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Posts posted by Widower

  1. Hello. As we enter into yet another fun and exciting beta cycle, we would like to lay down some best practices for ensuring that this process is as productive as it can be, inspired by both dev and player feedback from previous cycles. (As I hope is obvious, the Code of Conduct and all its rules about being excellent to each other still apply here as they do everywhere else.)


    1. ASSUME GOOD FAITH. The devs do not have a dastardly plan to destroy the game, nor are they trying to spite you personally. Acting as if they do is not useful feedback.


    2. BE CONSTRUCTIVE. Going on about how the devs are idiots and you have the One True Vision for the game is not helpful; trying to engage with the changes and the reasons given for them is.


    3. BE SUBSTANTIVE. If you want to say how great something is and nothing else, there's a thumbs up react. On the other hand, if all you really want to say is "this whomps! you suck!", the thumbs down react exists.


    4. DON'T JUST READ THE PATCH NOTES, TEST THE CHANGES. It can be easy to misread something and come to a conclusion separate from how the change actually functions. Even if you're sure you are going to hate something, it's best to get some actual data from it rather than just go off a gut feeling. Your conclusion will have far more power behind it if you can back it up with experience!


    5. DON'T GIVE FEEDBACK ON OTHER PEOPLE'S FEEDBACK. You're here to discuss and debate the changes with the devs, not each other. The devs are big people (Huge, even) and can stand up for themselves.


    Violations of these guidelines or the CoC will result in hidden posts; repeated or flagrant violations may lead to harsher penalties. We will be keeping a pretty close eye on any points of particular conflict, so keep these in mind.

    Finally, seeing as this is the Closed Beta section, one final rule to keep in mind:

    6. DON'T DISCUSS CHANGES ON CLOSED BETA OUTSIDE CLOSED BETA. Not even obliquely. Anything on this server is subject to change and we'd rather avoid anyone getting very excited or angry about something that may not even happen. Violations of this policy will lead to swift termination of your access to Vanguard, Breakout, and this section of the forums.

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  2. 40 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    Ugh. Didn't see this initially, but just took a look.


    This should either (a) be an *option* or (b) not go live.


    Aside from the "Outleveling is a tactic for some to deal with missions" - we're not all capped Def, capped recharge, perma-everything after all, and I've definitely used it that way - there's *zero* warning that this is happening. No popup at the beginning of a mission. Not even the flashback-style "things go sepia." Just, "hey, stuff that should be grey isn't, and why are some powers not working?" How many support tickets/forum threads/discord comments are you prepared to handle?


    I cannot express strongly enough how much I dislike this as it currently sits. 


    DO NOT push this live as is. Make it an *option,*or don't do it.

    Did you take that look today? Wasn't meant to go to Vanguard at this point; should've been rolled back on Tuesday.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Shenanigunner said:


    Nevering mind that this makes absolutely no sense — in game, real-world or in any Earth-analogue universe. 🙂

    If you've never had a moral epiphany after talking to a seagull, you're doing life wrong.

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  4. Hi everyone,


    I just wanted to provide an update on the resolution to this issue. We are planning to start reimbursing everyone affected next Wednesday, February 21st. I apologize for the delay, but due to the volume involved, it's taking some time to process the incoming tickets and verify them against our records.


    Anything which can be purchased from a Merit vendor will be replaced with a corresponding number of Merits, so you can repurchase those items - or others, if you wish. Aether and Influence will be replaced directly. Other items will be replaced directly, or with sufficient currency to reacquire those items.


    Thank you for your patience! If you have any questions about your personal situation, please respond to your ticket in the support portal and we can provide specific guidance.

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  5. 13 hours ago, ZorkNemesis said:

    I can't check now, but what do these rollbacks enatil?  I played a couple hours on Indom before this went down, does this mean I have to take my Defender through the Talons and Monsters in Cimerora again?

    Potentially; some characters may have saved to the database, but as you can see, some have not.


    8 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I guess the real question is should be avoid using the market and email on Torchbearer and Indomitable until we hear back about this issue? 



    No, the problem should be fixed. Also, auctionserver and chatserver are global services and operate across all five shards; they just happen to live on the same SQL host as Torchbearer and Indomitable. 


    1 minute ago, BlakeTheDrake said:

    Wait, so, the servers are STILL down because of this? The 'Aftermath' bit kind of implied that it was already over. I wanted to log in to check if any of my characters were missing anything, but...

    Nope, just regular Tuesday maintenance.

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  6. Hi all,


    Around 1:00 PM EST (6:00 PM UTC) on 2/12/24 we became aware of some issues with one of the database servers and had to take it down for emergency maintenance. We have resolved the immediate problem, and do not anticipate any further issues. However you may experience short-term rollbacks (roughly 4-5 hours) on characters on Torchbearer or Indomitable, as well as missing/duplicated items in your email or on the AH from the preceding 24 hours. If you do notice anything missing, please submit a ticket through the support portal and mark it as "Lost Item and Influence Claim." Moreover, characters that tried to transfer to those shards this morning may also be stuck in transit; submit a ticket and a GM will get your character back as soon as possible.


    Thank you for your patience! We will have further details available as soon as we can.

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  7. Hello everyone!


    It’s been a rather exciting couple of weeks, hasn’t it? 😀


    There’s been a lot of talk, questions, and speculations as to what this means for Homecoming and City of Heroes™, both now and in the future, so we wanted to take a moment to talk about where we’re at and where we’re going.


    But first… how did we get here?

    The Journey Here
    Let’s look all the way back to May 2019, a month after Homecoming launched. We wrote an open letter to the community explaining our goals and motivations for everything that we’ve been doing. This statement still holds true:


    On 5/26/2019 at 6:22 PM, Jimmy said:

    The Homecoming Team is a group of individuals from across the City of Heroes community dedicated to creating a friendly, stable and long-term version of the game for everyone to enjoy. The key is in the name: We want this to feel like the home we all lost, and we want everybody to feel welcome.


    To break that down: Our prime directive is to keep the servers online and available to everyone. Every single decision we’ve made has been in support of that goal.

    Of course, after the events of 2019, City of Heroes can never truly go away again. But the game simply existing wasn’t good enough, in our books; it was already sunset once, and we didn't want to risk that happening again - potentially over and over.


    The community deserves a safe and stable long-term home - not uncertainty, division, and a lack of continuity. That’s why we began our talks to acquire a license in 2019 - to secure that future for everyone.


    It’s been a long road, and we know some of our decisions have seemed questionable or frustrating at times. We know we’ve made some mistakes and missteps along the way, but our motive has never changed. Everything we’ve done has been in service of that original goal.


    And it worked. Nearly five years later, the talks succeeded and Homecoming is now officially licensed to host City of Heroes. We’re back for real now - and it’s still a bit surreal!


    This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our entire team - the Game Masters (including those no longer with us), the development team, and the admin team - as well as you, the community. Without everyone's unwavering support, none of this would’ve been possible.


    Thank you.

    Victory + Paragon + Homecoming
    As we mentioned in the announcement FAQ, we are working towards merging in some friendly servers - Victory and Paragon.


    Victory will be joining us as our 6th live shard alongside Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting, Reunion and Indomitable. This will likely not take place for at least a couple of months as it’s a fairly complicated process, but we wanted to give you all a heads up so you aren’t surprised when it pops up!


    For those of you involved in Closed Beta testing, this will all be moving to take place inside Homecoming’s infrastructure, instead of being hosted by Paragon. As part of this, we will be setting up a new, straightforward path to join the Closed Beta process.


    As a fully volunteer organization, we obviously don’t have an in-house QA team. Our Closed Beta process is therefore vital for ensuring updates go smoothly. We hope to see many of you join in and help out once we’ve moved it over to Homecoming! 


    And, speaking of updates…

    Issue 27: Page 7 - Coming Soon!
    The next major update, Issue 27: Page 7, will be coming to Open Beta very soon™. This update is huge - new power sets, new story arcs (including the finale of Piecemeal’s story), zone updates, new customization options, enemy group updates, and our next Advanced Difficulty Task Force: Lady Grey.


    We hope you like reading, as the patch notes are nearly 70 pages long when pasted into a document.


    In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek:












    And there’s so much more to come in Issue 28 and beyond, including 🌊 & 🐮.

    Homecoming is Recruiting!
    Our team is growing! Not only are the fine folks from Paragon and Victory joining us, but we’ve also recently brought on a new group of Game Masters and developers - and we’re not stopping there!


    If you’re interested in joining the team, we'd love to hear from you!

    That’s all for today. Once again, thank you for all the support you’ve shown us. We hope you’re all as excited as we are for what the future holds!


    - Homecoming

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  8. 16 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

    Update - January 16th, 2024

    Everlasting & Torchbearer are now have +50% XP. Reunion and Indomitable will remain at +100% XP.


    Additionally, Rikti Invasions are now live on all shards and will continue until maintenance next week (January 23rd). Enjoy!


    Hello everyone!


    We're really pleased to see so many new and returning faces in the City! However, we're noticing that some of our servers are getting much more love than the others!


    As such, we're going to be temporarily enabling 🏆 Double XP and 👽 Rikti Invasions on Torchbearer, Reunion and Indomitable (yes, we remembered Indom) until further notice.


    You might also find our GMs awarding temporary titles to any Heroes and Villains who help defend against the Rikti invaders!


    (As a reminder, you can transfer characters between shards from the character select screen - 5 tokens every 3 days.)




    PS: Open zones may not have the bonus active if they've been online for a long time - if you're not getting the bonus, try rezoning.

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  9. 26 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:



    Wow, 2024 is off to a great start. Since you're adding more members to the Council of Thirteen what do I call you now? The Council of Seventeen? The Council of Nineteen?

    The City Council just doesn't sound conspiratorial enough for me.  😁

    Circle of Twelve has a nice ring to it, I guess.

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  10. 2 hours ago, UltraAlt said:


    I'm surprised that a GM hasn't comment yet.

    Sorry, busy day.


    Whichever one of you said that the appropriate response is to report them is correct. To the best of our ability, we do try to shut down political conversations in general chat, and LFG, and Help, and so on if need be. With that being said, it should not surprise anyone that I am locking this thread.


    Ceterum censeo, Snarky esse eligendum.

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