on the east coast.
  23. Thank you, OP Welcome to the MMO players of the new generation. I have been thinking this too. How great the community was when the game launched all those years ago. The community for me on Homecoming has been great so far and I hope it stays that way. We old farts need to stick together and form a supergroup.
  24. Yeah, I love playing the market and have almost 5 million Influence so far.
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