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Fever Dream

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  1. How's the damage on dark? I always feel like it is weak but I've only messed around a little on test server. Like how does dark/ compare to energy/ ?
  2. @Jaegernault can you post the just recent build? It is just somewhere in the pages of this post. Also, I'm looking to make a do-it-all character. I want the character for tfs, teams, solo, badges, etc. Do you guys have any opinions on TW vs. Battle axe? I know for 100%that I'm going/ bio
  3. How much less damage does dark/ do compared to fire/ or energy/? I've only messed with it on the test server but it always seems low damage.
  4. My quest for the perfect blaster continues. I'm very intrigued by /energy. It's unique with boost power and boost range. I also like the damage of the melee powers. I'm looking for a high damage, survivable blaster that can blame. Any recommendations? I was hoping that the damage over time component of fire/ would be improved by power boost but I'm not getting that in mids. Looks like just status effects are improved. Also would love to see any build for inspiration.
  5. Hey guys. I get the concept of storm cell and cat5. As you pump storm blast powers into the cell there are special effects. But abilities like cloud burst say +wet in the tool tip. I can't find any information on what wet does. So what is wet? Secondarily, What secondaries would you pair with storm? I was thinking /energy. Does power boost affect the secondary effects in storm cell and cast 5? I also thought the single target damage in /energy could help take down remaining Lts and Bosses after storm cell is down.
  6. @nemu You always post such in depth responses. I'm currently looking for a do it all character. You might remember my post on the brute forums. What blaster would you make for a do it all character? Badge hunting, tfs, solo missions, group missions, etc.
  7. Hope I'm not opening a bag of worms. How do you like the bio/Savage? I'm considering rolling one as a brute not tanker though. The single target damage is important to me and as I understand it, tanks do better aoe damage but brutes do better single target. (That is if you put all the Procs aside).
  8. Got a build to share? Would love to see it!
  9. How does the damage proc in stone actually work? Tried checking it out in mids but couldn't make sense of it.
  10. Hey guys. Long time player here. I currently play on Homecoming. I've leveled numerous characters over the years. I've tricked some of with full IO builds and abandoned numerous characters once they hit 50. Heck, I've played since release. Lately I've wanted to create a character that I can take into content I've never really done. Accolades, badges, TFs, solo, groups, etc. We'll call it the do it all brute. I am sold on Savage melee but I'm not sure if I should pair it with /bio or /rad. I'm also newer into making bills from scratch. I usually grab builds from the forums and keep the bones. Changing minor things like pool power picks. I'm looking for advice on a secondary and any builds that I can peek at. I come from ranged def capped blasters. So the resist/regeneration sets are new to me. @Nemu Thanks in advance all.
  11. @Nemu. You seem great at mids builds. Do you dapple in other AT's. Trying to find a savage/bio brute. Looking to make a character for all content: TFs, solo, group, badge hunting, etc. Just thought I'd try!
  12. Thank you for the detailed response. I must say I've copied the energy/elec blaster to the test server. It is ridiculously fun. I've been stuck in the mind set of capping defense on blasters but I feel like this build has set me free. Blasters are supposed to die once in a while right?
  13. My good Sir Myshkin. I'm extremely intrigued by your energy/electric blaster build. So many blasters build for defense. How does this build survive?
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